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Buildspec Overview

What is a buildspec?

In buildtest, we refer to buildspec as a YAML file that defines your test that buildtest will parse using the provided schemas and build a shell script from the buildspec file. Every buildspec is validated with a global schema which you can find more if you click :ref:`here <global_schema>`.


Let's start off with a simple example that declares two variables X and Y and prints the sum of X+Y.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/add_numbers.yml
   :language: yaml

buildtest will validate the entire file with global.schema.json, the schema requires version and buildspec in order to validate file. The buildspec is where you define each test. The name of the test is add_numbers. The test requires a type field which is the sub-schema used to validate the test section. In this example type: script informs buildtest to use the :ref:`script_schema` when validating test section.

Each subschema has a list of field attributes that are supported, for example the fields: type, executor, vars and run are all valid fields supported by the script schema. The version field informs which version of subschema to use. Currently all sub-schemas are at version 1.0 where buildtest will validate with a schema script-v1.0.schema.json. In future, we can support multiple versions of subschema for backwards compatibility.

Let's look at a more interesting example, shown below is a multi line run example using the script schema with test name called systemd_default_target, shown below is the content of test:

.. literalinclude:: ../../general_tests/configuration/systemd-default-target.yml
    :language: yaml

The test name systemd_default_target defined in buildspec section is validated with the following pattern "^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$". This test will use the executor generic.local.bash which means it will use the Local Executor with an executor name bash defined in the buildtest settings. The default buildtest settings will provide a bash executor as follows:

    hostnames: ["localhost"]
          description: submit jobs on local machine using bash shell
          shell: bash

The shell: bash indicates this executor will use bash to run the test scripts. To reference this executor use the format <system>.<type>.<name> in this case generic.local.bash refers to bash executor.

The description field is an optional key that can be used to provide a brief summary of the test. In this example we can a full multi-line run section, this is achieved in YAML using run: | followed by content of run section tab indented 2 spaces.

Script Schema

The script schema is used for writing simple scripts (bash, sh, python) in Buildspec. To use this schema you must set type: script. The run field is responsible for writing the content of test.

Shown below is schema header for script-v1.0.schema.json.

.. literalinclude:: ../../buildtest/schemas/script-v1.0.schema.json
   :language: json
   :lines: 1-8

The "type": "object" means sub-schema is a JSON object where we define a list of key/value pair. The "required" field specifies a list of fields that must be specified in order to validate the Buildspec. In this example, type, run, and executor are required fields. The additionalProperties: false informs schema to reject any extra properties not defined in the schema.

The executor key is required for all sub-schemas which instructs buildtest which executor to use when running the test. The executors are defined in :ref:`configuring_buildtest`. In our :ref:`first example <buildspec_example>` we define variables using the vars property which is a Key/Value pair for variable assignment. The run section is required for script schema which defines the content of the test script.

For more details on script schema see schema docs at

Declaring Environment Variables

You can define environment variables using the env property, this is compatible with shells: bash, sh, zsh, csh and tcsh. It does not work with shell: python. In example below we declare three tests using environment variable with default shell (bash), csh, and tcsh

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/environment.yml
   :language: yaml

This test can be run by issuing the following command: buildtest build -b tutorials/environment.yml. If we inspect one of the test script we will see that buildtest generates a build script that invokes the test using the shell wrapper /bin/csh for the csh test and gets the returncode.


############# START VARIABLE DECLARATION ########################
export BUILDTEST_TEST_NAME=csh_env_declaration
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ROOT=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/0
export BUILDTEST_BUILDSPEC_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/tutorials
export BUILDTEST_STAGE_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/0/stage
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ID=501ec5d3-e614-4ae8-9c1e-4849ce340c76
############# END VARIABLE DECLARATION   ########################

# source executor startup script
source /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/executor/generic.local.csh/
# Run generated script
/bin/csh /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.csh/environment/csh_env_declaration/0/stage/csh_env_declaration.csh
# Get return code
# Exit with return code
exit $returncode

This generated test looks something like this

# Declare environment variables
setenv SHELL_NAME csh

# Content of run section
echo "This is running $SHELL_NAME"

Environment variables are defined using export in bash, sh, zsh while csh and tcsh use setenv.

Declaring Variables

Variables can be defined using vars property, this is compatible with all shells except for python. The variables are defined slightly different in csh, tcsh as pose to bash, sh, and zsh. In example below we define tests with bash and csh.

In YAML strings can be specified with or without quotes however in bash, variables need to be enclosed in quotes " if you are defining a multi word string (name="First Last").

If you need define a literal string it is recommended to use the literal block | that is a special character in YAML. If you want to specify " or ' in string you can use the escape character \ followed by any of the special character. In example below we define several variables such as X, Y that contain numbers, variable literalstring is a literal string processed by YAML. The variable singlequote and doublequote defines a variable with the special character ' and ". The variables current_user and files_homedir store result of a shell command. This can be done using var=$(<command>) or var=`<command>` where <command> is a Linux command.


You can use the escape character \ to set special character, for instance you can declare a variable in string with quotes by using \".

.. literalinclude::  ../tutorials/vars.yml
   :language: yaml

Next we build this test by running buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b $BUILDTEST_ROOT/tutorials/vars.yml

Let's check the generated script from the previous build, you will notice that buildtest will define the shell variables at top of script followed content defined in run section.

# Declare shell variables
literalstring="this is a literal string ':' "

files_homedir=`find $HOME -type f -maxdepth 1`

# Content of run section
echo "$X+$Y=" $(($X+$Y))
echo $literalstring
echo $singlequote
echo $doublequote

echo $current_user
echo $files_homedir

Test Status

buildtest will record state of each test which can be PASS or FAIL. By default a 0 exit code is PASS and everything else is a FAIL. The status property can be used to determine how test will report its state. Currently, we can match state based on :ref:`returncode <returncode>`, :ref:`runtime <runtime>`, or :ref:`regular expression <regex>`.

Return Code Matching

buildtest can report PASS/FAIL based on returncode, by default a 0 exit code is PASS and everything else is FAIL. The returncode can be a list of exit codes to match. In this example we have four tests called exit1_fail, exit1_pass, returncode_list_mismatch and returncode_int_match. We expect exit1_fail and returncode_mismatch to FAIL while exit1_pass and returncode_int_match will PASS.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/pass_returncode.yml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 17-18,26-27,35-36

Let's build this test and pay close attention to the status column in output.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/pass_returncode.yml

The returncode field can be an integer or list of integers but it may not accept duplicate values. If you specify a list of exit codes, buildtest will check actual returncode with list of expected returncodes specified by returncode field.

Shown below are examples of invalid returncodes:

# empty list is not allowed
returncode: []

# floating point is not accepted in list
returncode: [1, 1.5]

# floating point not accepted
returncode: 1.5

# duplicates are not allowed
returncode: [1, 2, 5, 5]

Passing Test based on regular expression

buildtest can configure PASS/FAIL of test based on regular expression on output or error file. This can be useful if you are expecting a certain output from the test as pose to returncode check.

In this example we introduce, the regex field which is part of status that expects a regular expression via exp. The stream property must be stdout or stderr which indicates buildtest will read output or error file and apply regular expression. If there is a match, buildtest will record the test state as PASS otherwise it will be a FAIL. In this example, we have two tests that will apply regular expression on output file.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/status_regex.yml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 9-12,20-23

Now if we run this test, we will see first test will pass while second one will fail even though the returncode is a 0. Take a close look at the status property

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/status_regex.yml

Passing Test based on runtime

buildtest can determine state of test based on runtime property which is part of status object. This can be used if you want to control how test PASS or FAIL based on execution time of test. In example below we have five tests that make use of runtime property for passing a test. The runtime property support min and max property that can mark test pass based on minimum and maximum runtime. A test will pass if it's execution time is greater than min time and less than max time. If min is specified without max property the upperbound is not set, likewise max without min will pass if test is less than max time. The lower bound is not set, but test runtime will be greater than 0 sec.

In test timelimit_min, we sleep for 2 seconds and it will pass because minimum runtime is 1.0 seconds. Similarly, timelimit_max will pass because we sleep for 2 seconds with a max time of 5.0.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/runtime_status_test.yml
   :language: yaml
   :emphasize-lines: 9-12,21-23,31-33,42-44,52-54

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/runtime_status_test.yml

If we look at the test results, we expect the first three tests timelimit_min, timelimit_max, timelimit_min_max will pass while the last two tests fail because it fails to comply with runtime property.

.. command-output:: buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/runtime_status_test.yml --format name,id,state,runtime --latest

Defining Tags

The tags field can be used to classify tests which can be used to organize tests or if you want to :ref:`build_by_tags` (buildtest build --tags <TAGNAME>). Tags can be defined as a string or list of strings. In this example, the test string_tag defines a tag name network while test list_of_strings_tags define a list of tags named network and ping.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/tags_example.yml
    :language: yaml

Each item in tags must be a string and no duplicates are allowed, for example in this test, we define a duplicate tag network which is not allowed.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/invalid_tags.yml
    :language: yaml

If we run this test and inspect the logs we will see an error message in schema validation:

2020-09-29 10:56:43,175 [ - _validate() ] - [INFO] Validating test - 'duplicate_string_tags' with schemafile: script-v1.0.schema.json
2020-09-29 10:56:43,175 [ - parse_buildspecs() ] - [ERROR] ['network', 'network'] is not valid under any of the given schemas

Failed validating 'oneOf' in schema['properties']['tags']:
    {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'},
               {'$ref': '#/definitions/list_of_strings'}]}

On instance['tags']:
    ['network', 'network']

If tags is a list, it must contain one item, therefore an empty list (i.e tags: []) is invalid.

Customize Shell

Shell Type

buildtest will default to bash shell when running test, but we can configure shell option using the shell field. The shell field is defined in schema as follows:

"shell": {
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Specify a shell launcher to use when running jobs. This sets the shebang line in your test script. The ``shell`` key can be used with ``run`` section to describe content of script and how its executed",
  "pattern": "^(/bin/bash|/bin/sh|/bin/csh|/bin/tcsh|/bin/zsh|bash|sh|csh|tcsh|zsh|python).*"

The shell pattern is a regular expression where one can specify a shell name along with shell options. The shell will configure the shebang in the test-script. In this example, we illustrate a few tests using different shell field.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/shell_examples.yml
   :language: yaml

The generated test-script for buildspec _bin_sh_shell will specify shebang /bin/sh because we specified shell: /bin/sh:

# Content of run section
bzip2 --help

If you don't specify a shell path such as shell: sh, then buildtest will resolve path by looking in $PATH and build the shebang line.

In test shell_options we specify shell: "sh -x", buildtest will tack on the shell options into the called script as follows:


############# START VARIABLE DECLARATION ########################
export BUILDTEST_TEST_NAME=shell_options
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ROOT=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
export BUILDTEST_BUILDSPEC_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/tutorials
export BUILDTEST_STAGE_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ID=95c11f54-bbb1-4154-849d-44313e4417c2
############# END VARIABLE DECLARATION   ########################

# source executor startup script
source /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/executor/
# Run generated script
sh -x /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
# Get return code
# Exit with return code
exit $returncode

If you prefer csh or tcsh for writing scripts just set shell: csh or shell: tcsh, note you will need to match this with appropriate executor. For now use executor: generic.local.csh to run your csh/tcsh scripts. In this example below we define a script using csh, take note of run section we can write csh style.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/csh_shell_examples.yml
   :language: yaml

Customize Shebang

You may customize the shebang line in testscript using shebang field. This takes precedence over the shell property which automatically detects the shebang based on shell path.

In next example we have two tests bash_login_shebang and bash_nonlogin_shebang which tests if shell is Login or Non-Login. The #!/bin/bash -l indicates we want to run in login shell and expects an output of Login Shell while test bash_nonlogin_shebang should run in default behavior which is non-login shell and expects output Not Login Shell. We match this with regular expression with stdout stream.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/shebang.yml
    :language: yaml

Now let's run this test as we see the following.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/shebang.yml

If we look at the generated test for bash_login_shebang we see the shebang line is passed into the script:

#!/bin/bash -l
# Content of run section
shopt -q login_shell && echo 'Login Shell' || echo 'Not Login Shell'

Python Shell

You can use script schema to write python scripts using the run property. This can be achieved if you use the generic.local.python executor assuming you have this defined in your buildtest configuration.

Here is a python example calculating area of circle

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/python-shell.yml
   :language: yaml

The shell: python will let us write python script in the run section. The tags field can be used to classify test, the field expects an array of string items.


Python scripts are very picky when it comes to formatting, in the run section if you are defining multiline python script you must remember to use 2 space indent to register multiline string. buildtest will extract the content from run section and inject in your test script. To ensure proper formatting for a more complex python script you may be better off writing a python script in separate file and call it in run section.

Skipping test

By default, buildtest will run all tests defined in buildspecs section, if you want to skip a test use the skip field which expects a boolean value. Shown below is an example test.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/skip_tests.yml
   :language: yaml

The first test skip will be ignored by buildtest because skip: true is defined while unskipped will be processed as usual.


YAML and JSON have different representation for boolean. For json schema valid values are true and false see however YAML has many more representation for boolean see You may use any of the YAML boolean, however it's best to stick with json schema values true and false.

Here is an example build, notice message [skip] test is skipped during the build stage

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/skip_tests.yml

Defining Metrics

buildtest provides a method to define test metrics in the buildspecs which can be used to store arbitrary content from the output/error file into named metric. A metric is defined using the metrics property where each element under the metrics property is the name of the metric which must be a unique name. A metric can apply regular expression on stdout, stderr like in this example below. The metrics are captured in the test report which can be queried via buildtest report or buildtest inspect. Shown below is an example where we define two metrics named hpcg_rating and hpcg_state.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/metrics_regex.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 9-18

The metrics will not impact behavior of test, it will only impact the test report. By default a metric will be an empty dictionary if there is no metrics property. If we fail to match a regular expression, the metric will be defined as an empty string.


If your regular expression contains an escape character \ you must surround your string in single quotes ' as pose to double quotes "

Let's build this test.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics_regex.yml

We can query the metrics via buildtest report which will display all metrics as a comma separted Key/Value pair. We can use buildtest report --format metrics to extract all metrics for a test. Internally, we store the metrics as a dictionary but when we print them out via buildtest report we join them together into a single string. Shown below is the metrics for the previous build.

.. command-output:: buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/metrics_regex.yml --format name,metrics

You can define a metric based on :ref:`variables <variables>` or :ref:`environment variables <environment_variables>` which requires you have set vars or env property in the buildspec. The vars and env is a property under the metric name that can be used to reference name of variable or environment variable. If you reference an invalid name, buildtest will assign the metric an empty string. In this next example, we define two metrics gflop and foo that are assigned to variable GFLOPS and environment variable FOO.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/metrics_variable.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 15-19

Now let's build the test.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/metrics_variable.yml

Now if we query the previous test, we will see the two metrics gflops and foo are captured in the test.

.. command-output:: buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/metrics_variable.yml --format name,metrics

You can also define metrics with the :ref:`compiler schema <compiler_schema>` which works slightly different when it comes to variable and environment assignment. Since you can define vars and env in defaults or config section. Let's take a look at this next example where we compile an openmp code that will use the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment as the metric that is assigned to name openmp_threads. Since we have defined OMP_NUM_THREADS under the defaults and config section we will use the environment variable that corresponds to each compiler.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml
   :language: yaml


This test uses a custom site configuration that defines gcc multiple compilers.

Let's build this test as follows

$ buildtest -c config/laptop.yml build -b tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml

User:  siddiq90
Hostname:  DOE-7086392.local
Platform:  Darwin
Current Time:  2021/07/24 00:14:33
buildtest path: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/bin/buildtest
buildtest version:  0.10.0
python path: /Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-KLOcDrW0/bin/python
python version:  3.7.3
Test Directory:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests
Configuration File:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/config/laptop.yml
Command: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/bin/buildtest -c config/laptop.yml build -b tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml

| Stage: Discovering Buildspecs |

| Discovered Buildspecs                                                                    |
| /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml |
Discovered Buildspecs:  1
Excluded Buildspecs:  0
Detected Buildspecs after exclusion:  1

| Stage: Parsing Buildspecs |

 schemafile                | validstate   | buildspec
 compiler-v1.0.schema.json | True         | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml

name                       description
-------------------------  -----------------------------------
metrics_variable_compiler  define metrics with compiler schema
metrics_variable_compiler  define metrics with compiler schema
metrics_variable_compiler  define metrics with compiler schema

| Stage: Building Test |

 name                      | id       | type     | executor           | tags                     | compiler           | testpath
 metrics_variable_compiler | e45976b8 | compiler | generic.local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | builtin_gcc        | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_openmp/metrics_variable_compiler/11/
 metrics_variable_compiler | 8bc71f19 | compiler | generic.local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | gcc/9.3.0-n7p74fd  | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_openmp/metrics_variable_compiler/12/
 metrics_variable_compiler | 7127eb46 | compiler | generic.local.bash | ['tutorials', 'compile'] | gcc/10.2.0-37fmsw7 | /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/generic.local.bash/metrics_openmp/metrics_variable_compiler/13/

| Stage: Running Test |

 name                      | id       | executor           | status   |   returncode
 metrics_variable_compiler | e45976b8 | generic.local.bash | FAIL     |          127
 metrics_variable_compiler | 8bc71f19 | generic.local.bash | PASS     |            0
 metrics_variable_compiler | 7127eb46 | generic.local.bash | PASS     |            0

| Stage: Test Summary  |

Passed Tests: 2/3 Percentage: 66.667%
Failed Tests: 1/3 Percentage: 33.333%

Writing Logfile to: /Users/siddiq90/buildtest/buildtest_0a04808e.log
A copy of logfile can be found at $BUILDTEST_ROOT/buildtest.log -  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest.log

Now if we filter the results, notice that builtin_gcc got metrics openmp_threads=1 since that is the value set under the builtin_gcc compiler instance under the config section. The gcc/9.3.0-n7p74fd compiler got value of 2 because we have an entry defined under the config section while gcc/10.2.0-37fmsw7 compiler got the value of 4 from the default section that is inherited for all gcc compilers.

$ buildtest report --filter buildspec=tutorials/compilers/metrics_openmp.yml --format name,compiler,metrics
Reading report file: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/report.json

| name                      | compiler           | metrics          |
| metrics_variable_compiler | builtin_gcc        | openmp_threads=1 |
| metrics_variable_compiler | gcc/9.3.0-n7p74fd  | openmp_threads=2 |
| metrics_variable_compiler | gcc/10.2.0-37fmsw7 | openmp_threads=4 |

Running test across multiple executors

The executor property can support regular expression to search for compatible executors, this can be used if you want to run a test across multiple executors. In buildtest, we use re.fullmatch with the input pattern defined by executor property against a list of available executors defined in configuration file. You can retrieve a list of executors by running buildtest config executors.

In example below we will run this test on generic.local.bash and executor based on the regular expression.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/executor_regex_script.yml
   :language: yaml

If we build this test, notice that there are two tests, one for each executor.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/executor_regex_script.yml

Multiple Executors


This feature is in active development


This feature is compatible with type: script and type: spack.

The executors property can be used to define executor specific configuration for each test, currently this field can be used with :ref:`vars <variables>`, :ref:`env <environment_variables>` , scheduler directives: sbatch, bsub, pbs, cobalt and :ref:`cray burst buffer/data warp <cray_burstbuffer_datawarp>`. The executors field is a JSON object that expects name of executor followed by property set per executor. In this next example, we define variables X, Y and environment SHELL based on executors and generic.local.bash.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/script/multiple_executors.yml
   :language: yaml

Let's build this test.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/script/multiple_executors.yml

Now let's look at the generated content of the test as follows. We will see that buildtest will set X=1, Y=3 and SHELL=bash for generic.local.bash and X=2, Y=4 and SHELL=sh for

.. command-output:: buildtest inspect query -d all -t executors_vars_env_declaration

Scheduler Directives

We can also define scheduler directives based on executor type, in this example we define sbatch property per executor type. Note that sbatch property in the executors section will override the sbatch property defined in the top-level file otherwise it will use the default.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/script/executor_scheduler.yml
   :language: yaml

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/script/executor_scheduler.yml

If we inspect this test, we will see each each test have different #SBATCH directives for each test based on the sbatch property defined in the executors field.

.. command-output:: buildtest inspect query -d all -t executors_sbatch_declaration

Cray Burst Buffer and Data Warp

You can also define BB and DW directives in the executors field to override cray burst buffer and data warp settings per executor. buildtest will use the fields BB and DW and insert the #BB and #DW directives in the job script. For more details see :ref:`cray_burstbuffer_datawarp`.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/burstbuffer_datawarp_executors.yml
    :language: yaml

Status and Metrics Field

The :ref:`status <status>` and :ref:`metrics <metrics>` field are supported in executors which can be defined within the named executor. In this next example, we will define generic.local.bash to match test based on returncode 0 or 2 and define metrics named firstname that is assigned the value from variable FIRST. The second test using will match returncode of 1 and define a metrics named lastname that will store the value defined by variable LAST.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/script/status_by_executors.yml
    :language: yaml
    :emphasize-lines: 13-25

Now let's run this test and we will see the test using will fail because we have a returncode mismatch even though both tests got a 0 returncode as its actual value.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/script/status_by_executors.yml

Now let's see the test results by inspecting the metrics field using buildtest report. We see one test has the metrics name firstname=Michael and second test has lastname=Jackson.

.. command-output:: buildtest report --format id,name,metrics --filter name=status_returncode_by_executors


The run_only property is used for running test given a specific condition has met. For example, you may want a test to run only if its particular system (Linux, Darwin), operating system, scheduler, etc...

run_only - user

buildtest will skip test if any of the conditions are not met. Let's take an example in this buildspec we define a test name run_only_as_root that requires root user to run test. The run_only is a property of key/value pairs and user is one of the field. buildtest will only build & run test if current user matches user field. We detect current user using $USER and match with input field user. buildtest will skip test if there is no match.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/root_user.yml
   :language: yaml

Now if we run this test we see buildtest will skip test run_only_as_root because current user is not root.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b tutorials/root_user.yml

run_only - platform

Similarly, we can run test if it matches target platform. In this example we have two tests run_only_platform_darwin and run_only_platform_linux that are run if target platform is Darwin or Linux. This is configured using platform field which is a property of run_only object. buildtest will match target platform using platform.system() with field platform, if there is no match buildtest will skip test. In this test, we define a python shell using shell: python and run platform.system(). We expect the output of each test to have Darwin and Linux which we match with stdout using regular expression.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/run_only_platform.yml
   :language: yaml

This test was ran on a MacOS (Darwin) so we expect test run_only_platform_linux to be skipped.

.. program-output:: cat docgen/buildspecs/overview/run_only_platform.txt

run_only - scheduler

buildtest can run test if a particular scheduler is available. In this example, we introduce a new field scheduler that is part of run_only property. This field expects one of the following values: [lsf, slurm, cobalt, pbs] and buildtest will check if target system supports detects the scheduler. In this example we require lsf scheduler because this test runs bmgroup which is a LSF binary.


buildtest assumes scheduler binaries are available in $PATH, if no scheduler is found buildtest sets this to an empty list

.. literalinclude:: ../general_tests/sched/lsf/bmgroups.yml
   :language: yaml

If we build this test on a target system without LSF notice that buildtest skips test show_host_groups.

.. command-output:: buildtest build -b general_tests/sched/lsf/bmgroups.yml

run_only - linux_distro

buildtest can run test if it matches a Linux distro, this is configured using linux_distro field that is a list of Linux distros that is returned via In this example, we run test only if host distro is darwin.

.. literalinclude:: ../tutorials/run_only_distro.yml
   :language: yaml

This test will run successfully because this was ran on a Mac OS (darwin) system.

.. program-output:: cat docgen/buildspecs/overview/run_only_distro.txt