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File metadata and controls

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Buildspecs Interface

Now that we learned how to build tests, in this section we will discuss how one can query a buildspec cache. In buildtest, one can load all buildspecs which is equivalent to validating all buildspecs with the appropriate schema. Buildtest will ignore all invalid buildspecs and store them in a separate file.

The buildtest buildspec find command is used for finding buildspecs from buildspec cache. This command is also used for generating the buildspec cache. Shown below is a list of options for buildtest buildspec find.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --help

Finding Buildspecs - buildtest buildspec find

To find all buildspecs you can run buildtest buildspec find which will discover all buildspecs by recursively searching all .yml extensions. buildtest will validate each buildspec file with the json schema and buildtest will display all valid buildspecs in the output, all invalid buildspecs will be stored in a file for post-processing.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find

buildtest will load all discovered buildspecs in a cache file (JSON) which is created upon running buildtest buildspec find. Any subsequent runs will read from cache and update if any new buildspecs are added. If you make changes to buildspec you should rebuild the buildspec cache by running:

$ buildtest buildspec find --rebuild

If you want to find all buildspec files in cache you can run buildtest buildspec find --buildspec. Shown below is an example output.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --buildspec
   :ellipsis: 11

The buildtest buildspec find --paths will display a list of root directories buildtest will search for buildspecs when runninh buildtest buildspec find. One can define these directories in the configuration file or pass them via command line.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --paths

buildtest will search buildspecs in :ref:`buildspecs root <buildspec_roots>` defined in your configuration, which is a list of directory paths to search for buildspecs. If you want to load buildspecs from a directory path, you can specify a directory via --root option in the format: buildtest buildspec find --root <path> --rebuild. buildtest will load all valid buildspecs into cache and ignore the rest. It's important to add --rebuild if you want to regenerate buildspec cache.

Filtering buildspec

Once you have a buildspec cache, we can query the buildspec cache for certain attributes. When you run buildtest buildspec find it will report all buildspecs from cache which can be difficult to process. Therefore, we have a filter option (--filter) to restrict our search. Let's take a look at the available filter fields that are acceptable with filter option.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --helpfilter

The --filter option expects an arguments in key=value format as follows:

buildtest buildspec find --filter key1=value1,key2=value2,key3=value3

We can filter buildspec cache by tags=fail which will query all tests with associated tag field in test.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --filter tags=fail

In addition, we can query buildspecs by schema type using type property. In this example we query all tests by type property

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --filter type=script
    :ellipsis: 21

Finally, we can combine multiple filter fields separated by comma, in the next example we can query all buildspecs with tags=tutorials,, and type=script

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --filter tags=tutorials,,type=script

We can filter output of buildspec cache by buildspec using --filter buildspec=<path> which expects a path to buildspec file. The buildspec must be in the cache and file path must exist in order to fetch the result. The path can be absolute or relative path.

In this next example, we will filter cache by file tutorials/pass_returncode.yml and use --format name,buildspec to format columns. The --format buildspec will show full path to buildspec and name refers to name of test. For more details on --format see :ref:`format_buildspec`.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --filter buildspec=tutorials/pass_returncode.yml --format name,buildspec

Format buildspec cache

We have seen how one can filter buildspecs, but we can also configure which columns to display in the output of buildtest buildspec find. By default, we show a pre-selected format fields in the output, however there are more format fields available that can be configured at the command line.

The format fields are specified in comma separated format such as buildtest buildspec find --format <field1>,<field2>,.... You can see a list of all format fields by --helpformat option as shown below

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --helpformat

In the next example, we utilize --format field with --filter option to show how format fields affect table columns. buildtest will display the table in order of format fields specified in command line.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --format name,description,buildspec --filter tags=tutorials,

buildtest makes use of python library named tabulate to generate these tables which are found in commands line like buildtest buildspec find and buildtest report.

Querying buildspec tags

If you want to retrieve all unique tags from all buildspecs you can run buildtest buildspec find --tags. This can be useful if you want to know available tags in your buildspec cache.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --tags

In addition, buildtest can group tests by tags via buildtest buildspec find --group-by-tags which can be useful if you want to know which tests get executed when running buildtest build --tags. The output is grouped by tag names, followed by name of test and description.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --group-by-tags
   :ellipsis: 41

Querying buildspec executor

If you want to know all executors in your buildspec cache use the buildtest buildspec find --executors command. This can be useful when you want to build by executors (buildtest build --executor).

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --executors

Similar to --group-by-tags, buildtest has an option to group tests by executor using --group-by-executor option. This will show tests grouped by executor, name of test and test description. Shown below is an example output.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --group-by-executor
    :ellipsis: 31

Query Maintainers

When you are writing your buildspecs, you can specify the maintainers field to assign authors to buildspecs. buildtest can query the maintainers from the cache once buildspecs are loaded. You can retrieve all maintainers using --maintainers option or -m short option. In this example, we show all maintainers for buildspecs in buildspec cache

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find --maintainers

If you want to see a breakdown of maintainers by buildspec file you can use --maintainers-by-buildspecs or -mb short option. This can be useful to get correlation between maintainers and the buildspec file.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find -mb

Terse Output

You can use the --terse option to print output of buildtest buildspec find in terse format that can be useful if you want to parse content of file. In example below, we will print output of tags in terse format, the first entry tags is the header followed by list of unique tags. The --no-header option can be used to disable printing of header title.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find -t --terse

Invalid Buildspecs - buildtest buildspec find invalid

buildtest will store invalid buildspecs in the cache file which can be retrieved using buildtest buildspec find invalid. buildtest will attempt to parse each buildspec and store error message for every buildspec. If you run without any options it will report a list of invalid buildspecs as shown below

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find invalid

If you want to see error messages for each buildspec you can pass the -e or --error option which will display output of each buildspec followed by error message.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec find invalid -e

Cache Summary - buildtest buildspec summary

The buildtest buildspec summary command can be used to provide a summary of the buildspec cache. This command can be used assuming your cache is built via buildtest buildspec find. Shown below is a summary of the cache file.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec summary

Validate Buildspecs - buildtest buildspec validate

buildtest can validate buildspecs through the buildtest buildspec validate command which provides analogous options for buildtest build for selecting buildspecs such as -b, -e, -t and -e. This command can be used to validate buildspecs with the JSON Schema which can be useful if you are writing a buildspec and want to validate the buildspec without running the test.

Shown below are the available command options.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec validate --help

The -b option can be used to specify path to buildspec file or directory to validate buildspecs. If its a directory, buildtest will traverse all directories recursively and find any .yml file extensions and attempt to validate each buildspec. Shown below is an example output of what it may look like

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec validate -b tutorials/vars.yml

If buildtest detects an error during validation, the error message will be displayed to screen as we see in this example

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec validate -b tutorials/invalid_tags.yml

Similarly we can search buildspecs based on tags if you want to validate a group of buildspecs using the -t option. We can append -t option multiple times to search by multiple tag names. In this next example, we will validate all buildspecs for python and pass tags.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec validate -t python -t pass

Finally we can also search by executors using the -e option which can be appended to search by multiple executors.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec validate -e generic.local.csh

Edit buildspecs buildtest edit

The buildtest edit command can be used to edit buildspec with your preferred editor defined by environment $EDITOR, if this environment is not set buildtest will resort to vim. Once you make change, the file will be written back to disk and validated with the jsonschema. If it passes validation you will see a message such as follows:

$ buildtest edit tutorials/vars.yml
Writing file: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest.tmp/tutorials/vars.yml
/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest.tmp/tutorials/vars.yml is valid

If there is an error during validation, buildtest will print the exception to stdout and it is your responsibility to fix the buildspec based on error message. In example below, the user provided an invalid value for type field.

$ buildtest edit tutorials/vars.yml
Writing file: /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest.tmp/tutorials/vars.yml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/bin/buildtest", line 17, in <module>
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/", line 103, in main
    edit_buildspec(args.buildspec, configuration)
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/cli/", line 23, in edit_buildspec
    BuildspecParser(buildspec, be)
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/buildsystem/", line 74, in __init__
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/buildsystem/", line 185, in _validate
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/buildsystem/", line 101, in _check_schema_type
    raise BuildspecError(self.buildspec, msg)
buildtest.exceptions.BuildspecError: '[/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest.tmp/tutorials/vars.yml]: type script123 is not known to buildtest.'

Show buildspec buildtest buildspec show

buildtest can display content of buildspec file given a test name via buildtest buildspec show command which expects a positional argument that is the name of test. This can be quick way to see content of buildspec without remembering the full path to the buildspec.

In this next example, we will instruct buildtest to show content of buildspec for test name python_hello.

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec show python_hello

There is bash completion for this command which will show list of test names available in the cache assuming you have run buildtest buildspec find. If you specify an invalid test name you will get an error followed by list of tests that are available in the cache

.. command-output:: buildtest buildspec show XYZ123!
   :returncode: 1