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File metadata and controls

345 lines (232 loc) · 15.4 KB

Additional Features

Accessing build history (buildtest history)


buildtest hy is an alias for buildtest history command.

buildtest keeps track of all builds (buildtest build) that can be retrieved using buildtest history command which can be useful when you want to analyze or troubleshoot past builds. The buildtest history command comes with two subcommands buildtest history list and buildtest history query.

If you want to list all builds you should run buildtest history list which will report a table style format of all builds with corresponding build ID to differentiate each build. Shown below is an example output. The build IDs start at 0 and increment as you run buildtest build command.

buildtest history list

The buildtest history query command is particularly useful when you want to inspect a particular build. This command expects a Build Identifier which can be found by inspecting output column id in buildtest history list.

Shown below is an output of build ID 0 which reports relevant detail for the build such as input command, username, hostname, platform, date, etc...

buildtest history query 0

If you want to see all available build IDs, you can use the following command. The -t is terse format and --no-header will omit the headers for each column and pipe the output to cut to extract the first column which corresponds to build IDs.

buildtest hy list -t --no-header | cut -f 1 -d '|'

buildtest has tab complete on buildtest history query which reports a list of build IDs which is another way to see available IDs to query.

$ buildtest history query
0   1   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  2   20  21  22  23  3   4   5   6   7   8   9

If you want to see logfile for build ID 0 you can use --log option to see logfile in an editor as follows:

buildtest history query 0 --log

buildtest will store output of buildtest build command to file if command ran to completion. You can retrieve output of previous builds using the --output option. In example below we show output of build file

buildtest history query --output 0

Accessing buildtest documentation

We provide two command line options to access main documentation and schema docs. This will open a browser on your machine.

To access buildtest docs you can run:

buildtest docs

To access schema docs you can run:

buildtest schemadocs

Disabling Colored Output

buildtest will display output in color format using the rich.Console class. You can disable colored output via buildtest --no-color argument or set this persistent via environment variable BUILDTEST_COLOR=False.

CDASH Integration (buildtest cdash)

The buildtest cdash command is responsible for uploading tests to CDASH server. You will need to specify cdash_configuration in your configuration file. Shown below is the command usage.

buildtest cdash --help

The buildtest cdash upload command is responsible for uploading all tests in report.json into CDASH. You must specify a buildname when using buildtest cdash upload in this example we will specify a buildname called `tutorials`:

$ buildtest cdash upload tutorials
Reading configuration file:  /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/buildtest/settings/config.yml
Reading report file:  /Users/siddiq90/.buildtest/report.json
build name:  tutorials
site:  generic
stamp:  20210428-1512-Experimental
MD5SUM: d7651cb3fbdd19298b0188c441704c3a
You can view the results at:

We can see the output of these tests in CDASH if we go to url


By default buildtest will read the report file in your $HOME/.buildtest/report.json, we can specify an alternate report file. First let's see the available help options for buildtest cdash upload.

buildtest cdash upload --help

We can pass an alternate report file using -r option when uploading tests to CDASH. This can be useful if you want to map test results to different buildnames in CDASH perhaps running a different subset of tests via buildtest build --tags and upload the test results with different buildname assuming you have different paths to report file.

Let's say we want to build all python tests using tags and store them in a report file which we want to push to CDASH with buildgroup name python we can do that as follows

buildtest -r $BUILDTEST_ROOT/python.json build --tags python

Next we upload the tests using the -r option to specify the report file

buildtest -r $BUILDTEST_ROOT/python.json cdash upload python

The buildtest cdash view command can be used to open CDASH project in a web browser using the command line. This feature assumes you have set the CDASH setting in your configuration file.

Cleaning buildtest files (buildtest clean)

The buildtest clean command can be used to remove files generated by buildtest such as test files, report files, buildspec cache, and history files. You will be prompted for response to clean up files for confirmation. If you want to avoid user response you can use buildtest clean -y to accept confirmation for all prompts and buildtest will remove the files.

$ buildtest clean
Remove Test Directory /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests (y/n) [default: y]
Remove Report File /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/report.json (y/n) [default: y]
Remove History Directory /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/.history (y/n) [default: y]
Remove Buildspec Cache /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/buildspecs/cache.json (y/n) [default: y]
======> Remove Test Directory
======> Removing Report File
======> Removing History Directory
======> Removing buildspec cache

Changing Directories (buildtest cd)

The buildtest cd command can be used to change directory to root of test given a test name. The change will be applied to your shell upon completion of command. Let's assume we want to change directory to root of test exit1_pass we can do this as follows:

$ buildtest cd exit1_pass
Changing directory to root of test: exit1_pass/8c4b6ac9-e94e-40d9-8d96-7aaa3a5d3723

$ pwd

In this previous example, buildtest will use the latest run for test exit1_pass and switch directory to root of test.

We can confirm this directory is from the latest run by running the following command. The testroot is a property in the report table that can be fetch via --format field. The --latest option will fetch the latest run for the test.

$ buildtest report --latest --filter name=exit1_pass --format testroot --terse --no-header

If you switch cd into a particular build you can specify the name followed by backslash and name of test ID. In this example below, we will specify test name kernel_swapusage/1fa and buildtest will attempt to find first record that starts with the test ID and switch directory to root of test.

$ buildtest cd kernel_swapusage/1fa
Changing directory to root of test: kernel_swapusage/1fa21875-b099-41b6-8bc7-30e0d2dcc13b

$ pwd

Get Path for Test (buildtest path)

The buildtest path command is used to display path attributes for a test that is available in the test report. Shown below are available options for buildtest path

buildtest path -h

If you want to fetch the last run for any given test you can specify the name of the test as follows: buildtest path <name>. We can specify a test ID for a test by separating the name and test ID with backslash character (/) as follows: buildtest path <name>/<ID>

If you don't specify any option you will get root of test. In this example, we will retrieve testroot for test variables_bash which is a property of the test found in the report file.

buildtest path variables_bash

You can get path to testscript via -t option as show below

buildtest path -t variables_bash

If you want to see content of output file, you can use -o option with cat command as follows:

cat $(buildtest path -o variables_bash)

In this next example we will query test circle_area with build ID aaa and buildtest will find the first match record that starts with this record and resolves to aaaa622d which is the short ID of test. In the second example we query the latest path for latest run for test circle_area

$ buildtest path circle_area/aaa

$ buildtest path circle_area

We have setup mutual exclusion to avoid user from passing two option at same time. If you do run into this situation you will get the following error.

buildtest path -o -e variables_bash

If you specify an invalid test name or buildtest can't find the test id, then buildtest will print list of available test names with IDs.

Buildtest Debug Report (buildtest debugreport)

The buildtest debugreport command is used for debugging especially when you want to raise an issue to buildtest project. This command will provide system details along with configuration file and output of log file during the report.

buildtest debugreport

Command Line Interface to buildtest configuration

Once you have implemented your buildtest configuration, you can query the configuration details using buildtest config command. Shown below is the command usage.

buildtest config --help


buildtest cg is an alias for buildtest config command.

Validate buildtest configuration (buildtest config validate)

First thing you should do once you implement your configuration file is to make sure your configuration is valid with the schema. This can be achieved by running buildtest config validate. When you invoke this command, buildtest will load the configuration and attempt to validate the file with schema settings.schema.json. If validation is successful you will get the following message:

buildtest config validate


If you defined a user setting (~/.buildtest/config.yml) buildtest will validate this file instead of default one.

If there is an error during validation, the output from jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError will be displayed in terminal. For example the error below indicates that moduletool property was expecting one of the values [environment-modules, lmod, N/A] but it recieved a value of none:

$ buildtest config validate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/bin/buildtest", line 17, in <module>
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/", line 39, in main
    buildtest_configuration = check_settings(settings_file, retrieve_settings=True)
  File "/Users/siddiq90/Documents/buildtest/buildtest/", line 41, in check_settings
    validate(instance=user_schema, schema=config_schema)
  File "/Users/siddiq90/.local/share/virtualenvs/buildtest-1gHVG2Pd/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsonschema/", line 934, in validate
    raise error
jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: 'none' is not one of ['environment-modules', 'lmod', 'N/A']

Failed validating 'enum' in schema['properties']['moduletool']:
    {'description': 'Specify modules tool used for interacting with '
                    '``module`` command. ',
     'enum': ['environment-modules', 'lmod', 'N/A'],
     'type': 'string'}

On instance['moduletool']:

View buildtest configuration (buildtest config view)

If you want to view buildtest configuration you can run buildtest config view which will print content of buildtest configuration.

buildtest config view


buildtest config view will display contents of user buildtest settings ~/.buildtest/config.yml if found, otherwise it will display the default configuration

View Executors (buildtest config executors)

You can use the command buildtest config executors to view executors from buildtest configuration file. Shown below is the command usage

buildtest config executors --help

You can run buildtest config executors without any options and it will report a list of named executors that you would reference in buildspec using the executor property. If you prefer json or yaml format you can use --json or --yaml option.

buildtest config executors

View Registered Systems

Your buildtest configuration may compose of one or more systems since you can define multiple systems in a single configuration file to run buildtest for different HPC clusters. You can use buildtest config systems to report all system details defined in your configuration file. In this example below we should the generic system. If you have multiple entries, you will see one entry per system record.

buildtest config systems

Example Configurations

buildtest provides a few example configurations for configuring buildtest this can be retrieved by running buildtest schema -n settings.schema.json --examples or short option (-e), which will validate each example with schema file settings.schema.json.

buildtest schema -n settings.schema.json -e

If you want to retrieve full json schema file for buildtest configuration you can run buildtest schema -n settings.schema.json --json or short option -j.