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Customize Shell

Shell Type

buildtest will default to bash shell when running test, but we can configure shell option using the shell field. The shell field is defined in schema as follows:

"shell": {
  "type": "string",
  "description": "Specify a shell launcher to use when running jobs. This sets the shebang line in your test script. The ``shell`` key can be used with ``run`` section to describe content of script and how its executed",
  "pattern": "^(/bin/bash|/bin/sh|/bin/csh|/bin/tcsh|/bin/zsh|bash|sh|csh|tcsh|zsh|python).*"

The shell pattern is a regular expression where one can specify a shell name along with shell options. The shell will configure the shebang in the test-script. In this example, we illustrate a few tests using different shell field.


The generated test-script for buildspec _bin_sh_shell will specify shebang /bin/sh because we specified shell: /bin/sh:

# Content of run section
bzip2 --help

If you don't specify a shell path such as shell: sh, then buildtest will resolve path by looking in $PATH and build the shebang line.

In test shell_options we specify shell: "sh -x", buildtest will tack on the shell options into the called script as follows:


############# START VARIABLE DECLARATION ########################
export BUILDTEST_TEST_NAME=shell_options
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ROOT=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
export BUILDTEST_BUILDSPEC_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/tutorials
export BUILDTEST_STAGE_DIR=/Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
export BUILDTEST_TEST_ID=95c11f54-bbb1-4154-849d-44313e4417c2
############# END VARIABLE DECLARATION   ########################

# source executor startup script
source /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/executor/
# Run generated script
sh -x /Users/siddiq90/Documents/GitHubDesktop/buildtest/var/tests/
# Get return code
# Exit with return code
exit $returncode

If you prefer csh or tcsh for writing scripts just set shell: csh or shell: tcsh, note you will need to match this with appropriate executor. For now use executor: generic.local.csh to run your csh/tcsh scripts. In this example below we define a script using csh, take note of run section we can write csh style.


Customize Shebang

You may customize the shebang line in testscript using shebang field. This takes precedence over the shell property which automatically detects the shebang based on shell path.

In next example we have two tests bash_login_shebang and bash_nonlogin_shebang which tests if shell is Login or Non-Login. The #!/bin/bash -l indicates we want to run in login shell and expects an output of Login Shell while test bash_nonlogin_shebang should run in default behavior which is non-login shell and expects output Not Login Shell. We match this with regular expression with stdout stream.


Now let's run this test as we see the following.

buildtest build -b tutorials/shebang.yml

buildtest build -b tutorials/shebang.yml

If we look at the generated test for bash_login_shebang we see the shebang line is passed into the script:

#!/bin/bash -l
# Content of run section
shopt -q login_shell && echo 'Login Shell' || echo 'Not Login Shell'

Python Shell

You can use script schema to write python scripts using the run property. In order to write python code you must set shell property to python interpreter such as `shell: python or full path to python wrapper such as shell: /usr/bin/python.

Here is a python example calculating area of circle



Python scripts are very picky when it comes to formatting, in the run section if you are defining multiline python script you must remember to use 2 space indent to register multiline string. buildtest will extract the content from run section and inject in your test script. To ensure proper formatting for a more complex python script you may be better off writing a python script in separate file and invoke the python script in the run section.