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Primary Responsibilities in team role of User Interface Developer

- [ ]  You will build a multi-page marketing website that matches the theme chosen by your group and provides the user with details about the product your team has selected to build.

- [ ]  Your marketing website must include responsive mobile and desktop screen widths. Please see the "Responsiveness" portion of your rubric for more information on this.

- [ ]  The call to action on the website should be a login button that links the user over to the React application that your Front End Architect is building.

- [ ]  Your marketing website must be hosted on a hosting platform like "Netlify" or "Github Pages".

- [ ]  For this Marketing site's home page you need to have content and copy that relates to the product that your team is working on.

- [ ]  Descriptions about the product and about the features it provides would be key.

- [ ]  For a second page, you could do an about us section that includes images of the members of your team, and links to one another's socials/Github.


MENTOR-ME Description

Big boss wants us to create a marketing landing page that uses thematic color schemes(see ###Primary colors). The Mentor-Me landing page should be the primary marketing location to inform, convince, and empower prospective entreprenuerial users to register. Page should link to a second page; an about page with team member info, pictures, etc. Site should also incorporate the use of components and a class constructor.

Primary colors:

Darker blue color: rgb(85, 116, 247); Lighter blue color: rgb(96, 195, 255);

Primary Design Layout Inspiration

Using Tumblr site as primary landing page inspiration. Click here to review the home design;

Project Schedule

Monday - Milestones

User Interface Developer - Marketing landing page scaffolded with common layout structure implemented, - Mobile screen width features starting to come into play. - Lorem ipsum can be used to fill in your content on your pages. Links listed below. - -

Tuesday - Milestones

User Interface Developer - **** Marketing site including all pages fully responsive to Mobile and Desktop screen widths. - All pages laid out all that's left for each page are styling tweaks. - **** Marketing "Login" call to action links user to the Deployed React app login screen.

Wednesday - Milestones

User Interface Developer - Marketing site replace placeholder copy with description of product. Be creative here. Really try and describe your project, your project's features and of course have a cool "About Us" page with relevant copy that describes your team members and their roles. - All marketing site pages fully responsive and built out, may still need to polish up styling and layout.

Thursday - Milestones - FEATURE FREEZE

  • All Team Members -
    • No new features past 11AM PST/GMT.
    • Polish everything.
    • Strong emphasis on bug fixes and UI/UX.
    • Document your projects within the Readme files in their Github repositories. Without having to talk to you specifically, any developer should be able to install, contribute to, and run your project based on the descriptions found in your readme.

Friday - Demo Day

- There will be a school wide demo held on Friday for 1 hour during the morning.
    - Students will volunteer their projects to be demoed to their PMs.
    - Only 10 Projects will be demoed across the entire student body.
- Group wide demos will take place in your PM groups - PMs will use the project rubric to assign a score.
- Sprint Retrospective to happen before students break for the week.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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