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Saga reference architecture v3

This repository contains infrastructure configurations for running the saga application's v3 architecture design in AWS.

The main features of this application contains

  • A kubernetes cluster for running the API and jobs
  • An elasticsearch cluster for logging
  • Codebuild projects to run GitOps workflows in AWS

The database remains as the standalone mongodb instance running on EC2



A terraform module that contains the following basic infrastructure resources:

Resource Name Description
aws_eks_cluster cluster The EKS cluster that all workloads (except for DB) would be running on
aws_iam_role worker_role The IAM role attached to the worker nodes as an instance profile (see - Note that this role includes the CNI policy
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment worker-node-eks-policy Attachment of the EKS node policy onto the role
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment worker-node-ecr-policy Attachment of the ECR read-only policy onto the role
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment worker-node-cni-policy Attachment of the CNI policy onto the role
aws_eks_node_group nodegroup The main nodegroup of the EKS cluster
aws_iam_openid_connect_provider cluster_oidc The IAM OIDC provider that enables IAM service accounts for workloads (see
aws_elasticsearch_domain es_domain The managed elasticsearch domain in AWS that allows for log analysis


A terraform moule that contains all required plugins and integrations to setup the cluster platform

Resource Name Description
aws_iam_policy aws_load_balancer_controller_policy The IAM policy that outlines the AWS permissions granted to the load balancer controller (see
aws_iam_role aws_load_balancer_controller_role The IAM role attached to the service account provided to the load balancer controller (see
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment load_balancer_controller_role_policy Attachment of the load balancer controller policy to role
kubernetes_service_account service_account AWS load balancer controller service account in the cluster with an IRSA on the above role (see
helm_release aws_load_balancer_controller Helm release of the load balancer controller
aws_iam_policy external_dns_policy The IAM policy that outlines the AWS permissions granted to the External DNS plugin (see
aws_iam_role external_dns_role The role attached to the service account provided to exernal DNS
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment external_dns_role_policy Attachment of the external DNS policy to role
kubernetes_service_account external_dns_service_account External DNS service account in the cluster with an IRSA on its role
helm_release external_dns Helm release of external DNS (see
kubernetes_namespace prometheus_namespace The Kubernetes namespace used for prometheus cluster monitoring
helm_release prometheus The Helm chart installing the prometheus application on the cluster
kubernetes_namespace grafana_namespace The Kubernetes namespace used for grafana metric visualisation
helm_release grafana The Helm chart installing the grafana application on the cluster, will create an AWS CLB to expose the grafana endpoint
aws_iam_policy fluent_bit_policy The IAM policy that outlines the AWS permissions granted to the fluentbit pods
kubernetes_namespace logging_namespace The Kubernetes namespace used for fluent logging capability
aws_iam_role fluent_bit_role The IAM role attached to the service account provided to the fluentbit pods
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment fluent_bit_role_policy Attachment of the fluentbit policy to role
kubernetes_service_account fluent_bit_service_account Fluentbit service account in the cluster with an IRSA on the above role
helm_release fluent_bit Helm release of the fluentbit daemonset

This directory also includes a grafana.yaml file which the Helm release for grafana uses to set out parameters to setup the grafana datasource


A Cloudformation template that sets up a Codebuild project, an IAM role for the project, and an ECR repository. Upon push of the recommender API code repository, the codebuild project triggers the build of the application into a docker image, and pushed it into the ECR repository.


A Cloudformation template that sets up the GitOps pipeline for the recommender API by setting up a Codebuild project, an IAM role for the project, a CloudWatch events rule (with associated IAM role) to trigger the project upon push to the ECR repo mentioned in the above template. The project runs a helm upgrade everytime.


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