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CAS in the cloud LELEU Jérôme edited this page Sep 3, 2024 · 57 revisions

See the pac4j release notes as well.

Version 9.0.2:

  • Fix a bug when interacting with other realms

Version 9.0.1:

  • Removed the useless Pac4jReflectionBuilder

Version 9.0.0:

  • Update to pac4j v6

Version 8.1.1:

  • Fix a bug when interacting with other realms

Version 8.1.0:

  • The toString method of the Pac4jPrincipal now returns the name

Version 8.0.0:

  • buji-pac4j is now only a bridge which must be used with a pac4j security library (for example: javaee-pac4j)

Version 7.0.0:

  • Update to pac4j v5.4 (pulls pac4j-javaee)
  • Update to Shiro v1.9.0

Version 6.1.0:

  • Update to pac4j v5.2 (pulls pac4j-jee)
  • Update to Shiro v1.8.0

Version 6.0.0:

  • Update to pac4j v5
  • Update to Java 11
  • Update to Shiro v1.7.0

Version 5.0.1:

  • Fix SLO back-channel calls
  • Update to Shiro v1.5.3
  • Update to pac4j v4.0.1

Version 5.0.0:

  • Update to pac4j v4
  • Update to Shiro v1.5.2

Version 4.1.1:

  • Upgraded to pac4j v3.7.0
  • Upgraded to Shiro v1.4.1
  • Fixed a bug on the session creation

Version 4.1.0:

  • Upgraded to pac4j v3.4.0

Version 4.0.0:

  • Upgraded to pac4j v3.0
  • Properly handles the failure in Shiro login (by removing the pac4j identity)

Version 3.2.0:

  • Added specialized callback and security logics

Version 3.1.0:

  • A custom HttpActionAdapter can be used on the callback endpoint
  • Upgrade to pac4j v2.2.1

Version 3.0.0:

  • Upgrade to pac4j v2.1.0

Version 2.2.0:

  • The config, clients, pac4jRealm, pac4jSubjectFactory and callbackFilter components are available by default (they are automatically loaded thanks to the Pac4jIniEnvironment component)
  • Upgrade to Shiro v1.4.0 and pac4j v1.9.7

Version 2.1.0-RC1:

  • Proper session initialization for indirect clients
  • Upgrade to Scribe 1.4.0-RC2
  • Upgrade to pac4j v1.9.5

Version 2.0.3:

  • Upgrade to pac4j v1.9.4 (security fix)

Version 2.0.2:

  • Upgrade to Shiro 1.3.2
  • Upgrade to pac4j v1.9.2 (improved CAS, JWT and OpenID Connect supports)
  • Replace ShiroContext by ShiroProfileManager

Version 2.0.1:

  • Fix serialization issues on Pac4jPrincipal
  • Upgrade to Shiro 1.3.1

Version 2.0.0:

  • Based on pac4j v1.9.1 (Java 8, Shiro 1.3.0, Servlet 3.1...)
  • Using all pac4j capabilities: clients, authorizers, matchers, SecurityFilter, CallbackFilter
  • Multi-profiles support
  • Merge buji-pac4j-core and buji-pac4j-servlet into a single buji-pac4j component

Version 1.4.0:

  • Upgrade to pac4j v1.8.1 (Updated OAuth, CAS, SAML, OpenID Connect supports + customizable callback urls)
  • Update to Java 7, Shiro 1.2.4, Servlet 3

Version 1.3.1:

  • Update to pac4j v1.7 (new OpenID Connect and Strava supports, removed Google OpenID support)

Version 1.3.0:

  • Split core and servlet
  • Update to pac4j 1.6.0 (new Google App Engine module, support for Yahoo with OpenID, Support for ORCiD / OAuth)

Version 1.2.3:

  • Upgrade to Shiro 1.2.3
  • Add Bitbucket support

Version 1.2.2:

  • Update to pac4j 1.5.0 : new PayPal OAuth 2.0 support
  • remove support
  • add support
  • add Foursquare support
  • add SAML support

Version 1.2.1:

  • Update to pac4j 1.4.1 : new LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 and Google OpenID providers

Version 1.2.0:

  • Based on pac4j 1.4.0 : add supports for OpenID, HTTP and CAS protocols

Version 1.1.0:

  • All providers have a CommonProfile
  • Multiple providers can be gathered in a ProvidersDefinition and share the same OAuth callback url

Version 1.0.0:

  • This is the first version of the library
  • Support of DropBox, Facebook, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Windows Live, WordPress and Yahoo
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