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This repo is about to show the problems I've encountered with the axios-cache-interceptor


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# or alternative way to use specified node version

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node --expose-gc test/ok.js

This is the baseline test to show the happy path, that everything works ok and memory is cleaned out after a given time.

You should see the output like this:

[13:51:22.947] [Server] Running at http://localhost:3000/
[13:51:22.948] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:51:22.950] [Memory] Heap used: 5.37 MB
[13:51:22.950] [Test] --- start test ---
[13:51:22.950] [Test] Requesting 10 pipelines with 5 requests each
[13:51:25.393] [Test] Ended with responses: Cached: 0 / Non-cached: 50
[13:51:25.393] [Cache] Total entries: 50
[13:51:25.393] [Cache] Entries data size: 47.68 MB
[13:51:25.393] [Axios] Waiting requests: 0
[13:51:25.393] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:51:25.395] [Memory] Heap used: 54.12 MB
[13:51:25.395] [Timeout] Waiting for 11000 ms
[13:51:36.398] [Cache] Total entries: 0
[13:51:36.398] [Cache] Entries data size: 0.00 MB
[13:51:36.398] [Axios] Waiting requests: 0
[13:51:36.398] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:51:36.404] [Memory] Heap used: 6.27 MB

Please notice how the heap memory is back to a very low value after calling the GC.


node --expose-gc test/etag.js

This test shows that cache entries are kept forever if the resource returns ETag header.

This is not a bug, but it is problematic if you fetch data from varying endpoints and each of them returns ETag (default express behavior).

I thought it could be turned off with etag setting, but it's impossible.

The same problem applies if the server returns the last-modified header.

Sample output:

[13:56:29.788] [Info] This test is about to show that cache entries are kept forever if etag is returned by the server.

[13:56:29.827] [Server] Running at http://localhost:3000/
[13:56:29.828] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:56:29.830] [Memory] Heap used: 5.26 MB
[13:56:29.830] [Test] --- start test ---
[13:56:29.830] [Test] Requesting 10 pipelines with 5 requests each
[13:56:32.513] [Test] Ended with responses: Cached: 0 / Non-cached: 50
[13:56:32.514] [Cache] Total entries: 50
[13:56:32.514] [Cache] Entries data size: 47.68 MB
[13:56:32.514] [Axios] Waiting requests: 0
[13:56:32.514] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:56:32.516] [Memory] Heap used: 54.09 MB
[13:56:32.516] [Timeout] Waiting for 6000 ms
[13:56:38.518] [Cache] Total entries: 50
[13:56:38.518] [Cache] Entries data size: 47.68 MB
[13:56:38.519] [Axios] Waiting requests: 0
[13:56:38.519] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[13:56:38.527] [Memory] Heap used: 53.97 MB


It can be fixed if you override headerInterpreter to remove those headers. Uncomment the code in the test file to see how it cleans out the memory.


node --expose-gc test/waiting.js

This test shows the problem with hanging promises in the axios.waiting object.

When there is a limit on the in-memory cache entries, they are removed when the new entries are about to be stored, but the related deferred promises in the axios.waiting are not cleared after the requests are resolved.

This makes the axios.waiting object to grow over time if you do not hit the same request again (having the same unique key).

In my case the problem was that we extracted the URL from the long document, what caused v8 engine to use (sliced string) type of the object, which keeps the reference to the original (long) string in memory, so every waiting promise caused to store many kB in memory. To show the issue I have added this logic in the test - creating a very long string, then take just the part of it.

Sample output:

[08:45:12.258] [Info] This test is about to show that max entries setting causes that some waiting promises are kept even if the request has finished.

[08:45:12.295] [Server] Running at http://localhost:3000/
[08:45:12.296] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[08:45:12.298] [Memory] Heap used: 5.32 MB
[08:45:12.298] [Test] --- start test ---
[08:45:12.298] [Test] Requesting 10 pipelines with 5 requests each
[08:45:15.307] [Test] Ended with responses: Cached: 0 / Non-cached: 50
[08:45:15.308] [Cache] Total entries: 9
[08:45:15.308] [Cache] Entries data size: 8.58 MB
[08:45:15.308] [Axios] Waiting requests: 19
[08:45:15.308] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[08:45:15.310] [Memory] Heap used: 47.65 MB
[08:45:15.310] [Timeout] Waiting for 11000 ms
[08:45:26.312] [Cache] Total entries: 0
[08:45:26.312] [Cache] Entries data size: 0.00 MB
[08:45:26.312] [Axios] Waiting requests: 19
[08:45:26.312] [Memory] Garbage collecting
[08:45:26.315] [Memory] Heap used: 24.42 MB

Please notice the Heap used. The formula to verify keeping the original string in memory is something like:

<hanging requests> * 1_000_000 bytes + the initial memory consumption


  1. In my opinion this is a bug in axios-cache-interceptor that axios.waiting is not cleared then the request is resolved, but it was removed from the in-memory adapter due to the max entries limit.
  2. Solution for the (sliced string) problem is to clone bytes into the new Buffer and stringify it back again. This creates a fresh string object, that does not keep the reference to the original (long) string. I've left code to uncomment in the src/axios.js:31


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