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0.6.0 (Storm 1.0) Use Bullet PubSub

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@akshaisarma akshaisarma released this 30 Aug 21:23
· 90 commits to master since this release

This releases makes the changes to Bullet Storm to use our new architecture:

PubSub architecture

Since we do not have a PubSub implementation at this moment, you cannot use this release.

Stay tuned for the release of bullet-kafka for PubSub implementation using Kafka and our addition of a PubSub using Storm DRPC (this is how bullet-storm works right now).

This release removes the DRPCSpout spout, PrepareRequest bolt and the ReturnResults bolt from the Topology. Instead a QuerySpout spout takes the place of the DRPCSpout spout and the PrepareRequest bolt, while a ResultBolt bolt takes the place of the ReturnResults bolt. These two new components read queries from and write results out to the PubSub implementation using our PubSub interfaces. Here is a full list of all the major changes:

  1. Removed DRPCSpout spout, PrepareRequest bolt. Replaced with QuerySpout spout.
  2. Removed ReturnResults bolt. Replaced with ResultBolt bolt.
  3. Messages read from QuerySpout are expected to be instances of PubSubMessage with the query ID and the body.
  4. The ID used to identify queries is now a String (a UUID) generated in the Web Service.
  5. The Return information used in the Join Bolt is now a Metadata instance that is PubSub specific and used by the ResultBolt bolt and your PubSub instance to route the result accordingly.
  6. The submit method now instantiates a PubSub based on your Config.
  7. The bullet.topology.function: "tracer" setting has been removed. It will be re-added when we add in the DRPC PubSub version
  8. All the old settings relating to parallelism, CPU and memory of the DRPCSpout spout, PrepareRequest bolt and ReturnResults bolt have been removed and replaced with the new components' equivalents. See settings for details.

You may implement a PubSub and try it out, however, if you want the end-to-end solution to work, stay tuned for bullet-service to release its corresponding changes to use the PubSub.