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0.7.0 (Storm 1.0) Merge Query and Metadata Streams

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@NathanSpeidel NathanSpeidel released this 07 Nov 22:18
· 81 commits to master since this release

This release merged the Metadata and Query streams.

Previously queries and query metadata were sent separately from the QuerySpout to the JoinBolt. This was needed when we were using the Storm PrepareRequest bolt and is no longer needed.

In the new topology, the metadata is sent in the QUERY_STREAM. The METADATA_STREAM from the QUERY_COMPONENT has been removed. So if your implementation defines the topology, it should be defined such that JoinBolts receive data from only two streams. This change is reflected in the current

With these two streams merged it is no longer possible for a query to arrive at a Join Bolt before it's return information. As a result the bullet.topology.join.bolt.error.tick.timeout setting is no longer needed - it can be removed from your config.

