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Compliant Kubernetes User Demo

To make the most out of Compliant Kubernetes, this documentation features a minimalistic NodeJS application. It allows you to explore all Compliant Kubernetes benefits, including, such as HTTPS Ingresses, logging, metrics and user alerts.

The application provides:

  • some REST endpoints (/, /users);
  • structured logging;
  • metrics endpoint;
  • Dockerfile;
  • Helm Chart;
  • ability to make it crash (/crash).

Furthermore, the application caters to a security-hardened environment, and additionally:

  • runs as non-root.


The scripts folder should have self-describing scripts on how to build, test locally and deploy the application.

For examples on using the application with Compliant Kubernetes, check the user guide in the /docs folder.

Run the app with distributed tracing and Jaeger UI

  1. Run Docker compose. Update the JAEGER_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT variable with your own Jaeger endpoint URL.
docker-compose build

JAEGER_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT="http://jaeger-all-in-one:14268/api/traces" docker-compose up
  1. Make some requests to the user-demo app user-demo app
  2. Check Jaeger to see the traces (also be displayed in the app console) Jaeger UI
  3. Cleanup
docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm -f