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NBTOPY - Converts Jupyter notebook files to Python files


nbtopy is a Linux command line utility to convert one or more Jupyter notebook files (.ipynb) to Python files (.py). My primary purpose for creating this utility is to quickly and easily create Python files to use with the superb Python Interactive mode in Visual Studio Code, which I often prefer to use instead of the Jupyter notebook. In the generated code, Python code blocks are delimited by # %% tags and markdown blocks are delimited by # %% [markdown] tags.

A typical use case is when you download a directory of Jupyter notebook files and want run them using a VS Code Python Interactive window. Just run nbtopy . in the directory and all the Python files are created and ready to use. You could use VS Code's inbuilt command to create a Python file from the notebook but that is slow and awkward because you have to run it explicitly for each notebook, and then manually rename each created file. Also, VS Code uses Jupyter's nbconvert tool to do the conversion and that runs much slower than nbtopy.

This program uses only pure Python and does not require any Jupyter or 3rd party software or utilities to be installed.


  1. Convert single myfile.ipynb file to new

    $ nbtopy myfile.ipynb
  2. Convert all *.ipynb files in current directory to *.py:

    $ nbtopy . (effectively same as nbtopy *.ipynb)
  3. Write all *.py files to directory pyfiles/ instead of current dir:

    $ nbtopy -d pyfiles .
  4. Recurse through all child directories and write *.py files to directory pyfiles/ in same directories as source **/*.ipynb files.

    $ nbtopy -r -d pyfiles .
  5. Recurse through all child directories and write *.py files to new and independent tree rooted under pyfiles/. Specify this by using an absolute (rather than relative) path for -d/--dir.

    $ nbtopy -r -d $PWD/pyfiles .

Installation or Upgrade

Arch users can install nbtopy from the AUR.

Python 3.6 or later is required. Note nbtopy is on PyPI so just ensure that pipx is installed then type the following:

$ pipx install nbtopy

To upgrade:

$ pipx upgrade nbtopy

This program runs on pure Python. No 3rd party packages are required. Note that this program does not require Jupyter's nbconvert tool.

Command Line Options

Type nbtopy -h to view the usage summary:

usage: nbtopy [-h] [-m] [-M] [-c] [-e] [-x] [-f] [-r] [-p] [-q] [-w]
                 [-o OUT] [-d DIR] [-V]
                 [ipynb_path ...]

Converts Jupyter notebook file[s] to Python (interactive) file[s].

positional arguments:
  ipynb_path            input ipynb file[s] (or dir for all *.ipynb files)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m, --no-markdown-tag
                        do not add markdown tag on markdown cells
  -M, --no-markdown     do not output markdown cells at all
  -c, --no-code-tag     do not add code tag on code cells
  -e, --include-empty   include empty/blank cells in output
  -x, --exclude-no-code
                        skip file if it contains no Python code cells
  -f, --force           force overwrite existing file[s]
  -r, --recurse         recursively process files in all sub-directories
  -p, --purge           just purge associated output file[s]
  -q, --quiet           suppress messages about processed file[s]
  -w, --no-warnings     suppress warning messages about processed file[s]
  -o OUT, --out OUT     alternative output file name, or '-' for stdout
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     output directory, default = ".". Specify absolute path
                        to create separate tree of output files
  -V, --version         show nbtopy version

Note you can set default options in ~/.config/nbtopy-flags.conf.

Default Options

You can add default options to a personal configuration file ~/.config/nbtopy-flags.conf. If that file exists then each line of options will be concatenated and automatically prepended to your nbtopy command line options. Type nbtopy -h to see the options supported.

E.g. in your ~/.config/nbtopy-flags.conf you could have the line --no-markdown-tag so that markdown cells are always merely aded as comments, without an explicit markdown tag.


Copyright (C) 2022 Mark Blakeney. This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License at for more details.


Converts Jupyter notebook files to Python files







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