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saltedlolly edited this page Mar 5, 2011 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Transmission-Add-Torrent-Bookmarkelet wiki


Follow these steps to setup remotely controlling Transmission from your phone. Once done you can access the iPhone Web GUI from your phone to control and monitor your downloads, as well as being able to add new downloads from your mobile browser.

1. Setup Transmission for Remote Access.

In OSX: Open Transmission and in the Menu bar go to 'Transmission' > 'Preferences' > click 'Remote' tab > check 'Enable Remote Access. Enter a username and password if you want. Take note of the PORT number (you can change it if you wish). You will need this later.

2. Setup Port Forwarding on your Router

You need to configure your router to forward the PORT above to your local Transmission server. Make sure your server is assigned a fixed IP address by your router. You can also optionally setup a dynamic DNS service on your local server so you can access the machine via a domain name. One option is:

The Web Interface for Transmssion should now be accessible. To test it, turn off the WiFi on your phone (so use use 3G/EDGE), and access this address from your phones browser:


(Replace yourserver.ip with the public IP address/server address and PORT number set above)

All okay? then continue...

3. Install the Bookmarklet server files in the 'web' folder of Transmission.

Copy the HTML files and images to the your Transition client's 'web' folder. Instructions for this can be found in the README.

4. Setup the Bookmarklet on your Phone

There are two methods for doing this:

EASY INSTALL: Go to the following page and follow the instructions. This page can be viewed on your Desktop Browser, iPad or iPhone. It should also work with Android phones. (Please let us know if it doesn't - we have not been able to test this.)


(Replace yourserver.ip with the public IP address/server address and PORT number set above)

MANUAL INSTALL: Edit the following bookmarklet by replacing "yourserver.ip:port" to your server's Public IP address/domain name and PORT number (from above). The create a bookmark linking to this code and sync it to your iPhone. *



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