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Privacy and Security

Burag Cetinkaya edited this page Nov 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

How do I trust my password with you?

ElephantCopy does not copy your passwords. Most password managers (1Password etc.) do not use the general clipboard. Instead, they export to a special clipboard. ElephantCopy only reads from the general clipboard. As long as your password manager respects this convention, ElephantCopy will not get access to your passwords. Unless you manually copy something to the clipboard.

Is it secure for my passwords?

If you are using one of the more prevalent password managers such as 1Password, LastPass, etc., they do not paste your password to the general clipboard, the clipboard they use has a special "sensitive" designation. As such, ElephantCopy does not copy any data that is on these special clipboards.

Data Collection

It's simple. ElephantCopy does not collect any data on you, what you store, or your usage of the app.

Data Storage

ElephantCopy internally uses a SQLite database, where data is stored in non-encrypted form. Data is only on your computer. It is never copied to any other server or the cloud.

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