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Shopping Application(Design Patterns)

In this application, used singleton, proxy, bridge, proxy, strategy design patterns.

Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton design pattern was used in the application in the ShoppingCart class. In the application, the user can have only one shopping cart (object) as long as it is active. A singleton design pattern was used to create a single object from the ShoppingCart class and use this object from different classes.

Proxy Design Pattern

The proxy design pattern was used while creating the order in the application.

Instead of completing the order directly on an order class, payment transactions are controlled by adding a proxy class in between.

Bridge Design Pattern

Bridge design pattern provides modeling and application of objects in separate class structures. Bridge design pattern has been used because a shopping application should contain many message types and message services.

Strategy Design Pattern

Different payment types can be included in the shopping application. New payment methods can be added with new versions. The purpose of using the strategy design model is that a payment transaction can have multiple methods. These methods can be changed independently of each other and new payment methods added.

Observer Design Pattern

In shopping applications, the user can follow the price of a product. As soon as there is a change in the price of the product, the user is notified of this change with email and toast messages notifications. This structure was developed with Observer design pattern.

What's Done In This Project

-Product objects are created in the MainActivity class at runtime. The price of the product named Ps5 is updated after 2 seconds and the user is notified.

-There is only one active user in the application.

-The application has been tested as a view on pixel devices.

-Recyclerview was used in home fragment and shopping cart fragment.

-Glide library was used while editing images.

-A prototype for purchasing products has been developed.

App Screen

App Gif