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cutxyz edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the pecker_framework wiki!

  1. please learn chinese!some comments in the code using chinese,but don't worry,please rtfc!
  2. the documents in path "/参考资料" are the study documents,only for study!
  3. if you have any idea to modify the architecture,please e-mail me. my e-mail is

What is pecker framework!

  1. a grahic framework
  2. has own data structure template library
  3. some native operations, if change operating system platfrom, modify this part is ok.
  4. grahic render core,this part contains rendersystem,render core and render uitl. (1)rendersystem is a graphic driver make interfaces,using opengl,directx,or other rendersystem.if you change render platform,modify this part is ok.(2)render core is a graphic algorithm part.(3)render uitl is a tool part. it contains some ui framework,load resource tools,manage tools,and other tools.
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