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Hardware status

Antonio Cao edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 4 revisions

This is the actual hardware status for this devices:

  • Boot Standard Kernel {OK}
  • Detect hard drives {OK}
  • Shutdown */XX*
  • Reboot {OK}
  • Hibernation */XX*
  • Sleep / Suspend */XX*
  • Battery monitor {!!}
  • Xorg & XWayland {OK}
    • OpenGL {OK}
    • Resize-and-Rotate(randr) {!!}
  • Screen backlight {xx}
  • Light sensor */XX*
  • Switch to External Screen (HDMI) {??}
  • Mouse
    • Built-in (Touchpad) {OK}
    • Built-in (Touchscreen) {OK}
  • Bluetooth {i} {!!}
  • Wireless/Wifi {!!}
  • Keyboard's Hotkeys {!!}
  • Sound {!!}
  • MicroSD card reader {OK}
  • Built-in camera {XX}
  • Accelerometers {??}


  • {OK} = OK
  • */XX* = Error (Couldn't get it working)
  • {??} = Untested
  • {!!} = Configuration Required
  • {XX} = Unsupported(No Driver)
  • (xx) = Only works with a non-free driver and or firmware


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