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ember install ember-cli-scroll-to

This addon allows you to target specific elements in your links again. Just like you could with anchors: <a href="/test#some-id">Link</a>.

{{#link-to 'some-route' (scroll-to '#some-css-selector')}}
  Go to #some-css-selector

More detailed documentation will follow soon, but basically this is the API:

{{#link-to 'some-route' (scroll-to target duration padding)}}
  Go to #some-css-selector

duration and padding are optional and fall back to the default values below.

If target is missing, the scroller will be reset upon clicking the link. This is useful when switiching between overflowing routes, as Ember does not reset the scroller automatically.

// config/environment.js

ENV['scroll-to'] = {
  duration: 700, // default value
  padding:    0  // default value


You're welcome to submit Pull Requests! Please commit all changes to a fresh branch with a descriptive name like fix-this-weird-bug-xx or feature-teleportation-machine-xx, where xx is the issue ID, if there is one.

Please squash unnecessary commits that were made during development and do not add any meaningful / important entries to the git log.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit