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Sia Monitoring

special note: the dashboards for renterd and walletd are built from forks of the official sia repositories. here are links to each fork

Quick Start

  1. configure siagrafana.json with your hostd, renterd, walletd, and grafana information
  2. run python to generate prometheus configurations for each service.
  3. in grafana create prometheus datasources according to the following:
    • create a single prometheus datasource named sia if using prometheus.yml
    • create a prometheus datasource named hostd, renterd, and walletd after each service you plan to monitor when running with prometheus.<service>.yml
  4. run python to deploy dashboards to grafana

For a detailed guide continue reading this document


These are the versions of Prometheus and Grafana I ran during development. It's possible it will work with other versions.

  • Prometheus 2.47.1
  • Grafana v8.4.4



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Prometheus Data Collection

  1. Review the array of hosts in siagrafana.json. Configure hostd_hosts, renterd_hosts, and walletd_hosts according to your infrastructure. You can ignore grafana_host for now.

  2. Run python to generate hostd, renterd, walletd, and combined prometheus yml configurations.

    • prometheus.hostd.yml
    • prometheus.renterd.yml
    • prometheus.walletd.yml
    • prometheus.yml
  3. Run Prometheus data collectors

Example prometheus commands running for each service

prometheus --config.file="prometheus.hostd.yml" --web.listen-address="" --storage.tsdb.path="hostd"
prometheus --config.file="prometheus.walletd.yml" --web.listen-address="" --storage.tsdb.path="walletd"
prometheus --config.file="prometheus.renterd.yml" --web.listen-address="" --storage.tsdb.path="renterd"

Example prometheus command running for combind services

prometheus --config.file="prometheus.yml" --web.listen-address="" --storage.tsdb.path="sia"

Grafana Datasources

The script will search for datasources in Grafana named hostd, renterd, walletd, and sia. If any datasources are named sia, the dashboards that are created will all use this datasource. If sia is not a present datasource, the dashboards are created with their respectively named datasource hostd, renterd, and walletd

The datasources must be named hostd, renterd, walletd, or sia.

To create a grafana datasource:

  1. Login to Grafana and go to Configuration > Data sources
  2. Click the blue Add data source button in the upper right
  3. Search for or select Prometheus
  4. Enter the Name of the datasource.
  5. Enter your prometheus URL. ie http://localhost:9090
  6. Near the button, for HTTP Method select GET
  7. Click the blue Save & test button at the bottom

Grafana Dashboards

The script will use the grafana.<service>.template.json files as templates when making API calls to Grafana for creating dashboards. Any updates made to the dashboards within the Grafana UI can be brought back to these template files. See the updating templates section for more details.

Follow these steps to create dashboards in Grafana for each service that has any hosts defined in siagrafana.json:

  1. Set the value for grafana_host in the siagrafana.json file.

  2. Create a new API key for Grafana

    • Login to your grafana host and go to Configuration > API keys
    • Click Add API key
    • Name: (give the key whatever name you want)
    • Role: Admin
    • Time to live: 100y (or whatever you want. 100y for non expiring key)
  3. Set the value for grafana_api_key in the siagrafana.json file using the API key from step 2

  4. Run python to create hostd, walletd, and renterd(soon) dashboards in your configured Grafana host.

    • This script reads the grafana.<service>.template.json to generate a dashboard from

note: This script also generates the following files, the contents of which are used during the API calls for creating these dashboards. If you have any issues with the dashboard being created these files would be good to inspect.

- grafana.hostd.json
- grafana.renterd.json (soon)
- grafana.walletd.json

Updating Dashboard Templates

After making changes to a dashboard you can export those changes and save it in the grafana.<service>.template.json file after making the following updates to it:

  1. "id": null root level of document
  2. "uid": null root level of document
  3. All of the datasource.uid should be set to "uid": "<DSID>"
  4. You can remove the annoations field from the top of the document


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