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1.0 beta 4: Forget the Alamo (if you want)

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@pcantrell pcantrell released this 16 Nov 05:15
  • Alamofire is now truly optional when using Siesta as a .framework, thanks to Apple (apparently?) fixing problems with optional framework dependencies:
    • If you have not explicitly configure your Siesta Service to use Alamofire and you are using a binary version of Siesta, you can remove it from your Cartfile.
    • If you are building Siesta from source (via Carthage or via Xcode), you still need Alamofire (for the build only).
    • If you are using Alamofire with Carthage, you must include it in your Cartfile yourself.
    • If you are using Cocoapods, continue to use pod 'Siesta/Alamofire' to include Alamofire support.
  • Fixed: Configuration patterns match whole string instead of substring (e.g.** no longer matches
  • Fixed: Configuration patterns cause crash when Service.baseURL is nil
  • Fixed: Invalid request methods and unencodable JSON passed to the Objective-C API now cause request failures instead of crashes
  • Code cleanup and refinement (There are now only two forced unwraps in the entire library)
  • Clarifications & corrections throughout docs