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1.0 beta 6: The hardest problem in computer science

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@pcantrell pcantrell released this 11 Jan 07:50
· 827 commits to main since this release

As with all 1.0 beta releases of Siesta, this code is suitable for production use, but is marked “beta” in order to reserve the right to make API adjustments before the official 1.0 release.

  • Prompted by the upcoming 1.0 API freeze and the release of Apple’s new guidelines for Swift APIs, we undertook a complete review of naming choices in Siesta’s API. These will show up as deprecations in your Swift code; the deprecated methods will be removed in the next release. For details, see:

    Unfortunately, the Objective-C migration path is not so smooth: because Xcode does not properly copy Swift deprecations to Obj-C header files, the methods that are deprecated in Swift will either silently continue to work from Obj-C code in some cases, and immediately break in others.

  • Methods that should only be called on the main thread now validate this as a precondition.

  • Methods are now marked with @warn_unused_result whenever appropriate.

  • The user guide has a new section on threading, and there are numerous improvements to the API docs.

  • The internals of Request and friends, which had become monolithic and unwieldy, are now broken into several small pieces. (There are no API changes associated with this refactoring.)