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1.0 beta 7: Bringing OSX-y Back

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@pcantrell pcantrell released this 13 Jun 16:57
· 693 commits to main since this release


  • Siesta now supports OS X macOS. Core functionality all works; UI widgets are still iOS-only. Thanks to the indefatigable @onekiloparsec for seeing this through! (#27, #56)
  • Configuration can now distinguish between different HTTP methods. This allows, for example, different model mappings for GET and POST responses. (#54)
  • Configuration pattern matching now supports ? to match single characters. This makes it easier to distinguish /items/ (with a trailing slash) from /items/1. (#55)
  • You can now pass NSRegularExpression as a pattern to Service.configure(…) methods. (#47)
  • It is now possible to create custom pre-request validation failures via Resource.failedRequest(…). This allows custom pre-validation of requests before they touch the network. Thanks, @vdka! (#44, #50)
  • You can now limit the number of unused resources Siesta will keep in its internal cache. (#61, #31)
  • Added @warn_unused_result and @noescape where appropriate throughout the API.
  • The code GithubBrowser example project is now a bit tidier & a better Siesta example to work from.
  • Example project now uses CocoaPods instead of Carthage, and works with pod try. (#58)


  • Fixed #35: nil-failable blocks passed to configureTransformer no longer return double optionals.
  • Fixed #52: JSON-like content containing non-JSON data no longer causes detailed logging to crash.
  • Fixed: When a resource’s last extenernal owner was deallocated, it wasn’t deallocated until a second low memory event. It’s now deallocated on the first.
  • Fixed Swift 2.2 deprecations.

Breaking Changes

  • The flavor of Service.configure(...) that takes a predicate closure now requires a whenURLMatches: argument label:

    // Before
    service().configure({ $0.path.hasSuffix("foo") }) { ... }
    // After
    service().configure(whenURLMatches: { $0.path.hasSuffix("foo") })  { ... }

    It was not possible to add a deprecation warning for this change because the deprecated form causes an ambiguous method overloading.

  • Because it only concerned calls bridged from Objective-C, Error.Cause.InvalidRequestMethod has moved out of the public Swift API and into the Objective-C bridging API.

  • API elements deprecated in 1.0 beta 6 have now been removed.