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This connector is an example of the code you'll need to write to connect the Robocoin API to an exchange's API. Robocoin will not run this code on its platform. We suggest operators use a platform such as Heroku to run this code. As the development of the connector progresses, leading up to release, we'll make owning this code as simple as possible for operators.

Two common, expected scenarios for running the connector are:

  1. Operators fork the code and host it on their own servers. Then can modify it freely.
  2. We spin up a Heroku instance and hand ownership to the operator. In this case, we base it on the mainline code.

How it works

On a buy, the user puts fiat into the kiosk. Then the bank transfers BTC from the operator's account to the user's account. We publish this transaction in an API endpoint. The connector sees that the operator account sent BTC, then executes a buy on the exchange for the amount sent, then withdraws that amount to the operator's account, replenishing the sold BTC.

On a sell, the user sends an amount of BTC from their account to the operator's account. The kiosk dispenses fiat. Robocoin automatically sends this BTC amount from the operator's account to their exchange. We also monitor how many confirmations are on that transaction and this info is in the API. When the connector sees enough confirmations, it executes a sell for that amount on the exchange.

Test mode

To run the connector with randomly-generated Robocoin test data, from the Configuration page, specify your API keys and check the "Test Mode" box.

To run the connector with a mock version of the Bitstamp API, which simply echoes calls instead of sending HTTP requests, from the Configuration page, specify to use "Mock Bitstamp".



  • NodeJs + npm

  • PostgreSQL server, client and contrib

  • mocha (for tests)

      npm install mocha -g
  • grunt (to run the grunt file)

      npm install -g grunt-cli
  • supervisor (to ease developement)

      npm install supervisor -g
  • forever

      npm install forever -g

In your development environment, add your username to the postgres group.

In your developement environment, add a user. This step adds a user and echoes its automatically-generated password:

    node scripts/addUser.js yourusername

Run as user postgres scripts/database.sql:

    psql robocoin_connector < database.sql

In production, set the NODE_ENV environment variable to "production".

Set the ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable to a secret, preferably created with scripts/getSecret

Set the DATABASE_URL environment variable to something like postgres://yourusername:somepassword@localhost/robocoin_connector

In the directory containing package.json, run:

    npm install

Run "node scripts/setConfigParam.js". When prompted, leave the Kiosk ID blank, parameter name is robocoin.secret and the value is your Robocoin secret.

Run "node scripts/setConfigParam.js". When prompted, leave the Kiosk ID blank, parameter name is robocoin.baseUrl and the value is "".

Run "node scripts/setConfigParam.js". When prompted, leave the Kiosk ID blank, parameter name is robocoin.baseUrl and the value is "".

Run "node scripts/addUser.js yourusername". Note the output and save the generated password somewhere.

Run 'heroku run node scripts/setConfigParam.js':

When everything's installed, run "supervisor app.js" in a developement environment, or "npm start" in production.

Open the connector dashboard in a browser and go to the Configuration page. Configure each kiosk.


To write an exchange class for a new exchange, write a class that implements each of the methods described below. Also implement the same module interface as e.g. the Bitstamp class, with the getInstance method. The clearInstance method is useful for testing. Put this new class file in apis/exchanges. Test files can go in the respective directory under the "test" directory.

The class constructor must accept a config object as its only parameter. It must use a reference to it as a member parameter. The reason for using a reference is so that the class can immediately use updates to the configuration without requiring a server restart.

The methods you must implement in this class are:

    getBalance(callback) : callback(err, { btc_available, fiat_available, fee })

    getDepositAddress(callback) : callback(err, { address })

    buy(amount, price, callback) : callback(err, { datetime, id, type, fiat, xbt, fee, order_id })

    sell(amount, price, callback) : callback(err, { datetime, id, type, fiat, xbt, fee, order_id })

    withdraw(amount, address, callback) : callback(err)

    userTransactions(callback) : callback(err, [{ datetime, type, fiat, xbt, fee, order_id }])

    getPrices(callback) : callback(err, { buyPrice, sellPrice })

    getMinimumOrders(callback) : callback(err, { minimumBuy, minimumSell })

    getWithdrawMinersFee() : returns float

In order for the exchange to be configurable from the Configuration page, you'll need to place a JSON file with the same name and in the same directory as the exchange class. This file must contain a valid JSON object, with a property for the exchange's label as displayed in the dashboard, an object for non-configurable parameters and an object for configurable parameters. See examples in the apis/exchanges directory.


To run unit and integration tests:

    grunt mochacli

To run JsHint:

    grunt jshint

There's also a watcher task that runs the tests and JsHint whenever a file changes:

    grunt watch


There's a running demo at The username is "bobo" and the password is "hu3SGRxU3UnWAMtXTFw".


Consumes Robocoin's Account API to Execute Trades on Exchanges







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