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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 05 #111

wants to merge 16 commits into from


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Feb 3, 2020

Update attrs from 19.1.0 to 19.3.0.





- Fixed ``auto_attribs`` usage when default values cannot be compared directly with ``==``, such as ``numpy`` arrays.
`585 <>`_




Backward-incompatible Changes

- Removed deprecated ``Attribute`` attribute ``convert`` per scheduled removal on 2019/1.
This planned deprecation is tracked in issue `307 <>`_.
`504 <>`_
- ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__`` do not consider subclasses comparable anymore.

This has been deprecated since 18.2.0 and was raising a ``DeprecationWarning`` for over a year.
`570 <>`_


- The ``cmp`` argument to ``attr.s()`` and ``attr.ib()`` is now deprecated.

Please use ``eq`` to add equality methods (``__eq__`` and ``__ne__``) and ``order`` to add ordering methods (``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__``) instead – just like with `dataclasses <>`_.

Both are effectively ``True`` by default but it's enough to set ``eq=False`` to disable both at once.
Passing ``eq=False, order=True`` explicitly will raise a ``ValueError`` though.

Since this is arguably a deeper backward-compatibility break, it will have an extended deprecation period until 2021-06-01.
After that day, the ``cmp`` argument will be removed.

``attr.Attribute`` also isn't orderable anymore.
`574 <>`_


- Updated ``attr.validators.__all__`` to include new validators added in `425`_.
`517 <>`_
- Slotted classes now use a pure Python mechanism to rewrite the ``__class__`` cell when rebuilding the class, so ``super()`` works even on environments where ``ctypes`` is not installed.
`522 <>`_
- When collecting attributes using ``attr.s(auto_attribs=True)``, attributes with a default of ``None`` are now deleted too.
`523 <>`_,
`556 <>`_
- Fixed ``attr.validators.deep_iterable()`` and ``attr.validators.deep_mapping()`` type stubs.
`533 <>`_
- ``attr.validators.is_callable()`` validator now raises an exception ``attr.exceptions.NotCallableError``, a subclass of ``TypeError``, informing the received value.
`536 <>`_
- ``attr.s(auto_exc=True)`` now generates classes that are hashable by ID, as the documentation always claimed it would.
`543 <>`_,
`563 <>`_
- Added ``attr.validators.matches_re()`` that checks string attributes whether they match a regular expression.
`552 <>`_
- Keyword-only attributes (``kw_only=True``) and attributes that are excluded from the ``attrs``'s ``__init__`` (``init=False``) now can appear before mandatory attributes.
`559 <>`_
- The fake filename for generated methods is now more stable.
It won't change when you restart the process.
`560 <>`_
- The value passed to ``attr.ib(repr=…)`` can now be either a boolean (as before) or a callable.
That callable must return a string and is then used for formatting the attribute by the generated ``__repr__()`` method.
`568 <>`_
- Added ``attr.__version_info__`` that can be used to reliably check the version of ``attrs`` and write forward- and backward-compatible code.
Please check out the `section on deprecated APIs <>`_ on how to use it.
`580 <>`_

.. _`425`:


Update cocos2d from 0.6.5 to 0.6.8.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update freezegun from 0.3.11 to 0.3.14.




* Fix calendar.timegm behavior



* Fix for Py3.8
* Reset time.time_ns on stop



* Refactor classes to functions
* Ignore Selenium
* Move to pytest
* Conditionally patch time.clock
* Patch time.time_ns added in Python 3.7

Update future from 0.17.1 to 0.18.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update numpy from 1.16.2 to 1.18.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update pluggy from 0.9.0 to 0.13.1.




Trivial/Internal Changes

- `236 <>`_: Improved documentation, especially with regard to references.



Trivial/Internal Changes

- `222 <>`_: Replace ``importlib_metadata`` backport with ``importlib.metadata`` from the
standard library on Python 3.8+.




- `215 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.  This time with ``.egg`` support.



Bug Fixes

- `205 <>`_: Revert changes made in 0.10.0 release breaking ``.egg`` installs.




- `199 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.

Update psutil from 5.5.1 to 5.6.7.





**Bug fixes**

- 1630_: [Windows] can't compile source distribution due to C syntax error.




**Bug fixes**

- 1179_: [Linux] Process cmdline() now takes into account misbehaving processes
renaming the command line and using inappropriate chars to separate args.
- 1616_: use of Py_DECREF instead of Py_CLEAR will result in double free and
segfault (CVE).  (patch by Riccardo Schirone)
- 1619_: [OpenBSD] compilation fails due to C syntax error.  (patch by Nathan




**Bug fixes**

- 1615_: remove pyproject.toml as it was causing installation issues.





- 1527_: [Linux] added Process.cpu_times().iowait counter, which is the time
spent waiting for blocking I/O to complete.
- 1565_: add PEP 517/8 build backend and requirements specification for better
pip integration.  (patch by Bernát Gábor)

**Bug fixes**

- 875_: [Windows] Process' cmdline(), environ() or cwd() may occasionally fail
with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY which now gets translated to AccessDenied.
- 1126_: [Linux] cpu_affinity() segfaults on CentOS 5 / manylinux.
cpu_affinity() support for CentOS 5 was removed.
- 1528_: [AIX] compilation error on AIX 7.2 due to 32 vs 64 bit differences.
(patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1535_: 'type' and 'family' fields returned by net_connections() are not
always turned into enums.
- 1536_: [NetBSD] process cmdline() erroneously raise ZombieProcess error if
cmdline has non encodable chars.
- 1546_: usage percent may be rounded to 0 on Python 2.
- 1552_: [Windows] getloadavg() math for calculating 5 and 15 mins values is
- 1568_: [Linux] use CC compiler env var if defined.
- 1570_: [Windows] `NtWow64*` syscalls fail to raise the proper error code
- 1585_: [OSX] calling close() (in C) on possible negative integers.  (patch
by Athos Ribeiro)
- 1606_: [SunOS] compilation fails on SunOS 5.10.  (patch by vser1)





- 1494_: [AIX] added support for Process.environ().  (patch by Arnon Yaari)

**Bug fixes**

- 1276_: [AIX] can't get whole cmdline().  (patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1501_: [Windows] Process cmdline() and exe() raise unhandled "WinError 1168
element not found" exceptions for "Registry" and "Memory Compression" psuedo
processes on Windows 10.
- 1526_: [NetBSD] process cmdline() could raise MemoryError.  (patch by
Kamil Rytarowski)





- 604_: [Windows, Windows] add new psutil.getloadavg(), returning system load
average calculation, including on Windows (emulated).  (patch by Ammar Askar)
- 1404_: [Linux] cpu_count(logical=False) uses a second method (read from
`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]/topology/core_id`) in order to determine
the number of physical CPUs in case /proc/cpuinfo does not provide this info.
- 1458_: provide coloured test output. Also show failures on KeyboardInterrupt.
- 1464_: various docfixes (always point to python3 doc, fix links, etc.).
- 1476_: [Windows] it is now possible to set process high I/O priority
(ionice()).Also, I/O priority values are now exposed as 4 new constants:
- 1478_: add make command to re-run tests failed on last run.

**Bug fixes**

- 1223_: [Windows] boot_time() may return value on Windows XP.
- 1456_: [Linux] cpu_freq() returns None instead of 0.0 when min/max not
available (patch by Alex Manuskin)
- 1462_: [Linux] (tests) make tests invariant to LANG setting (patch by
Benjamin Drung)
- 1463_: script was broken.
- 1470_: [Linux] disk_partitions(): fix corner case when /etc/mtab doesn't
exist.  (patch by Cedric Lamoriniere)
- 1471_: [SunOS] Process name() and cmdline() can return SystemError.  (patch
by Daniel Beer)
- 1472_: [Linux] cpu_freq() does not return all CPUs on Rasbperry-pi 3.
- 1474_: fix formatting of psutil.tests() which mimicks 'ps aux' output.
- 1475_: [Windows] OSError.winerror attribute wasn't properly checked resuling
in WindowsError being raised instead of AccessDenied.
- 1477_: [Windows] wrong or absent error handling for private NTSTATUS Windows
APIs. Different process methods were affected by this.
- 1480_: [Windows] psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) could cause a crash due to
fixed read violation.  (patch by Samer Masterson)
- 1486_: [AIX, SunOS] AttributeError when interacting with Process methods
involved into oneshot() context.
- 1491_: [SunOS] net_if_addrs(): free() ifap struct on error.  (patch by
- 1493_: [Linux] cpu_freq(): handle the case where
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ exists but is empty.




**Bug fixes**

- 1329_: [AIX] psutil doesn't compile on AIX 6.1.  (patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1448_: [Windows] crash on import due to rtlIpv6AddressToStringA not available
on Wine.
- 1451_: [Windows] Process.memory_full_info() segfaults. NtQueryVirtualMemory
is now used instead of QueryWorkingSet to calculate USS memory.





- 1379_: [Windows] Process suspend() and resume() now use NtSuspendProcess
and NtResumeProcess instead of stopping/resuming all threads of a process.
This is faster and more reliable (aka this is what ProcessHacker does).
- 1420_: [Windows] in case of exception disk_usage() now also shows the path
- 1422_: [Windows] Windows APIs requiring to be dynamically loaded from DLL
libraries are now loaded only once on startup (instead of on per function
call) significantly speeding up different functions and methods.
- 1426_: [Windows] PAGESIZE and number of processors is now calculated on
- 1428_: in case of error, the traceback message now shows the underlying C
function called which failed.
- 1433_: new Process.parents() method.  (idea by Ghislain Le Meur)
- 1437_: pids() are returned in sorted order.
- 1442_: python3 is now the default interpreter used by Makefile.

**Bug fixes**

- 1353_: process_iter() is now thread safe (it rarely raised TypeError).
- 1394_: [Windows] Process name() and exe() may erroneously return "Registry".
QueryFullProcessImageNameW is now used instead of GetProcessImageFileNameW
in order to prevent that.
- 1411_: [BSD] lack of Py_DECREF could cause segmentation fault on process
- 1419_: [Windows] Process.environ() raises NotImplementedError when querying
a 64-bit process in 32-bit-WoW mode. Now it raises AccessDenied.
- 1427_: [OSX] Process cmdline() and environ() may erroneously raise OSError
on failed malloc().
- 1429_: [Windows] SE DEBUG was not properly set for current process. It is
now, and it should result in less AccessDenied exceptions for low-pid
- 1432_: [Windows] Process.memory_info_ex()'s USS memory is miscalculated
because we're not using the actual system PAGESIZE.
- 1439_: [NetBSD] Process.connections() may return incomplete results if using
- 1447_: original exception wasn't turned into NSP/AD exceptions when using
Process.oneshot() ctx manager.

**Incompatible API changes**

- 1291_: [OSX] Process.memory_maps() was removed because inherently broken
(segfault) for years.

Update py from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1.




- Handle ``FileNotFoundError`` when trying to import pathlib in ``path.common``
on Python 3.4 (207).

- ``py.path.local.samefile`` now works correctly in Python 3 on Windows when dealing with symlinks.

Update pyglet from 1.3.2 to 1.4.10.



- Explicitly set Window size in game example. (116)
- Prevent crash when checking if FFMpeg is available. (121)


Bugfix and small improvement release

- Fix TextLayoutGroup consolidation when using custom Groups for Labels.
- FFmpeg: Cast 'date' to string instead of int in file_info. (109)
- Fix ctypes error causing by incorrectly specifying a Union as an argtype. (112)

- Added a simple 2D Camera example to examples/ in the repository.
- OSX: OpenGL context creation is more lenient with requested versions.


- FFmpeg: fix an occasional crash during seek operation.
- Revert Event Dispatcher changes from v1.4.7 due to possible bug.
- Linux: Warn on failure to set vsync, instead of crashing.


- Allow creation of non-power-of-two compressed Textures. (78)
- Fix EventDispatchers surpressing `AttributeError`s. (87)
- Fix external lib loading on Windows under Python 3.8. (90)

- Windows: Add support for `Desktop Window Manager` composition for smoother rendering.
- TextureAtlases allow a single pixel border to avoid rendering artifacts.
- Add support for `conda`-installed FFmpeg on macOS (92)


- Fix PNG encoder saving upside-down images due to incorrect pitch. (83)
- shows more platform specific information.


- Documentation has been rebased on the standard RTD theme.
- Other documentation clarifications and improvements.
- New `MouseStateHandler` convenience class.

- Fix Allocator creating orphaned regions.
- Allow npot compressed texture loading.
- Fix MachOLibraryLoader failing on lib names containing extra "."s.


Fix incorrect glXSwapIntervalEXT arguments for Xlib contexts.


- Fix crash due to inconsistent API when changing Label or HTMLLabel color. (45)
- Add support for GLX_EXT_swap_control on Linux platforms.


- Removed broken projects from /contrib
- Update with project_urls and long_description.
- Added Window.get_pixel_ratio function for calculating scaling on HiDPI displays.
- Start some code quality improvements, such as whitespace removal, star imports, etc.

- Fix invalid argtype in image GDIplus decoder.
- Change sys.is_epydoc to sys.is_pyglet_doc_run to prevent crashing with Anaconda, etc. (9)
- Prevent gl_info.get_version from crashing with blank version string. (36)

Update pytest from 4.3.0 to 5.3.5.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update python-dateutil from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1.




Data updates

- Updated tzdata version to 2019c.


- Fixed a race condition in the ``tzoffset`` and ``tzstr`` "strong" caches on
Python 2.7. Reported by kainjow (gh issue 901).
- Parsing errors will now raise ``ParserError``, a subclass of ``ValueError``,
which has a nicer string representation. Patch by gfyoung (gh pr 881).
- ``parser.parse`` will now raise ``TypeError`` when ``tzinfos`` is passed a
type that cannot be interpreted as a time zone. Prior to this change, it
would raise an ``UnboundLocalError`` instead.  Patch by jbrockmendel (gh pr
- Changed error message raised when when passing a ``bytes`` object as the time
zone name to gettz in Python 3.  Reported and fixed by labrys () (gh issue
927, gh pr 935).
- Changed compatibility logic to support a potential Python 4.0 release. Patch
by Hugo van Kemenade (gh pr 950).
- Updated many modules to use ``tz.UTC`` in favor of ``tz.tzutc()`` internally,
to avoid an unnecessary function call. (gh pr 910).
- Fixed issue where ```` was using a backported version of
``contextlib.nullcontext`` even in Python 3.7 due to a malformed import
statement. (gh pr 963).


- Switched from using assertWarns to using pytest.warns in the test suite. (gh
pr 969).
- Fix typo in setup.cfg causing PendingDeprecationWarning to not be explicitly
specified as an error in the warnings filter. (gh pr 966)
- Fixed issue where ``test_tzlocal_offset_equal`` would fail in certain
environments (such as FreeBSD) due to an invalid assumption about what time
zone names are provided. Reported and fixed by Kubilay Kocak (gh issue 918,
pr 928).
- Fixed a minor bug in ``test_isoparser`` related to ``bytes``/``str``
handling. Fixed by fhuang5 (gh issue 776, gh pr 879).
- Explicitly listed all markers used in the pytest configuration. (gh pr 915)
- Extensive improvements to the parser test suite, including the adoption of
``pytest``-style tests and the addition of parametrization of several test
cases. Patches by jbrockmendel (gh prs 735, 890, 892, 894).
- Added tests for tzinfos input types. Patch by jbrockmendel (gh pr 891).
- Fixed failure of test suite when changing the TZ variable is forbidden.
Patch by shadchin (gh pr 893).
- Pinned all test dependencies on Python 3.3. (gh prs 934, 962)

Documentation changes

- Fixed many misspellings, typos and styling errors in the comments and
documentation. Patch by Hugo van Kemenade (gh pr 952).


- Added Python 3.8 to the trove classifiers. (gh pr 970)
- Moved as many keys from ```` to ``setup.cfg`` as possible.  Fixed by
FakeNameSE, aquinlan82, jachen20, and gurgenz221 (gh issue 871, gh pr
- Reorganized ``parser`` methods by functionality. Patch by jbrockmendel (gh
pr 882).
- Switched ```` over to using ```` for creating releases,
rather than direct invocations of ````. Fixed by smeng10 (gh issue
869, gh pr 875).
- Added a "build" environment into the tox configuration, to handle dependency
management when making releases. Fixed by smeng10 (gh issue 870,r
gh pr 876).
- GH 916, GH 971

Update PyYAML from 3.13 to 5.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update redis from 3.2.0 to 3.4.1.



* Move the username argument in the Redis and Connection classes to the
   end of the argument list. This helps those poor souls that specify all
   their connection options as non-keyword arguments. 1276
 * Prior to ACL support, redis-py ignored the username component of
   Connection URLs. With ACL support, usernames are no longer ignored and
   are used to authenticate against an ACL rule. Some cloud vendors with
   managed Redis instances (like Heroku) provide connection URLs with a
   username component pre-ACL that is not intended to be used. Sending that
   username to Redis servers < 6.0.0 results in an error. Attempt to detect
   this condition and retry the AUTH command with only the password such
   that authentication continues to work for these users. 1274
 * Removed the __eq__ hooks to Redis and ConnectionPool that were added
   in 3.4.0. This ended up being a bad idea as two separate connection
   pools be considered equal yet manage a completely separate set of


* Allow empty pipelines to be executed if there are WATCHed keys.
   This is a convenient way to test if any of the watched keys changed
   without actually running any other commands. Thanks brianmaissy.
   1233, 1234
 * Removed support for end of life Python 3.4.
 * Added support for all ACL commands in Redis 6. Thanks IAmATeaPot418
   for helping.
 * Pipeline instances now always evaluate to True. Prior to this change,
   pipeline instances relied on __len__ for boolean evaluation which
   meant that pipelines with no commands on the stack would be considered
   False. 994
 * Client instances and Connection pools now support a 'client_name'
   argument. If supplied, all connections created will call CLIENT SETNAME
   as soon as the connection is opened. Thanks to Habbie for supplying
   the basis of this change. 802
 * Added the 'ssl_check_hostname' argument to specify whether SSL
   connections should require the server hostname to match the hostname
   specified in the SSL cert. By default 'ssl_check_hostname' is False
   for backwards compatibility. 1196
 * Slightly optimized command packing. Thanks Deneby67. 1255
 * Added support for the TYPE argument to SCAN. Thanks netocp. 1220
 * Better thread and fork safety in ConnectionPool and
   BlockingConnectionPool. Added better locking to synchronize critical
   sections rather than relying on CPython-specific implementation details
   relating to atomic operations. Adjusted how the pools identify and
   deal with a fork. Added a ChildDeadlockedError exception that is
   raised by child processes in the very unlikely chance that a deadlock
   is encountered. Thanks gmbnomis, mdellweg, yht804421715. 1270,
   1138, 1178, 906, 1262
 * Added __eq__ hooks to the Redis and ConnectionPool classes.
   Thanks brainix. 1240


* Further fix for the SSLError -> TimeoutError mapping to work
   on obscure releases of Python 2.7.


* Fixed a potential error handling bug for the SSLError -> TimeoutError
   mapping introduced in 3.3.9. Thanks zbristow. 1224


* Mapped Python 2.7 SSLError to TimeoutError where appropriate. Timeouts
   should now consistently raise TimeoutErrors on Python 2.7 for both
   unsecured and secured connections. Thanks zbristow. 1222


* Fixed MONITOR parsing to properly parse IPv6 client addresses, unix
   socket connections and commands issued from Lua. Thanks kukey. 1201


* Fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 where socket.error exceptions
   (or subclasses) could potentially be raised instead of
   redis.exceptions.ConnectionError. 1202


* Fixed a regression in 3.3.5 that caused PubSub.get_message() to raise
   a socket.timeout exception when passing a timeout value. 1200


* Fix an issue where socket.timeout errors could be handled by the wrong
   exception handler in Python 2.7.


* More specifically identify nonblocking read errors for both SSL and
   non-SSL connections. 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 on Python 2.7 could
   potentially mask a ConnectionError. 1197


* The SSL module in Python < 2.7.9 handles non-blocking sockets
   differently than 2.7.9+. This patch accommodates older versions. 1197


* Further fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 involving SSL and
   non-blocking sockets. 1197


* Fixed a regression introduced in 3.3.0 involving SSL and non-blocking
   sockets. 1197


* Resolve a race condition with the PubSubWorkerThread. 1150
 * Cleanup socket read error messages. Thanks Vic Yu. 1159
 * Cleanup the Connection's selector correctly. Thanks Bruce Merry. 1153
 * Added a Monitor object to make working with MONITOR output easy.
   Thanks Roey Prat 1033
 * Internal cleanup: Removed the legacy Token class which was necessary
   with older version of Python that are no longer supported. 1066
 * Response callbacks are now case insensitive. This allows users that
   call Redis.execute_command() directly to pass lower-case command
   names and still get reasonable responses. 1168
 * Added support for hiredis-py 1.0.0 encoding error support. This should
   make the PythonParser and the HiredisParser behave identically
   when encountering encoding errors. Thanks Brian Candler. 1161/1162
 * All authentication errors now properly raise AuthenticationError.
   AuthenticationError is now a subclass of ConnectionError, which will
   cause the connection to be disconnected and cleaned up appropriately.
 * Add READONLY and READWRITE commands. Thanks theodesp. 1114
 * Remove selectors in favor of nonblocking sockets. Selectors had
   issues in some environments including eventlet and gevent. This should
   resolve those issues with no other side effects.
 * Fixed an issue with XCLAIM and previously claimed but not removed
   messages. Thanks thomdask. 1192/1191
 * Allow for single connection client instances. These instances
   are not thread safe but offer other benefits including a subtle
   performance increase.
 * Added extensive health checks that keep the connections lively.
   Passing the "health_check_interval=N" option to the Redis client class
   or to a ConnectionPool ensures that a round trip PING/PONG is successful
   before any command if the underlying connection has been idle for more
   than N seconds. ConnectionErrors and TimeoutErrors are automatically
   retried once for health checks.
 * Changed the PubSubWorkerThread to use a threading.Event object rather
   than a boolean to control the thread's life cycle. Thanks Timothy
   Rule. 1194/1195.
 * Fixed a bug in Pipeline error handling that would incorrectly retry


* Fix SentinelConnectionPool to work in multiprocess/forked environments.

Update six from 1.12.0 to 1.14.0.




- Issue 288, pull request 289: Add `six.assertNotRegex`.

- Issue 317: `six.moves._dummy_thread` now points to the `_thread` module on
Python 3.9+. Python 3.7 and later requires threading and deprecated the
`_dummy_thread` module.

- Issue 308, pull request 314: Remove support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.2.

- Issue 250, issue 165, pull request 251: `six.wraps` now ignores missing
attributes. This follows the Python 3.2+ standard library behavior.



- Issue 298, pull request 299: Add `six.moves.dbm_ndbm`.

- Issue 155: Add `six.moves.collections_abc`, which aliases the `collections`
module on Python 2-3.2 and the `` on Python 3.3 and greater.

- Pull request 304: Re-add distutils fallback in ``.

- Pull request 305: On Python 3.7, `with_metaclass` supports classes using PEP
560 features.

Update pytest-mock from 1.10.1 to 2.0.0.




Breaking Changes

* ``mocker.spy`` attributes for tracking returned values and raised exceptions of its spied functions
are now called ``spy_return`` and ``spy_exception``, instead of reusing the existing
``MagicMock`` attributes ``return_value`` and ``side_effect``.

Version ``1.13`` introduced a serious regression: after a spied function using ``mocker.spy``
raises an exception, further calls to the spy will not call the spied function,
always raising the first exception instead: assigning to ``side_effect`` causes
``unittest.mock`` to behave this way (`175`_).

* The deprecated ``mock`` alias to the ``mocker`` fixture has finally been removed.

.. _175:



* The object returned by ``mocker.spy`` now also tracks any side effect
of the spied method/function.



* Fix error if ``mocker.patch`` is used in code where the source file
is not available, for example stale ``.pyc`` files (`169`_).

.. _169:



* Now all patch functions also raise a ``ValueError`` when used
as a context-manager. Thanks `AlexGascon`_ for the PR (`168`_).

.. _AlexGascon:
.. _168:



* The *pytest introspection follows* message is no longer shown
if there is no pytest introspection (`154`_).
Thanks `The-Compiler`_ for the report.

* ``mocker`` now raises a ``ValueError`` when used as a context-manager.
Thanks `binarymason`_ for the PR (`165`_).

.. _154:
.. _165:
.. _binarymason:



* Fix ``mocker.spy`` on Python 2 when used on non-function objects
which implement ``__call__`` (`157`_). Thanks `pbasista`_  for
the report.

.. _157:
.. _pbasista:



* The object returned by ``mocker.spy`` now also tracks the return value
of the spied method/function.



* Fix plugin when 'terminal' plugin is disabled



* Fix test suite in Python 3.8. Thanks `hroncok`_ for the report and `blueyed`_ for the PR (`140`_).

.. _140:
.. _hroncok:



* Fix bug at the end of the test session when a call to ``patch.stopall`` is done explicitly by
user code. Thanks `craiga`_ for the report (`137`_).

.. _137:
.. _craiga:

Update Pillow from 5.4.1 to 7.0.0.




- Drop support for EOL Python 2.7 4109
[hugovk, radarhere, jdufresne]

- Fix rounding error on RGB to L conversion 4320

- Exif writing fixes: Rational boundaries and signed/unsigned types 3980
[kkopachev, radarhere]

- Allow loading of WMF images at a given DPI 4311

- Added reduce operation 4251

- Raise ValueError for io.StringIO in 4302
[radarhere, hugovk]

- Fix thumbnail geometry when DCT scaling is used 4231
[homm, radarhere]

- Use default DPI when exif provides invalid x_resolution 4147
[beipang2, radarhere]

- Change default resize resampling filter from NEAREST to BICUBIC 4255

- Fixed black lines on upscaled images with the BOX filter 4278

- Better thumbnail aspect ratio preservation 4256

- Add La mode packing and unpacking 4248

- Include tests in coverage reports 4173

- Handle broken Photoshop data 4239

- Raise a specific exception if no data is found for an MPO frame 4240

- Fix Unicode support for PyPy 4145

- Added UnidentifiedImageError 4182
[radarhere, hugovk]

- Remove deprecated __version__ from plugins 4197
[hugovk, radarhere]

- Fixed freeing unallocated pointer when resizing with height too large 4116

- Copy info in Image.transform 4128

- Corrected DdsImagePlugin setting info gamma 4171

- Depends: Update libtiff to 4.1.0 4195, Tk Tcl to 8.6.10 4229, libimagequant to 2.12.6 4318

- Improve handling of file resources 3577

- Removed CI testing of Fedora 29 4165

- Added pypy3 to tox envlist 4137

- Drop support for EOL PyQt4 and PySide 4108
[hugovk, radarhere]

- Removed deprecated setting of TIFF image sizes 4114

- Removed deprecated PILLOW_VERSION 4107

- Changed default frombuffer raw decoder args 1730



- This is the last Pillow release to support Python 2.7 3642

- Overflow checks for realloc for tiff decoding. CVE TBD
[wiredfool, radarhere]

- Catch SGI buffer overrun. CVE TBD

- Catch PCX P mode buffer overrun. CVE TBD

- Catch FLI buffer overrun. CVE TBD

- Raise an error for an invalid number of bands in FPX image. CVE-2019-19911
[wiredfool, radarhere]



- Add support for Python 3.8 4141



- Catch buffer overruns 4104

- Initialize rows_per_strip when RowsPerStrip tag is missing 4034
[cgohlke, radarhere]

- Raise error if TIFF dimension is a string 4103

- Added decompression bomb checks 4102

- Fix ImageGrab.grab DPI scaling on Windows 10 version 1607+ 4000
[nulano, radarhere]

- Corrected negative seeks 4101

- Added argument to capture all screens on Windows 3950
[nulano, radarhere]

- Updated warning to specify when Image.frombuffer defaults will change 4086

- Changed WindowsViewer format to PNG 4080

- Use TIFF orientation 4063

- Raise the same error if a truncated image is loaded a second time 3965

- Lazily use ImageFileDirectory_v1 values from Exif 4031

- Improved HSV conversion 4004

- Added text stroking 3978
[radarhere, hugovk]

- No more deprecated bdist_wininst .exe installers 4029

- Do not allow floodfill to extend into negative coordinates 4017

- Fixed arc drawing bug for a non-whole number of degrees 4014

- Fix bug when merging identical images to GIF with a list of durations 4003
[djy0, radarhere]

- Fix bug in TIFF loading of BufferedReader 3998

- Added fallback for finding ld on MinGW Cygwin 4019

- Remove indirect dependencies from requirements.txt 3976

- Depends: Update libwebp to 1.0.3 3983, libimagequant to 2.12.5 3993, freetype to 2.10.1 3991

- Change overflow check to use PY_SSIZE_T_MAX 3964

- Report reason for pytest skips 3942



- Deprecate Image.__del__ 3929

- Tiff: Add support for JPEG quality 3886

- Respect the PKG_CONFIG environment variable when building 3928

- Use explicit memcpy() to avoid unaligned memory accesses 3225

- Improve encoding of TIFF tags 3861

- Update Py_UNICODE to Py_UCS4 3780

- Consider I;16 pixel size when drawing 3899

- Add TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT to blocklist 3926
[cgohlke, radarhere]

- Create GIF deltas from background colour of GIF frames if disposal mode is 2 3708
[sircinnamon, radarhere]

- Added ImageSequence all_frames 3778

- Use unsigned int to store TIFF IFD offsets 3923

- Include CPPFLAGS when searching for libraries 3819

- Updated TIFF tile descriptors to match current decoding functionality 3795

- Added an ``image.entropy()`` method (second revision) 3608

- Pass the correct types to PyArg_ParseTuple 3880

- Fixed crash when loading non-font bytes 3912

- Fix SPARC memory alignment issues in Pack/Unpack functions 3858

- Added CMYK;16B and CMYK;16N unpackers 3913

- Fixed bugs in calculating text size 3864

- Add to output basic format and support information 3870

- Added variation font support 3802

- Do not down-convert if image is LA when showing with PNG format 3869

- Improve handling of PSD frames 3759

- Improved ICO and ICNS loading 3897

- Changed Preview application path so that it is no longer static 3896

- Corrected ttb text positioning 3856

- Handle unexpected ICO image sizes 3836

- Fixed bits value for RGB;16N unpackers 3837

- Travis CI: Add Fedora 30, remove Fedora 28 3821

- Added reading of CMYK;16L TIFF images 3817

- Fixed dimensions of 1-bit PDFs 3827

- Fixed opening mmap image through Path on Windows 3825

- Fixed ImageDraw arc gaps 3824

- Expand GIF to include frames with extents outside the image size 3822

- Fixed ImageTk getimage 3814

- Fixed bug in decoding large images 3791

- Fixed reading APP13 marker without Photoshop data 3771

- Added option to include layered windows in ImageGrab.grab on Windows 3808

- Detect libimagequant when installed by pacman on MingW 3812

- Fixed raqm layout bug 3787

- Fixed loading font with non-Unicode path on Windows 3785

- Travis CI: Upgrade PyPy from 6.0.0 to 7.1.1 3783
[hugovk, johnthagen]

- Depends: Updated openjpeg to 2.3.1 3794, raqm to 0.7.0 3877, libimagequant to 2.12.3 3889

- Fix numpy bool bug 3790



- Python 2.7 support will be removed in Pillow 7.0.0 3682

- Add EXIF class 3625

- Add ImageOps exif_transpose method 3687

- Added warnings to deprecated CMSProfile attributes 3615

- Documented reading TIFF multiframe images 3720

- Improved speed of opening an MPO file 3658

- Update palette in quantize 3721

- Improvements to TIFF is_animated and n_frames 3714

- Fixed incompatible pointer type warnings 3754

- Improvements to PA and LA conversion and palette operations 3728

- Consistent DPI rounding 3709

- Change size of MPO image to match frame 3588

- Read Photoshop resolution data 3701

- Ensure image is mutable before saving 3724

- Correct remap_palette documentation 3740

- Promote P images to PA in putalpha 3726

- Allow RGB and RGBA values for new P images 3719

- Fixed TIFF bug when seeking backwards and then forwards 3713

- Cache EXIF information 3498

- Added transparency for all PNG greyscale modes 3744

- Fix deprecation warnings in Python 3.8 3749

- Fixed GIF bug when rewinding to a non-zero frame 3716

- Only close original fp in __del__ and __exit__ if original fp is exclusive 3683

- Fix BytesWarning in Tests/ 3725

- Add missing MIME types and extensions 3520

- Add I;16 PNG save 3566

- Add support for BMP RGBA bitfield compression 3705

- Added ability to set language for text rendering 3693

- Only close exclusive fp on Image __exit__ 3698

- Changed EPS subprocess stdout from devnull to None 3635

- Add reading old-JPEG compressed TIFFs 3489

- Add EXIF support for PNG 3674

- Add option to set dither param on quantize 3699

- Add reading of DDS uncompressed RGB data 3673

- Correct length of Tiff BYTE tags 3672

- Add DIB saving and loading through Image open 3691

- Removed deprecated VERSION 3624

- Fix 'BytesWarning: Comparison between bytes and string' in PdfDict 3580

- Do not resize in Image.thumbnail if already the destination size 3632

- Replace .seek() magic numbers with io.SEEK_* constants 3572

- Make ContainerIO.isatty() return a bool, not int 3568

- Add support to all transpose operations for I;16 modes 3563, 3741

- Deprecate support for PyQt4 and PySide 3655
[hugovk, radarhere]

- Add TIFF compression codecs: LZMA, Zstd, WebP 3555

- Fixed pickling of iTXt class with protocol > 1 3537

- _util.isPath returns True for pathlib.Path objects 3616

- Remove unnecessary unittest.main() boilerplate from test files 3631

- Exif: Seek to IFD offset 3584

- Deprecate PIL.*ImagePlugin.__version__ attributes 3628

- Docs: Add note about ImageDraw operations that exceed image bounds 3620

- Allow for unknown PNG chunks after image data 3558

- Changed EPS subprocess stdin from devnull to None 3611

- Fix possible integer overflow 3609

- Catch BaseException for resource cleanup handlers 3574

- Improve pytest configuration to allow specific tests as CLI args 3579

- Drop support for Python 3.4 3596

- Remove deprecated PIL.OleFileIO 3598

- Remove deprecated ImageOps undocumented functions 3599

- Depends: Update libwebp to 1.0.2 3602

- Detect MIME types 3525

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Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.2%) to 80.604% when pulling 0cc6c1b on pyup-scheduled-update-2020-02-03 into 843988d on master.

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Closing this in favor of #112

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Feb 10, 2020
@buxx buxx deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2020-02-03 branch February 10, 2020 14:11
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