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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 17 #84

wants to merge 7 commits into from


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Update numpy from 1.16.2 to 1.16.3.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update psutil from 5.5.1 to 5.6.2.






- 604_: [UNIX, Windows] add new psutil.getloadavg() returning system load
- 1404_: [Linux] cpu_count(logical=False) uses a second method (read from
`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]/topology/core_id`) in order to determine
the number of physical CPUs in case /proc/cpuinfo does not provide this info.
- 1458_: provide coloured test output. Also show failures on KeyboardInterrupt.
- 1464_: various docfixes (always point to python3 doc, fix links, etc.).
- 1473_: [Windows] process IO priority (ionice()) values are now exposed as 4
Also it was not possible to set high I/O priority (not it is).
- 1478_: add make command to re-run tests failed on last run.
average calculation. (patch by Ammar Askar)

**Bug fixes**

- 1223_: [Windows] boot_time() may return value on Windows XP.
- 1456_: [Linux] cpu_freq() returns None instead of 0.0 when min/max not
available (patch by Alex Manuskin)
- 1462_: [Linux] (tests) make  tests invariant to LANG setting (patch by
- 1463_: script was broken.
Benjamin Drung)
- 1470_: [Linux] disk_partitions(): fix corner case when /etc/mtab doesn't
exist.  (patch by Cedric Lamoriniere)
- 1471_: [SunOS] Process name() and cmdline() can return SystemError.  (patch
by Daniel Beer)
- 1472_: [Linux] cpu_freq() does not return all CPUs on Rasbperry pi 3.
- 1474_: fix formatting of psutil.tests() which mimicks 'ps aux' output.
- 1475_: [Windows] OSError.winerror attribute wasn't properly checked resuling
in WindowsError being raised instead of AccessDenied.
- 1477_: [Windows] wrong or absent error handling for private NTSTATUS Windows
APIs. Different process methods were affected by this.
- 1480_: [Windows] psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) could cause a crash due to
fixed read violation.  (patch by Samer Masterson)
- 1486_: [AIX, SunOS] AttributeError when interacting with Process methods
involved into oneshot() context.
- 1491_: [SunOS] net_if_addrs(): free() ifap struct on error.  (patch by
- 1493_: [Linux] cpu_freq(): handle the case where
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ exists but is empty.




**Bug fixes**

- 1329_: [AIX] psutil doesn't compile on AIX 6.1.  (patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1448_: [Windows] crash on import due to rtlIpv6AddressToStringA not available
on Wine.
- 1451_: [Windows] Process.memory_full_info() segfaults. NtQueryVirtualMemory
is now used instead of QueryWorkingSet to calculate USS memory.





- 1379_: [Windows] Process suspend() and resume() now use NtSuspendProcess
and NtResumeProcess instead of stopping/resuming all threads of a process.
This is faster and more reliable (aka this is what ProcessHacker does).
- 1420_: [Windows] in case of exception disk_usage() now also shows the path
- 1422_: [Windows] Windows APIs requiring to be dynamically loaded from DLL
libraries are now loaded only once on startup (instead of on per function
call) significantly speeding up different functions and methods.
- 1426_: [Windows] PAGESIZE and number of processors is now calculated on
- 1428_: in case of error, the traceback message now shows the underlying C
function called which failed.
- 1433_: new Process.parents() method.  (idea by Ghislain Le Meur)
- 1437_: pids() are returned in sorted order.
- 1442_: python3 is now the default interpreter used by Makefile.

**Bug fixes**

- 1353_: process_iter() is now thread safe (it rarely raised TypeError).
- 1394_: [Windows] Process name() and exe() may erroneously return "Registry".
QueryFullProcessImageNameW is now used instead of GetProcessImageFileNameW
in order to prevent that.
- 1411_: [BSD] lack of Py_DECREF could cause segmentation fault on process
- 1419_: [Windows] Process.environ() raises NotImplementedError when querying
a 64-bit process in 32-bit-WoW mode. Now it raises AccessDenied.
- 1427_: [OSX] Process cmdline() and environ() may erroneously raise OSError
on failed malloc().
- 1429_: [Windows] SE DEBUG was not properly set for current process. It is
now, and it should result in less AccessDenied exceptions for low-pid
- 1432_: [Windows] Process.memory_info_ex()'s USS memory is miscalculated
because we're not using the actual system PAGESIZE.
- 1439_: [NetBSD] Process.connections() may return incomplete results if using
- 1447_: original exception wasn't turned into NSP/AD exceptions when using
Process.oneshot() ctx manager.

**Incompatible API changes**

- 1291_: [OSX] Process.memory_maps() was removed because inherently broken
(segfault) for years.

Update pytest from 4.3.0 to 4.4.1.




Bug Fixes

- `5031 <>`_: Environment variables are properly restored when using pytester's ``testdir`` fixture.

- `5039 <>`_: Fix regression with ``--pdbcls``, which stopped working with local modules in 4.0.0.

- `5092 <>`_: Produce a warning when unknown keywords are passed to ``pytest.param(...)``.

- `5098 <>`_: Invalidate import caches with ``monkeypatch.syspath_prepend``, which is required with namespace packages being used.




- `2224 <>`_: ``async`` test functions are skipped and a warning is emitted when a suitable
async plugin is not installed (such as ``pytest-asyncio`` or ``pytest-trio``).

Previously ``async`` functions would not execute at all but still be marked as "passed".

- `2482 <>`_: Include new ``disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support`` option to disable ascii-escaping in parametrized values. This may cause a series of problems and as the name makes clear, use at your own risk.

- `4718 <>`_: The ``-p`` option can now be used to early-load plugins also by entry-point name, instead of just
by module name.

This makes it possible to early load external plugins like ``pytest-cov`` in the command-line::

   pytest -p pytest_cov

- `4855 <>`_: The ``--pdbcls`` option handles classes via module attributes now (e.g.
``pdb:pdb.Pdb`` with `pdb++`_), and its validation was improved.

.. _pdb++:

- `4875 <>`_: The `testpaths <>`__ configuration option is now displayed next
to the ``rootdir`` and ``inifile`` lines in the pytest header if the option is in effect, i.e., directories or file names were
not explicitly passed in the command line.

Also, ``inifile`` is only displayed if there's a configuration file, instead of an empty ``inifile:`` string.

- `4911 <>`_: Doctests can be skipped now dynamically using ``pytest.skip()``.

- `4920 <>`_: Internal refactorings have been made in order to make the implementation of the
`pytest-subtests <>`__ plugin
possible, which adds unittest sub-test support and a new ``subtests`` fixture as discussed in
`1367 <>`__.

For details on the internal refactorings, please see the details on the related PR.

- `4931 <>`_: pytester's ``LineMatcher`` asserts that the passed lines are a sequence.

- `4936 <>`_: Handle ``-p plug`` after ``-p no:plug``.

This can be used to override a blocked plugin (e.g. in "addopts") from the
command line etc.

- `4951 <>`_: Output capturing is handled correctly when only capturing via fixtures (capsys, capfs) with ``pdb.set_trace()``.

- `4956 <>`_: ``pytester`` sets ``$HOME`` and ``$USERPROFILE`` to the temporary directory during test runs.

This ensures to not load configuration files from the real user's home directory.

- `4980 <>`_: Namespace packages are handled better with ``monkeypatch.syspath_prepend`` and ``testdir.syspathinsert`` (via ``pkg_resources.fixup_namespace_packages``).

- `4993 <>`_: The stepwise plugin reports status information now.

- `5008 <>`_: If a ``setup.cfg`` file contains ``[tool:pytest]`` and also the no longer supported ``[pytest]`` section, pytest will use ``[tool:pytest]`` ignoring ``[pytest]``. Previously it would unconditionally error out.

This makes it simpler for plugins to support old pytest versions.

Bug Fixes

- `1895 <>`_: Fix bug where fixtures requested dynamically via ``request.getfixturevalue()`` might be teardown
before the requesting fixture.

- `4851 <>`_: pytester unsets ``PYTEST_ADDOPTS`` now to not use outer options with ``testdir.runpytest()``.

- `4903 <>`_: Use the correct modified time for years after 2038 in rewritten ``.pyc`` files.

- `4928 <>`_: Fix line offsets with ``ScopeMismatch`` errors.

- `4957 <>`_: ``-p no:plugin`` is handled correctly for default (internal) plugins now, e.g. with ``-p no:capture``.

Previously they were loaded (imported) always, making e.g. the ``capfd`` fixture available.

- `4968 <>`_: The pdb ``quit`` command is handled properly when used after the ``debug`` command with `pdb++`_.

.. _pdb++:

- `4975 <>`_: Fix the interpretation of ``-qq`` option where it was being considered as ``-v`` instead.

- `4978 <>`_: ``outcomes.Exit`` is not swallowed in ``assertrepr_compare`` anymore.

- `4988 <>`_: Close logging's file handler explicitly when the session finishes.

- `5003 <>`_: Fix line offset with mark collection error (off by one).

Improved Documentation

- `4974 <>`_: Update docs for ``pytest_cmdline_parse`` hook to note availability liminations

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `4718 <>`_: ``pluggy>=0.9`` is now required.

- `4815 <>`_: ``funcsigs>=1.0`` is now required for Python 2.7.

- `4829 <>`_: Some left-over internal code related to ``yield`` tests has been removed.

- `4890 <>`_: Remove internally unused ``anypython`` fixture from the pytester plugin.

- `4912 <>`_: Remove deprecated Sphinx directive, ``add_description_unit()``,
pin sphinx-removed-in to >= 0.2.0 to support Sphinx 2.0.

- `4913 <>`_: Fix pytest tests invocation with custom ``PYTHONPATH``.

- `4965 <>`_: New ``pytest_report_to_serializable`` and ``pytest_report_from_serializable`` **experimental** hooks.

These hooks will be used by ``pytest-xdist``, ``pytest-subtests``, and the replacement for
resultlog to serialize and customize reports.

They are experimental, meaning that their details might change or even be removed
completely in future patch releases without warning.

Feedback is welcome from plugin authors and users alike.

- `4987 <>`_: ``Collector.repr_failure`` respects the ``--tb`` option, but only defaults to ``short`` now (with ``auto``).



Bug Fixes

- `4810 <>`_: Logging messages inside ``pytest_runtest_logreport()`` are now properly captured and displayed.

- `4861 <>`_: Improve validation of contents written to captured output so it behaves the same as when capture is disabled.

- `4898 <>`_: Fix ``AttributeError: FixtureRequest has no 'confg' attribute`` bug in ``testdir.copy_example``.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `4768 <>`_: Avoid pkg_resources import at the top-level.

Update PyYAML from 3.13 to 5.1.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update redis from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1.



* Fix SentinelConnectionPool to work in multiprocess/forked environments.

Update pytest-mock from 1.10.1 to 1.10.4.




* Fix plugin when 'terminal' plugin is disabled



* Fix test suite in Python 3.8. Thanks `hroncok`_ for the report and `blueyed`_ for the PR (`140`_).

.. _140:
.. _hroncok:



* Fix bug at the end of the test session when a call to ``patch.stopall`` is done explicitly by
user code. Thanks `craiga`_ for the report (`137`_).

.. _137:
.. _craiga:

Update Pillow from 5.4.1 to 6.0.0.




- Python 2.7 support will be removed in Pillow 7.0.0 3682

- Add EXIF class 3625

- Add ImageOps exif_transpose method 3687

- Added warnings to deprecated CMSProfile attributes 3615

- Documented reading TIFF multiframe images 3720

- Improved speed of opening an MPO file 3658

- Update palette in quantize 3721

- Improvements to TIFF is_animated and n_frames 3714

- Fixed incompatible pointer type warnings 3754

- Improvements to PA and LA conversion and palette operations 3728

- Consistent DPI rounding 3709

- Change size of MPO image to match frame 3588

- Read Photoshop resolution data 3701

- Ensure image is mutable before saving 3724

- Correct remap_palette documentation 3740

- Promote P images to PA in putalpha 3726

- Allow RGB and RGBA values for new P images 3719

- Fixed TIFF bug when seeking backwards and then forwards 3713

- Cache EXIF information 3498

- Added transparency for all PNG greyscale modes 3744

- Fix deprecation warnings in Python 3.8 3749

- Fixed GIF bug when rewinding to a non-zero frame 3716

- Only close original fp in __del__ and __exit__ if original fp is exclusive 3683

- Fix BytesWarning in Tests/ 3725

- Add missing MIME types and extensions 3520

- Add I;16 PNG save 3566

- Add support for BMP RGBA bitfield compression 3705

- Added ability to set language for text rendering 3693

- Only close exclusive fp on Image __exit__ 3698

- Changed EPS subprocess stdout from devnull to None 3635

- Add reading old-JPEG compressed TIFFs 3489

- Add EXIF support for PNG 3674

- Add option to set dither param on quantize 3699

- Add reading of DDS uncompressed RGB data 3673

- Correct length of Tiff BYTE tags 3672

- Add DIB saving and loading through Image open 3691

- Removed deprecated VERSION 3624

- Fix 'BytesWarning: Comparison between bytes and string' in PdfDict 3580

- Do not resize in Image.thumbnail if already the destination size 3632

- Replace .seek() magic numbers with io.SEEK_* constants 3572

- Make ContainerIO.isatty() return a bool, not int 3568

- Add support to all transpose operations for I;16 modes 3563, 3741

- Deprecate support for PyQt4 and PySide 3655
[hugovk, radarhere]

- Add TIFF compression codecs: LZMA, Zstd, WebP 3555

- Fixed pickling of iTXt class with protocol > 1 3537

- _util.isPath returns True for pathlib.Path objects 3616

- Remove unnecessary unittest.main() boilerplate from test files 3631

- Exif: Seek to IFD offset 3584

- Deprecate PIL.*ImagePlugin.__version__ attributes 3628

- Docs: Add note about ImageDraw operations that exceed image bounds 3620

- Allow for unknown PNG chunks after image data 3558

- Changed EPS subprocess stdin from devnull to None 3611

- Fix possible integer overflow 3609

- Catch BaseException for resource cleanup handlers 3574

- Improve pytest configuration to allow specific tests as CLI args 3579

- Drop support for Python 3.4 3596

- Remove deprecated PIL.OleFileIO 3598

- Remove deprecated ImageOps undocumented functions 3599

- Depends: Update libwebp to 1.0.2 3602

- Detect MIME types 3525

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Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.2%) to 80.604% when pulling db3c25e on pyup-scheduled-update-2019-04-29 into 742ffea on master.

1 similar comment
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Coverage Status

Coverage decreased (-0.2%) to 80.604% when pulling db3c25e on pyup-scheduled-update-2019-04-29 into 742ffea on master.

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Contributor Author

pyup-bot commented May 6, 2019

Closing this in favor of #85

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this May 6, 2019
@buxx buxx deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2019-04-29 branch May 6, 2019 14:21
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