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Scheduled weekly dependency update for week 34 #99

wants to merge 11 commits into from


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Update cocos2d from 0.6.5 to 0.6.6.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update freezegun from 0.3.11 to 0.3.12.




* Refactor classes to functions
* Ignore Selenium
* Move to pytest
* Conditionally patch time.clock

Update numpy from 1.16.2 to 1.17.0.




This NumPy release contains a number of new features that should substantially
improve its performance and usefulness, see Highlights below for a summary. The
Python versions supported are 3.5-3.7, note that Python 2.7 has been dropped.
Python 3.8b1 should work with the released source packages, but there are no
future guarantees.

Downstream developers should use Cython >= 0.29.10 for Python 3.8 support and
OpenBLAS >= 3.7 (not currently out) to avoid problems on the Skylake
architecture. The NumPy wheels on PyPI are built from the OpenBLAS development
branch in order to avoid those problems.


* A new extensible random module along with four selectable random number
generators and improved seeding designed for use in parallel processes has
been added. The currently available bit generators are MT19937, PCG64,
Philox, and SFC64. See below under New Features.

* NumPy's FFT implementation was changed from fftpack to pocketfft, resulting
in faster, more accurate transforms and better handling of datasets of
prime length. See below under Improvements.

* New radix sort and timsort sorting methods. It is currently not possible to
choose which will be used, but they are hardwired to the datatype and used
when either ``stable`` or ``mergesort`` is passed as the method. See below
under Improvements.

* Overriding numpy functions is now possible by default,
see ``__array_function__`` below.

New functions

* `numpy.errstate` is now also a function decorator


``np.polynomial`` functions warn when passed ``float`` in place of ``int``
Previously functions in this module would accept ``float`` values provided they
were integral (``1.0``, ``2.0``, etc). For consistency with the rest of numpy,
doing so is now deprecated, and in future will raise a ``TypeError``.

Similarly, passing a float like ``0.5`` in place of an integer will now raise a
``TypeError`` instead of the previous ``ValueError``.

Deprecate ``numpy.distutils.exec_command`` and ``numpy.distutils.temp_file_name``
The internal use of these functions has been refactored and there are better
alternatives. Relace ``exec_command`` with `subprocess.Popen` and
``temp_file_name`` with `tempfile.mkstemp`.

Writeable flag of C-API wrapped arrays
When an array is created from the C-API to wrap a pointer to data, the only
indication we have of the read-write nature of the data is the ``writeable``
flag set during creation. It is dangerous to force the flag to writeable.
In the future it will not be possible to switch the writeable flag to ``True``
from python.
This deprecation should not affect many users since arrays created in such
a manner are very rare in practice and only available through the NumPy C-API.

`numpy.nonzero` should no longer be called on 0d arrays
The behavior of nonzero on 0d arrays was surprising, making uses of it almost
always incorrect. If the old behavior was intended, it can be preserved without
a warning by using ``nonzero(atleast_1d(arr))`` instead of ``nonzero(arr)``.
In a future release, it is most likely this will raise a `ValueError`.

Writing to the result of `numpy.broadcast_arrays` will warn

Commonly `numpy.broadcast_arrays` returns a writeable array with internal
overlap, making it unsafe to write to. A future version will set the
``writeable`` flag to ``False``, and require users to manually set it to
``True`` if they are sure that is what they want to do. Now writing to it will
emit a deprecation warning with instructions to set the ``writeable`` flag
``True``.  Note that if one were to inspect the flag before setting it, one
would find it would already be ``True``.  Explicitly setting it, though, as one
will need to do in future versions, clears an internal flag that is used to
produce the deprecation warning. To help alleviate confusion, an additional
`FutureWarning` will be emitted when accessing the ``writeable`` flag state to
clarify the contradiction.

Future Changes

Shape-1 fields in dtypes won't be collapsed to scalars in a future version

Currently, a field specified as ``[(name, dtype, 1)]`` or ``"1type"`` is
interpreted as a scalar field (i.e., the same as ``[(name, dtype)]`` or
``[(name, dtype, ()]``). This now raises a FutureWarning; in a future version,
it will be interpreted as a shape-(1,) field, i.e. the same as ``[(name,
dtype, (1,))]`` or ``"(1,)type"`` (consistently with ``[(name, dtype, n)]``
/ ``"ntype"`` with ``n>1``, which is already equivalent to ``[(name, dtype,
(n,)]`` / ``"(n,)type"``).

Compatibility notes

float16 subnormal rounding
Casting from a different floating point precision to float16 used incorrect
rounding in some edge cases. This means in rare cases, subnormal results will
now be rounded up instead of down, changing the last bit (ULP) of the result.

Signed zero when using divmod
Starting in version 1.12.0, numpy incorrectly returned a negatively signed zero
when using the ``divmod`` and ``floor_divide`` functions when the result was
zero. For example::

>>> np.zeros(10)//1
array([-0., -0., -0., -0., -0., -0., -0., -0., -0., -0.])

With this release, the result is correctly returned as a positively signed

>>> np.zeros(10)//1
array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])

``MaskedArray.mask`` now returns a view of the mask, not the mask itself
Returning the mask itself was unsafe, as it could be reshaped in place which
would violate expectations of the masked array code. It's behavior is now
consistent with the ``.data`` attribute, which also returns a view.

The underlying mask can still be accessed with ``._mask`` if it is needed.
Tests that contain ``assert x.mask is not y.mask`` or similar will need to be

Do not lookup ``__buffer__`` attribute in `numpy.frombuffer`
Looking up ``__buffer__`` attribute in `numpy.frombuffer` was undocumented and
non-functional. This code was removed. If needed, use
``frombuffer(memoryview(obj), ...)`` instead.

``out``is buffered for memory overlaps in ``np.take``, ``np.choose``, ``np.put``
If the out argument to these functions is provided and has memory overlap with
the other arguments, it is now buffered to avoid order-dependent behavior.

Unpickling while loading requires explicit opt-in
The functions ``np.load``, and ``np.lib.format.read_array`` take an
``allow_pickle`` keyword which now defaults to ``False`` in response to
`CVE-2019-6446 <>`_.

Potential changes to the random stream in old random module
Due to bugs in the application of log to random floating point numbers,
the stream may change when sampling from ``np.random.beta``, ``np.random.binomial``,
``np.random.laplace``, ``np.random.logistic``, ``np.random.logseries`` or
``np.random.multinomial`` if a 0 is generated in the underlying MT19937 random stream.
There is a 1 in :math:`10^{53}` chance of this occurring, and so the probability that
the stream changes for any given seed is extremely small. If a 0 is encountered in the
underlying generator, then the incorrect value produced (either ``np.inf``
or ``np.nan``) is now dropped.

``i0`` now always returns a result with the same shape as the input
Previously, the output was squeezed, such that, e.g., input with just a single
element would lead to an array scalar being returned, and inputs with shapes
such as ``(10, 1)`` would yield results that would not broadcast against the

Note that we generally recommend the SciPy implementation over the numpy one:
it is a proper ufunc written in C, and more than an order of magnitude faster.

``np.can_cast`` no longer assumes all unsafe casting is allowed
Previously, ``can_cast`` returned `True` for almost all inputs for
``casting='unsafe'``, even for cases where casting was not possible, such as
from a structured dtype to a regular one.  This has been fixed, making it
more consistent with actual casting using, e.g., the ``.astype`` method.

``arr.writeable`` can be switched to true slightly more often

In rare cases, it was not possible to switch an array from not writeable
to writeable, although a base array is writeable. This can happen if an
intermediate ``arr.base`` object is writeable. Previously, only the deepest
base object was considered for this decision. However, in rare cases this
object does not have the necessary information. In that case switching to
writeable was never allowed. This has now been fixed.

C API changes

dimension or stride input arguments are now passed by ``npy_intp const*``
Previously these function arguments were declared as the more strict
``npy_intp*``, which prevented the caller passing constant data.
This change is backwards compatible, but now allows code like::

 npy_intp const fixed_dims[] = {1, 2, 3};
 // no longer complains that the const-qualifier is discarded
 npy_intp size = PyArray_MultiplyList(fixed_dims, 3);

New Features

New extensible random module with selectable random number generators
A new extensible random module along with four selectable random number
generators and improved seeding designed for use in parallel processes has been
added. The currently available bit generators are MT19937, PCG64, Philox, and
SFC64. PCG64 is the new default while MT19937 is retained for backwards
compatibility. Note that the legacy random module is unchanged and is now
frozen, your current results will not change. Extensive documentation for the
new module is available online at
`NumPy devdocs <>`_.

Support for building NumPy with the libFLAME linear algebra package as the LAPACK,
implementation, see
`libFLAME <>`_ for details.

User-defined BLAS detection order
``numpy.distutils`` now uses an environment variable, comma-separated and case
insensitive, to determine the detection order for BLAS libraries.
By default ``NPY_BLAS_ORDER=mkl,blis,openblas,atlas,accelerate,blas``.
However, to force the use of OpenBLAS simply do::

NPY_BLAS_ORDER=openblas python build

which forces the use of OpenBLAS.
This may be helpful for users which have a MKL installation but wishes to try
out different implementations.

User-defined LAPACK detection order
``numpy.distutils`` now uses an environment variable, comma-separated and case
insensitive, to determine the detection order for LAPACK libraries.
By default ``NPY_BLAS_ORDER=mkl,openblas,flame,atlas,accelerate,lapack``.
However, to force the use of OpenBLAS simply do::

NPY_LAPACK_ORDER=openblas python build

which forces the use of OpenBLAS.
This may be helpful for users which have a MKL installation but wishes to try
out different implementations.

``np.ufunc.reduce`` and related functions now accept a ``where`` mask
``np.ufunc.reduce``, ``np.sum``, ````, ``np.min``, ``np.max`` all
now accept a ``where`` keyword argument, which can be used to tell which
elements to include in the reduction.  For reductions that do not have an
identity, it is necessary to also pass in an initial value (e.g.,
``initial=np.inf`` for ``np.min``).  For instance, the equivalent of
``nansum`` would be, ``np.sum(a, where=~np.isnan(a))``.

Timsort and radix sort have replaced mergesort for stable sorting
Both radix sort and timsort have been implemented and are now used in place of
mergesort. Due to the need to maintain backward compatibility, the sorting
``kind`` options ``"stable"`` and ``"mergesort"`` have been made aliases of
each other with the actual sort implementation depending on the array type.
Radix sort is used for small integer types of 16 bits or less and timsort for
the remaining types.  Timsort features improved performace on data containing
already or nearly sorted data and performs like mergesort on random data and
requires O(n/2) working space.  Details of the timsort algorithm can be found
`CPython listsort.txt <>`_.

``np.unpackbits`` now accepts a ``count`` parameter
``count`` allows subsetting the number of bits that will be unpacked up-front,
rather than reshaping and subsetting later, making the ``packbits`` operation
invertible, and the unpacking less wasteful. Counts larger than the number of
available bits add zero padding. Negative counts trim bits off the end instead
of counting from the beginning. None counts implement the existing behavior of
unpacking everything.

``np.linalg.svd`` and ``np.linalg.pinv`` can be faster on hermitian inputs
These functions now accept a ``hermitian`` argument, matching the one added
to ``np.linalg.matrix_rank`` in 1.14.0.

divmod operation is now supported for two ``timedelta64`` operands
The divmod operator now handles two ``np.timedelta64`` operands, with
type signature mm->qm.

``np.fromfile`` now takes an ``offset`` argument
This function now takes an ``offset`` keyword argument for binary files,
which specifics the offset (in bytes) from the file's current position.
Defaults to 0.

New mode "empty" for ``np.pad``
This mode pads an array to a desired shape without initializing the new

``np.empty_like`` and related functions now accept a ``shape`` argument
``np.empty_like``, ``np.full_like``, ``np.ones_like`` and ``np.zeros_like`` now
accept a ``shape`` keyword argument, which can be used to create a new array
as the prototype, overriding its shape as well. This is particularly useful
when combined with the ``__array_function__`` protocol, allowing the creation
of new arbitrary-shape arrays from NumPy-like libraries when such an array
is used as the prototype.

Floating point scalars implement ``as_integer_ratio`` to match the builtin float
This returns a (numerator, denominator) pair, which can be used to construct a

Structured ``dtype`` objects can be indexed with multiple fields names
``arr.dtype[['a', 'b']]`` now returns a dtype that is equivalent to
``arr[['a', 'b']].dtype``, for consistency with
``arr.dtype['a'] == arr['a'].dtype``.

Like the dtype of structured arrays indexed with a list of fields, this dtype
has the same ``itemsize`` as the original, but only keeps a subset of the fields.

This means that ``arr[['a', 'b']]`` and ``arr.view(arr.dtype[['a', 'b']])`` are

``.npy`` files support unicode field names
A new format version of 3.0 has been introduced, which enables structured types
with non-latin1 field names. This is used automatically when needed.

`numpy.packbits` and `numpy.unpackbits` accept an ``order`` keyword
The ``order`` keyword defaults to ``big``, and will order the **bits**
accordingly. For ``'big'`` 3 will become ``[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]``, and
``[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]`` for ``little``


Array comparison assertions include maximum differences
Error messages from array comparison tests such as
`np.testing.assert_allclose` now include "max absolute difference" and
"max relative difference," in addition to the previous "mismatch" percentage.
This information makes it easier to update absolute and relative error

Replacement of the fftpack based FFT module by the pocketfft library
Both implementations have the same ancestor (Fortran77 FFTPACK by Paul N.
Swarztrauber), but pocketfft contains additional modifications which improve
both accuracy and performance in some circumstances. For FFT lengths containing
large prime factors, pocketfft uses Bluestein's algorithm, which maintains
``O(N log N)`` run time complexity instead of deteriorating towards ``O(N*N)``
for prime lengths. Also, accuracy for real valued FFTs with near prime lengths
has improved and is on par with complex valued FFTs.

Further improvements to ``ctypes`` support in `numpy.ctypeslib`
A new `numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes_type` function has been added, which can be
used to converts a ``dtype`` into a best-guess ``ctypes`` type. Thanks to this
new function, `numpy.ctypeslib.as_ctypes` now supports a much wider range of
array types, including structures, booleans, and integers of non-native

`numpy.errstate` is now also a function decorator
Currently, if you have a function like::

 def foo():

and you want to wrap the whole thing in ``errstate``, you have to rewrite it
like so::

 def foo():
     with np.errstate(...):

but with this change, you can do::

 def foo():

thereby saving a level of indentation

`numpy.exp` and `numpy.log` speed up for float32 implementation
float32 implementation of numpy.exp and numpy.log now benefit from AVX2/AVX512
instruction set which are detected during runtime. numpy.exp has a max ulp
error of 2.52 and numpy.log has a max ulp error or 3.83.

Improve performance of `numpy.pad`
The performance of the function has been improved for most cases by filling in
a preallocated array with the desired padded shape instead of using

`numpy.interp` handles infinities more robustly
In some cases where ``np.interp`` would previously return ``np.nan``, it now
returns an appropriate infinity.

Pathlib support for ``np.fromfile``, ``ndarray.tofile`` and ``ndarray.dump``
``np.fromfile``, ``np.ndarray.tofile`` and ``np.ndarray.dump`` now support
the `pathlib.Path` type for the ``file``/``fid`` parameter.

Specialized ``np.isnan``, ``np.isinf``, and ``np.isfinite`` ufuncs for bool and int types
The boolean and integer types are incapable of storing ``np.nan`` and
``np.inf`` values, which allows us to provide specialized ufuncs that are up to
250x faster than the current approach.

``np.isfinite`` supports ``datetime64`` and ``timedelta64`` types
Previously, `np.isfinite` used to raise a ``TypeError`` on being used on these
two types.

New keywords added to ``np.nan_to_num``
``np.nan_to_num`` now accepts keywords ``nan``, ``posinf`` and ``neginf``
allowing the user to define the value to replace the ``nan``, positive and
negative ``np.inf`` values respectively.

MemoryErrors caused by allocated overly large arrays are more descriptive
Often the cause of a MemoryError is incorrect broadcasting, which results in a
very large and incorrect shape. The message of the error now includes this
shape to help diagnose the cause of failure.

`floor`, `ceil`, and `trunc` now respect builtin magic methods
These ufuncs now call the ``__floor__``, ``__ceil__``, and ``__trunc__``
methods when called on object arrays, making them compatible with
`decimal.Decimal` and `fractions.Fraction` objects.

``quantile`` now works on ``fraction.Fraction`` and ``decimal.Decimal`` objects
In general, this handles object arrays more gracefully, and avoids floating-
point operations if exact arithmetic types are used.

Support of object arrays in ``np.matmul``
It is now possible to use ``np.matmul`` (or the ` operator) with object arrays.
For instance, it is now possible to do::

 from fractions import Fraction
 a = np.array([[Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 3)], [Fraction(1, 3), Fraction(1, 2)]])
 b = a  a


``median`` and ``percentile`` family of functions no longer warn about ``nan``
`numpy.median`, `numpy.percentile`, and `numpy.quantile` used to emit a
``RuntimeWarning`` when encountering an `numpy.nan`. Since they return the
``nan`` value, the warning is redundant and has been removed.

``timedelta64 % 0`` behavior adjusted to return ``NaT``
The modulus operation with two ``np.timedelta64`` operands now returns
``NaT`` in the case of division by zero, rather than returning zero

NumPy functions now always support overrides with ``__array_function__``
NumPy now always checks the ``__array_function__`` method to implement overrides
of NumPy functions on non-NumPy arrays, as described in `NEP 18`_. The feature
was available for testing with NumPy 1.16 if appropriate environment variables
are set, but is now always enabled.

.. _`NEP 18` :

`numpy.lib.recfunctions.structured_to_unstructured` does not squeeze single-field views
Previously ``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a']])`` would produce a squeezed
result inconsistent with ``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a', b']])``. This
was accidental. The old behavior can be retained with
``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a']]).squeeze(axis=-1)`` or far more simply,

``clip`` now uses a ufunc under the hood
This means that registering clip functions for custom dtypes in C via
``descr->f->fastclip`` is deprecated - they should use the ufunc registration
mechanism instead, attaching to the ``np.core.umath.clip`` ufunc.

It also means that ``clip`` accepts ``where`` and ``casting`` arguments,
and can be override with ``__array_ufunc__``.

A consequence of this change is that some behaviors of the old ``clip`` have
been deprecated:

* Passing ``nan`` to mean "do not clip" as one or both bounds. This didn't work
in all cases anyway, and can be better handled by passing infinities of the
appropriate sign.
* Using "unsafe" casting by default when an ``out`` argument is passed. Using
``casting="unsafe"`` explicitly will silence this warning.

Additionally, there are some corner cases with behavior changes:

* Padding ``max < min`` has changed to be more consistent across dtypes, but
should not be relied upon.
* Scalar ``min`` and ``max`` take part in promotion rules like they do in all
other ufuncs.

``__array_interface__`` offset now works as documented
The interface may use an ``offset`` value that was mistakenly ignored.

Pickle protocol in ``np.savez`` set to 3 for ``force zip64`` flag
``np.savez`` was not using the ``force_zip64`` flag, which limited the size of
the archive to 2GB. But using the flag requires us to use pickle protocol 3 to
write ``object`` arrays. The protocol used was bumped to 3, meaning the archive
will be unreadable by Python2.

Structured arrays indexed with non-existent fields raise ``KeyError`` not ``ValueError``
``arr['bad_field']`` on a structured type raises ``KeyError``, for consistency
with ``dict['bad_field']``.

.. _`NEP 18` :




The NumPy 1.16.4 release fixes bugs reported against the 1.16.3 release, and
also backports several enhancements from master that seem appropriate for a
release series that is the last to support Python 2.7. The wheels on PyPI are
linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.7-dev, which should fix issues on Skylake series

Downstream developers building this release should use Cython >= 0.29.2 and,
if using OpenBLAS, OpenBLAS > v0.3.7. The supported Python versions are 2.7 and

New deprecations
Writeable flag of C-API wrapped arrays
When an array is created from the C-API to wrap a pointer to data, the only
indication we have of the read-write nature of the data is the ``writeable``
flag set during creation. It is dangerous to force the flag to writeable.  In
the future it will not be possible to switch the writeable flag to ``True``
from python.  This deprecation should not affect many users since arrays
created in such a manner are very rare in practice and only available through
the NumPy C-API.

Compatibility notes

Potential changes to the random stream
Due to bugs in the application of log to random floating point numbers,
the stream may change when sampling from ``np.random.beta``, ``np.random.binomial``,
``np.random.laplace``, ``np.random.logistic``, ``np.random.logseries`` or
``np.random.multinomial`` if a 0 is generated in the underlying MT19937 random stream.
There is a 1 in :math:`10^{53}` chance of this occurring, and so the probability that
the stream changes for any given seed is extremely small. If a 0 is encountered in the
underlying generator, then the incorrect value produced (either ``np.inf``
or ``np.nan``) is now dropped.


`numpy.lib.recfunctions.structured_to_unstructured` does not squeeze single-field views
Previously ``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a']])`` would produce a squeezed
result inconsistent with ``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a', b']])``. This
was accidental. The old behavior can be retained with
``structured_to_unstructured(arr[['a']]).squeeze(axis=-1)`` or far more simply,


A total of 10 people contributed to this release.  People with a "+" by their
names contributed a patch for the first time.

* Charles Harris
* Eric Wieser
* Dennis Zollo +
* Hunter Damron +
* Jingbei Li +
* Kevin Sheppard
* Matti Picus
* Nicola Soranzo +
* Sebastian Berg
* Tyler Reddy

Pull requests merged

A total of 16 pull requests were merged for this release.

* `13392 <>`__: BUG: Some PyPy versions lack PyStructSequence_InitType2.
* `13394 <>`__: MAINT, DEP: Fix deprecated ``assertEquals()``
* `13396 <>`__: BUG: Fix structured_to_unstructured on single-field types (backport)
* `13549 <>`__: BLD: Make CI pass again with pytest 4.5
* `13552 <>`__: TST: Register markers in
* `13559 <>`__: BUG: Removes ValueError for empty kwargs in arraymultiter_new
* `13560 <>`__: BUG: Add TypeError to accepted exceptions in crackfortran.
* `13561 <>`__: BUG: Handle subarrays in descr_to_dtype
* `13562 <>`__: BUG: Protect generators from log(0.0)
* `13563 <>`__: BUG: Always return views from structured_to_unstructured when...
* `13564 <>`__: BUG: Catch stderr when checking compiler version
* `13565 <>`__: BUG: longdouble(int) does not work
* `13587 <>`__: BUG: distutils/ fix missing subprocess import (13523)
* `13620 <>`__: BUG,DEP: Fix writeable flag setting for arrays without base
* `13641 <>`__: MAINT: Prepare for the 1.16.4 release.
* `13644 <>`__: BUG: special case object arrays when printing rel-, abs-error



The NumPy 1.16.3 release fixes bugs reported against the 1.16.2 release, and
also backports several enhancements from master that seem appropriate for a
release series that is the last to support Python 2.7. The wheels on PyPI are
linked with OpenBLAS v0.3.4+,  which should fix the known threading issues
found in previous OpenBLAS versions.

Downstream developers building this release should use Cython >= 0.29.2 and,
if using OpenBLAS, OpenBLAS > v0.3.4.

The most noticeable change in this release is that unpickling object arrays
when loading ``*.npy`` or ``*.npz`` files now requires an explicit opt-in.
This backwards incompatible change was made in response to
`CVE-2019-6446 <>`_.

Compatibility notes

Unpickling while loading requires explicit opt-in
The functions ``np.load``, and ``np.lib.format.read_array`` take an
`allow_pickle` keyword which now defaults to ``False`` in response to
`CVE-2019-6446 <>`_.


Covariance in `random.mvnormal` cast to double
This should make the tolerance used when checking the singular values of the
covariance matrix more meaningful.


``__array_interface__`` offset now works as documented
The interface may use an ``offset`` value that was previously mistakenly


Update pluggy from 0.9.0 to 0.12.0.





- `215 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.  This time with ``.egg`` support.



Bug Fixes

- `205 <>`_: Revert changes made in 0.10.0 release breaking ``.egg`` installs.




- `199 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.

Update psutil from 5.5.1 to 5.6.3.






- 1494_: [AIX] added support for Process.environ().  (patch by Arnon Yaari)

**Bug fixes**

- 1276_: [AIX] can't get whole cmdline().  (patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1501_: [Windows] Process cmdline() and exe() raise unhandled "WinError 1168
element not found" exceptions for "Registry" and "Memory Compression" psuedo
processes on Windows 10.
- 1526_: [NetBSD] process cmdline() could raise MemoryError.  (patch by
Kamil Rytarowski)





- 604_: [Windows, Windows] add new psutil.getloadavg(), returning system load
average calculation, including on Windows (emulated).  (patch by Ammar Askar)
- 1404_: [Linux] cpu_count(logical=False) uses a second method (read from
`/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]/topology/core_id`) in order to determine
the number of physical CPUs in case /proc/cpuinfo does not provide this info.
- 1458_: provide coloured test output. Also show failures on KeyboardInterrupt.
- 1464_: various docfixes (always point to python3 doc, fix links, etc.).
- 1476_: [Windows] it is now possible to set process high I/O priority
(ionice()).Also, I/O priority values are now exposed as 4 new constants:
- 1478_: add make command to re-run tests failed on last run.

**Bug fixes**

- 1223_: [Windows] boot_time() may return value on Windows XP.
- 1456_: [Linux] cpu_freq() returns None instead of 0.0 when min/max not
available (patch by Alex Manuskin)
- 1462_: [Linux] (tests) make tests invariant to LANG setting (patch by
Benjamin Drung)
- 1463_: script was broken.
- 1470_: [Linux] disk_partitions(): fix corner case when /etc/mtab doesn't
exist.  (patch by Cedric Lamoriniere)
- 1471_: [SunOS] Process name() and cmdline() can return SystemError.  (patch
by Daniel Beer)
- 1472_: [Linux] cpu_freq() does not return all CPUs on Rasbperry-pi 3.
- 1474_: fix formatting of psutil.tests() which mimicks 'ps aux' output.
- 1475_: [Windows] OSError.winerror attribute wasn't properly checked resuling
in WindowsError being raised instead of AccessDenied.
- 1477_: [Windows] wrong or absent error handling for private NTSTATUS Windows
APIs. Different process methods were affected by this.
- 1480_: [Windows] psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) could cause a crash due to
fixed read violation.  (patch by Samer Masterson)
- 1486_: [AIX, SunOS] AttributeError when interacting with Process methods
involved into oneshot() context.
- 1491_: [SunOS] net_if_addrs(): free() ifap struct on error.  (patch by
- 1493_: [Linux] cpu_freq(): handle the case where
/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ exists but is empty.




**Bug fixes**

- 1329_: [AIX] psutil doesn't compile on AIX 6.1.  (patch by Arnon Yaari)
- 1448_: [Windows] crash on import due to rtlIpv6AddressToStringA not available
on Wine.
- 1451_: [Windows] Process.memory_full_info() segfaults. NtQueryVirtualMemory
is now used instead of QueryWorkingSet to calculate USS memory.





- 1379_: [Windows] Process suspend() and resume() now use NtSuspendProcess
and NtResumeProcess instead of stopping/resuming all threads of a process.
This is faster and more reliable (aka this is what ProcessHacker does).
- 1420_: [Windows] in case of exception disk_usage() now also shows the path
- 1422_: [Windows] Windows APIs requiring to be dynamically loaded from DLL
libraries are now loaded only once on startup (instead of on per function
call) significantly speeding up different functions and methods.
- 1426_: [Windows] PAGESIZE and number of processors is now calculated on
- 1428_: in case of error, the traceback message now shows the underlying C
function called which failed.
- 1433_: new Process.parents() method.  (idea by Ghislain Le Meur)
- 1437_: pids() are returned in sorted order.
- 1442_: python3 is now the default interpreter used by Makefile.

**Bug fixes**

- 1353_: process_iter() is now thread safe (it rarely raised TypeError).
- 1394_: [Windows] Process name() and exe() may erroneously return "Registry".
QueryFullProcessImageNameW is now used instead of GetProcessImageFileNameW
in order to prevent that.
- 1411_: [BSD] lack of Py_DECREF could cause segmentation fault on process
- 1419_: [Windows] Process.environ() raises NotImplementedError when querying
a 64-bit process in 32-bit-WoW mode. Now it raises AccessDenied.
- 1427_: [OSX] Process cmdline() and environ() may erroneously raise OSError
on failed malloc().
- 1429_: [Windows] SE DEBUG was not properly set for current process. It is
now, and it should result in less AccessDenied exceptions for low-pid
- 1432_: [Windows] Process.memory_info_ex()'s USS memory is miscalculated
because we're not using the actual system PAGESIZE.
- 1439_: [NetBSD] Process.connections() may return incomplete results if using
- 1447_: original exception wasn't turned into NSP/AD exceptions when using
Process.oneshot() ctx manager.

**Incompatible API changes**

- 1291_: [OSX] Process.memory_maps() was removed because inherently broken
(segfault) for years.

Update pyglet from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


Update pytest from 4.3.0 to 5.1.1.





- `5180 <>`_: As per our policy, the following features have been deprecated in the 4.X series and are now

* ``Request.getfuncargvalue``: use ``Request.getfixturevalue`` instead.

* ``pytest.raises`` and ``pytest.warns`` no longer support strings as the second argument.

* ``message`` parameter of ``pytest.raises``.

* ``pytest.raises``, ``pytest.warns`` and ``ParameterSet.param`` now use native keyword-only
 syntax. This might change the exception message from previous versions, but they still raise
 ``TypeError`` on unknown keyword arguments as before.

* ``pytest.config`` global variable.

* ``tmpdir_factory.ensuretemp`` method.

* ``pytest_logwarning`` hook.

* ``RemovedInPytest4Warning`` warning type.

* ``request`` is now a reserved name for fixtures.

For more information consult
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__ in the docs.

- `5565 <>`_: Removed unused support code for `unittest2 <>`__.

The ``unittest2`` backport module is no longer
necessary since Python 3.3+, and the small amount of code in pytest to support it also doesn't seem
to be used: after removed, all tests still pass unchanged.

Although our policy is to introduce a deprecation period before removing any features or support
for third party libraries, because this code is apparently not used
at all (even if ``unittest2`` is used by a test suite executed by pytest), it was decided to
remove it in this release.

If you experience a regression because of this, please
`file an issue <>`__.

- `5615 <>`_: ````, ``pytest.xfail`` and ``pytest.skip`` no longer support bytes for the message argument.

This was supported for Python 2 where it was tempting to use ``"message"``
instead of ``u"message"``.

Python 3 code is unlikely to pass ``bytes`` to these functions. If you do,
please decode it to an ``str`` beforehand.


- `5564 <>`_: New ``Config.invocation_args`` attribute containing the unchanged arguments passed to ``pytest.main()``.

- `5576 <>`_: New `NUMBER <>`__
option for doctests to ignore irrelevant differences in floating-point numbers.
Inspired by Sébastien Boisgérault's `numtest <>`__
extension for doctest.


- `5471 <>`_: JUnit XML now includes a timestamp and hostname in the testsuite tag.

- `5707 <>`_: Time taken to run the test suite now includes a human-readable representation when it takes over
60 seconds, for example::

   ===== 2 failed in 102.70s (0:01:42) =====

Bug Fixes

- `4344 <>`_: Fix RuntimeError/StopIteration when trying to collect package with "" only.

- `5115 <>`_: Warnings issued during ``pytest_configure`` are explicitly not treated as errors, even if configured as such, because it otherwise completely breaks pytest.

- `5477 <>`_: The XML file produced by ``--junitxml`` now correctly contain a ``<testsuites>`` root element.

- `5523 <>`_: Fixed using multiple short options together in the command-line (for example ``-vs``) in Python 3.8+.

- `5524 <>`_: Fix issue where ``tmp_path`` and ``tmpdir`` would not remove directories containing files marked as read-only,
which could lead to pytest crashing when executed a second time with the ``--basetemp`` option.

- `5537 <>`_: Replace ``importlib_metadata`` backport with ``importlib.metadata`` from the
standard library on Python 3.8+.

- `5578 <>`_: Improve type checking for some exception-raising functions (``pytest.xfail``, ``pytest.skip``, etc)
so they provide better error messages when users meant to use marks (for example ``pytest.xfail``
instead of ``pytest.mark.xfail``).

- `5606 <>`_: Fixed internal error when test functions were patched with objects that cannot be compared
for truth values against others, like ``numpy`` arrays.

- `5634 <>`_: ``pytest.exit`` is now correctly handled in ``unittest`` cases.
This makes ``unittest`` cases handle ``quit`` from pytest's pdb correctly.

- `5650 <>`_: Improved output when parsing an ini configuration file fails.

- `5701 <>`_: Fix collection of ``staticmethod`` objects defined with ``functools.partial``.

- `5734 <>`_: Skip async generator test functions, and update the warning message to refer to ``async def`` functions.

Improved Documentation

- `5669 <>`_: Add docstring for ``Testdir.copy_example``.

Trivial/Internal Changes

- `5095 <>`_: XML files of the ``xunit2`` family are now validated against the schema by pytest's own test suite
to avoid future regressions.

- `5516 <>`_: Cache node splitting function which can improve collection performance in very large test suites.

- `5603 <>`_: Simplified internal ``SafeRepr`` class and removed some dead code.

- `5664 <>`_: When invoking pytest's own testsuite with ``PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1``,
the ``test_xfail_handling`` test no longer fails.

- `5684 <>`_: Replace manual handling of ``OSError.errno`` in the codebase by new ``OSError`` subclasses (``PermissionError``, ``FileNotFoundError``, etc.).



Bug Fixes

- `5479 <>`_: Improve quoting in ``raises`` match failure message.

- `5523 <>`_: Fixed using multiple short options together in the command-line (for example ``-vs``) in Python 3.8+.

- `5547 <>`_: ``--step-wise`` now handles ``xfail(strict=True)`` markers properly.

Improved Documentation

- `5517 <>`_: Improve "Declaring new hooks" section in chapter "Writing Plugins"




This release is a Python3.5+ only release.

For more details, see our `Python 2.7 and 3.4 support plan <>`__.


- `1149 <>`_: Pytest no longer accepts prefixes of command-line arguments, for example
typing ``pytest --doctest-mod`` inplace of ``--doctest-modules``.
This was previously allowed where the ``ArgumentParser`` thought it was unambiguous,
but this could be incorrect due to delayed parsing of options for plugins.
See for example issues `1149 <>`__,
`3413 <>`__, and
`4009 <>`__.

- `5402 <>`_: **PytestDeprecationWarning are now errors by default.**

Following our plan to remove deprecated features with as little disruption as
possible, all warnings of type ``PytestDeprecationWarning`` now generate errors
instead of warning messages.

**The affected features will be effectively removed in pytest 5.1**, so please consult the
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__
section in the docs for directions on how to update existing code.

In the pytest ``5.0.X`` series, it is possible to change the errors back into warnings as a stop
gap measure by adding this to your ``pytest.ini`` file:

.. code-block:: ini

   filterwarnings =

But this will stop working when pytest ``5.1`` is released.

**If you have concerns** about the removal of a specific feature, please add a
comment to `5402 <>`__.

- `5412 <>`_: ``ExceptionInfo`` objects (returned by ``pytest.raises``) now have the same ``str`` representation as ``repr``, which
avoids some confusion when users use ``print(e)`` to inspect the object.

This means code like:

.. code-block:: python

     with pytest.raises(SomeException) as e:
     assert "some message" in str(e)

Needs to be changed to:

.. code-block:: python

     with pytest.raises(SomeException) as e:
     assert "some message" in str(e.value)


- `4488 <>`_: The removal of the ``--result-log`` option and module has been postponed to (tentatively) pytest 6.0 as
the team has not yet got around to implement a good alternative for it.

- `466 <>`_: The ``funcargnames`` attribute has been an alias for ``fixturenames`` since
pytest 2.3, and is now deprecated in code too.


- `3457 <>`_: New `pytest_assertion_pass <>`__
hook, called with context information when an assertion *passes*.

This hook is still **experimental** so use it with caution.

- `5440 <>`_: The `faulthandler <>`__ standard library
module is now enabled by default to help users diagnose crashes in C modules.

This functionality was provided by integrating the external
`pytest-faulthandler <>`__ plugin into the core,
so users should remove that plugin from their requirements if used.

For more information see the docs:

- `5452 <>`_: When warnings are configured as errors, pytest warnings now appear as originating from ``pytest.`` instead of the internal ``_pytest.warning_types.`` module.

- `5125 <>`_: ``Session.exitcode`` values are now coded in ``pytest.ExitCode``, an ``IntEnum``. This makes the exit code available for consumer code and are more explicit other than just documentation. User defined exit codes are still valid, but should be used with caution.

The team doesn't expect this change to break test suites or plugins in general, except in esoteric/specific scenarios.

**pytest-xdist** users should upgrade to ``1.29.0`` or later, as ``pytest-xdist`` required a compatibility fix because of this change.

Bug Fixes

- `1403 <>`_: Switch from ``imp`` to ``importlib``.

- `1671 <>`_: The name of the ``.pyc`` files cached by the assertion writer now includes the pytest version
to avoid stale caches.

- `2761 <>`_: Honor PEP 235 on case-insensitive file systems.

- `5078 <>`_: Test module is no longer double-imported when using ``--pyargs``.

- `5260 <>`_: Improved comparison of byte strings.

When comparing bytes, the assertion message used to show the byte numeric value when showing the differences::

       def test():
   >       assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E       AssertionError: assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E         At index 0 diff: 115 != 101
   E         Use -v to get the full diff

It now shows the actual ascii representation instead, which is often more useful::

       def test():
   >       assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E       AssertionError: assert b'spam' == b'eggs'
   E         At index 0 diff: b's' != b'e'
   E         Use -v to get the full diff

- `5335 <>`_: Colorize level names when the level in the logging format is formatted using
'%(levelname).Xs' (truncated fixed width alignment), where X is an integer.

- `5354 <>`_: Fix ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` when the argvalues is an iterator.

- `5370 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix ``NameError`` on nested comprehensions.

- `5371 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect handling of generators with ``if``.

- `5372 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect assertion when using ``all()`` in an expression.

- `5383 <>`_: ``-q`` has again an impact on the style of the collected items
(``--collect-only``) when ``--log-cli-level`` is used.

- `5389 <>`_: Fix regressions of `5063 <>`__ for ``importlib_metadata.PathDistribution`` which have their ``files`` attribute being ``None``.

- `5390 <>`_: Fix regression where the ``obj`` attribute of ``TestCase`` items was no longer bound to methods.

- `5404 <>`_: Emit a warning when attempting to unwrap a broken object raises an exception,
for easier debugging (`5080 <>`__).

- `5432 <>`_: Prevent "already imported" warnings from assertion rewriter when invoking pytest in-process multiple times.

- `5433 <>`_: Fix assertion rewriting in packages (````).

- `5444 <>`_: Fix ``--stepwise`` mode when the first file passed on the command-line fails to collect.

- `5482 <>`_: Fix bug introduced in 4.6.0 causing collection errors when passing
more than 2 positional arguments to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.

- `5505 <>`_: Fix crash when discovery fails while using ``-p no:terminal``.

Improved Documentation

- `5315 <>`_: Expand docs on mocking classes and dictionaries with ``monkeypatch``.

- `5416 <>`_: Fix PytestUnknownMarkWarning in run/skip example.



Bug Fixes

- `4344 <>`_: Fix RuntimeError/StopIteration when trying to collect package with "" only.

- `5478 <>`_: Fix encode error when using unicode strings in exceptions with ``pytest.raises``.

- `5524 <>`_: Fix issue where ``tmp_path`` and ``tmpdir`` would not remove directories containing files marked as read-only,
which could lead to pytest crashing when executed a second time with the ``--basetemp`` option.

- `5547 <>`_: ``--step-wise`` now handles ``xfail(strict=True)`` markers properly.

- `5650 <>`_: Improved output when parsing an ini configuration file fails.



Bug Fixes

- `5404 <>`_: Emit a warning when attempting to unwrap a broken object raises an exception,
for easier debugging (`5080 <>`__).

- `5444 <>`_: Fix ``--stepwise`` mode when the first file passed on the command-line fails to collect.

- `5482 <>`_: Fix bug introduced in 4.6.0 causing collection errors when passing
more than 2 positional arguments to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.

- `5505 <>`_: Fix crash when discovery fails while using ``-p no:terminal``.



Bug Fixes

- `5383 <>`_: ``-q`` has again an impact on the style of the collected items
(``--collect-only``) when ``--log-cli-level`` is used.

- `5389 <>`_: Fix regressions of `5063 <>`__ for ``importlib_metadata.PathDistribution`` which have their ``files`` attribute being ``None``.

- `5390 <>`_: Fix regression where the ``obj`` attribute of ``TestCase`` items was no longer bound to methods.



Bug Fixes

- `5370 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix ``NameError`` on nested comprehensions.

- `5371 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect handling of generators with ``if``.

- `5372 <>`_: Revert unrolling of ``all()`` to fix incorrect assertion when using ``all()`` in an expression.



Bug Fixes

- `5354 <>`_: Fix ``pytest.mark.parametrize`` when the argvalues is an iterator.

- `5358 <>`_: Fix assertion rewriting of ``all()`` calls to deal with non-generators.




The ``4.6.X`` series will be the last series to support **Python 2 and Python 3.4**.

For more details, see our `Python 2.7 and 3.4 support plan <>`__.


- `4559 <>`_: Added the ``junit_log_passing_tests`` ini value which can be used to enable or disable logging of passing test output in the Junit XML file.

- `4956 <>`_: pytester's ``testdir.spawn`` uses ``tmpdir`` as HOME/USERPROFILE directory.

- `5062 <>`_: Unroll calls to ``all`` to full for-loops with assertion rewriting for better failure messages, especially when using Generator Expressions.

- `5063 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.

- `5091 <>`_: The output for ini options in ``--help`` has been improved.

- `5269 <>`_: ``pytest.importorskip`` includes the ``ImportError`` now in the default ``reason``.

- `5311 <>`_: Captured logs that are output for each failing test are formatted using the

- `5312 <>`_: Improved formatting of multiline log messages in Python 3.

Bug Fixes

- `2064 <>`_: The debugging plugin imports the wrapped ``Pdb`` class (``--pdbcls``) on-demand now.

- `4908 <>`_: The ``pytest_enter_pdb`` hook gets called with post-mortem (``--pdb``).

- `5036 <>`_: Fix issue where fixtures dependent on other parametrized fixtures would be erroneously parametrized.

- `5256 <>`_: Handle internal error due to a lone surrogate unicode character not being representable in Jython.

- `5257 <>`_: Ensure that ``sys.stdout.mode`` does not include ``'b'`` as it is a text stream.

- `5278 <>`_: Pytest's internal python plugin can be disabled using ``-p no:python`` again.

- `5286 <>`_: Fix issue with ``disable_test_id_escaping_and_forfeit_all_rights_to_community_support`` option not working when using a list of test IDs in parametrized tests.

- `5330 <>`_: Show the test module being collected when emitting ``PytestCollectionWarning`` messages for
test classes with ``__init__`` and ``__new__`` methods to make it easier to pin down the problem.

- `5333 <>`_: Fix regression in 4.5.0 with ``--lf`` not re-running all tests with known failures from non-selected tests.

Improved Documentation

- `5250 <>`_: Expand docs on use of ``setenv`` and ``delenv`` with ``monkeypatch``.




- `4826 <>`_: A warning is now emitted when unknown marks are used as a decorator.
This is often due to a typo, which can lead to silently broken tests.

- `4907 <>`_: Show XFail reason as part of JUnitXML message field.

- `5013 <>`_: Messages from crash reports are displayed within test summaries now, truncated to the terminal width.

- `5023 <>`_: New flag ``--strict-markers`` that triggers an error when unknown markers (e.g. those not registered using the `markers option`_ in the configuration file) are used in the test suite.

The existing ``--strict`` option has the same behavior currently, but can be augmented in the future for additional checks.

.. _`markers option`:

- `5026 <

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Coverage remained the same at 80.787% when pulling 2ddd6ea on pyup-scheduled-update-2019-08-26 into 843988d on master.

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pyup-bot commented Sep 2, 2019

Closing this in favor of #100

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Sep 2, 2019
@buxx buxx deleted the pyup-scheduled-update-2019-08-26 branch September 2, 2019 14:08
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