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Releases: buzzfeed/solid

Auto Height and Unbolded Headers

28 Jun 20:00
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  • Added: Auto height layout class.
  • Reset all header elements to normal font-weight by default.

Release 2.6.3 New Flex Classes

25 Apr 17:40
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Added: Flexbox classes to accommodate for space-between and space-around styling on the main axis, including .xs-flex-justify-space-between, .xs-flex-justify-space-around, .xs-flex-align-space-between and .xs-flex-align-space-around. Thanks Jared for the contribution!

Release 2.6.2 SVG Hover Fix

23 Mar 18:41
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  • Reduces reach of SVG hover states to effect only SVGs appearing within explicitly styled links including .link-blue, .link-gray,.link-gray-lighter and .link-white
  • Fixes previous release note bugs

Release 2.6.1 - Removed font reset from base

13 Mar 19:31
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Removed font reset (font: inherit ) from Meyer's reset styles. It was messing up with the technique we use to lazy load our fonts, regularly triggering FOIT.

Release 2.6.0

20 Jan 21:51
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Added: Teal and purple fill and SVG fill colors
Added: Purple text color
Added: Apple News and RSS social buttons
Added: Body copy is now .text-gray as default

The Colors

13 Dec 22:30
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-Potential Breaking Change: Removed an override that replaced the :focus state for buttons. Buttons now use the browser outline for :focus.
-Fixed error in docs for the generate-breakpoint-prefixes mixin
-Updated color values based on the branding team's new color palette

I Believe I-con Fly

16 Nov 16:49
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  • Potential Breaking Change: Removed !important from list-unstyled margin and padding.
  • Deprecated: Renamed media-query mixin to solid-breakpoint mixin and deprecated old name.
  • Added: SVG icon sizing classes and accessibility documentation
  • Added: Error handling in solid-breakpoint mixin
  • Added: SMS button with icon
  • Added: Declared all variables as !default to allow for easier theming.
  • Added: MIT license
  • Updated social buttons to use brand SVG icons and improved accessibility.

Flexbox Alpha

15 Sep 21:07
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Flexbox Alpha Pre-release

Added: Flexbox classes. This is an alpha release, final implementation may change.

2.3.2 Support For Disabled Buttons

25 Aug 18:11
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Added: Additional support for the disabled attribute on buttons
Added: Disabled opacity Sass variable

Pagination Class Fix

29 Jul 13:57
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Corrected inconsistently written pagination button classes