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bwalex committed May 16, 2012
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Showing 9 changed files with 3,512 additions and 29 deletions.
971 changes: 956 additions & 15 deletions report_group/chapters/embedded_sw.tex

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374 changes: 360 additions & 14 deletions report_group/chapters/sopc.tex
@@ -1,25 +1,371 @@

\section{Avalon Memory Mapped Interface}
The Avalon Memory Mapped (Avalon MM) interface is used throughout the project to interconnect
blocks with memory elements and the SoPC interconnect. An example Avalon MM waveform
is shown in Figure \ref{figure:avalonmm}.
\caption{Example waveforms of an Avalon MM bus}

The master can issue both reads and writes, which a slave then replies to. A read
is initiated by setting the desired address and byte enables and asserting the \texttt{read}
signal. The master can continue issuing reads to different addresses as long as the \texttt{waitrequest}
signal stays low. If the Avalon MM slave asserts the \texttt{waitrequest} signal, the master needs
to hold the current signals for as long as the \texttt{waitrequest} signal is asserted.
The Avalon MM slave will reply to the read by asserting the \texttt{readdataready} signal
and providing the requested read data on the \texttt{readdata} bus.

Similarly writes are initiated by the Avalon MM master by setting the desired address, byte enables,
data to write and asserting the \texttt{write} signal. The master can assume that the write completed
without waiting any further unless the \texttt{waitrequest} signal is asserted, in which case,
similarly to the reads, the master needs to hold the signals steady until \texttt{waitrequest} is deasserted.

% XXX: some simulation waveforms?

Alex \\
- Altera-provided Peripherals \\
- Nios II core \\
- Avalon-MM bus (at least the signals we use)
A decision was made to use a hybrid software and hardware approach to tackle the problem
so as to simplify the required hardware. To achieve this, a system on programmable chip
(SoPC) generated by the Altera QSys software was used.

Figure \ref{figure:sopc_overview} shows an overview of the SoPC module. The system consists of a Nios II/f core
and a number of peripherals interconnected via the QSys (Merlin) Network-on-Chip

\caption{Overview of the SoPC}

The system is clocked by a 100 MHz clock generated by a PLL. Additionally a 10 MHz clock
is also generated, which is used to clock the GPIO controller and the LCD controller. The
system consists of both third-party and own IP cores.

The GPIO controller provides a General Purpose I/O interface to the operating system. It
is connected to the configuration-related pins of the slave FPGA - \texttt{nCE, nSTATUS,

Two SPI interfaces master controllers are also included in the system. Both run the SPI
interface at a safe 10 MHz clock frequency. SPI0 is connected to the SD Card, while SPI1
connects to the SPI Flash on the slave FPGA board.

Serial connectivity is provided by the JTAG UART and UART modules. The JTAG UART
provides a serial UART interface over the USB JTAG for use with the custom Nios II software
tools on a host PC. The UART module provides a regular serial interface to the on-board
RS-232 connector. The controller implements the RX and TX signals as well as transmission control
signals CTS and RTS.

The two main memory interfaces are an SDRAM controller interfacing to the on-board 128 MB
SDRAM, and a flash controller interfacing to the on-board 8 MB CFI Flash.

An ethernet interface is provided via the Altera Triple-Speed Ethernet (TSE) MAC module. The
CPU interfaces to the TSE MAC via two Scatter-Gather DMA controller to maximize throughput. The
MAC uses an RGMII interface to connect to the on-board Ethernet PHY. The RX clock to the MAC
initially used a 0 degree phase shift. This resulted in a large number of dropped packages and
hence TCP rentransmissions. Increasing the phase shift to 90 degrees significantly improved
the receive performance. Another large improvement in transmit and receive reliability and
throughput was achieved by disabling the statistics counters in the MAC.

The system also includes a timer module for use with the operating system, and a sysid module
which provides a programmable ID and the synthesis date of the system to the operating system.

A custom module (SRAM Bridge) is used to interconnect the CPU with the internal SRAM synchronizing
arbiter (\texttt{sram\_arb\_sync}). It is only a bridge exposing a memory range as an external
Avalon MM master interface.

Further custom modules interface with other on-chip peripherals. The Test Runner module
interfaces the tester and test controller with the system. The ADC interface provides a control
interface for the on-chip ADC controller.

A custom frequency counter module takes an external signal bus, and is able to measure the frequency
on any of the incoming signals.

Table \ref{table:memorymap_cpu} shows the memory map as seen from the CPU.

\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | }
Address Range & Peripheral\\
\texttt{0x00000000 - 0x07ffffff} & SDRAM \\
\texttt{0x08001000 - 0x08001fff} & TSE MAC SGDMA Descriptor Memory \\
\texttt{0x08002800 - 0x08002fff} & JTAG Controller \\
\texttt{0x08003000 - 0x080033ff} & Triple-Speed Ethernet MAC \\
\texttt{0x08003400 - 0x0800343f} & TSE MAC SGDMA (TX) \\
\texttt{0x08003440 - 0x0800347f} & TSE MAC SGDMA (RX) \\
\texttt{0x08003480 - 0x0800349f} & Timer \\
\texttt{0x080034a0 - 0x080034af} & PLL \\
\texttt{0x080034b0 - 0x080034b7} & JTAG UART \\
\texttt{0x0a000000 - 0x0a7fffff} & CFI Flash \\
\texttt{0x0b000010 - 0x0b00001f} & LCD Controller \\
\texttt{0x0b000200 - 0x0b00020f} & GPIO (nSTATUS) \\
\texttt{0x0b000210 - 0x0b00021f} & GPIO (CONF\_DONE) \\
\texttt{0x0b000220 - 0x0b00022f} & GPIO (nCONFIG) \\
\texttt{0x0b000230 - 0x0b00023f} & GPIO (nCE) \\
\texttt{0x0ba00000 - 0x0ba00007} & SYS ID \\
\texttt{0x0ba10000 - 0x0ba1001f} & SPI 0 \\
\texttt{0x0ba20000 - 0x0ba2001f} & SPI 0 \\
\texttt{0x0c000000 - 0x0c1fffff} & SRAM (SRAM Bridge) \\
\texttt{0x0d000000 - 0x0d0000ff} & Test Runner \\
\texttt{0x0d100000 - 0x0d10001f} & UART \\
\texttt{0x0d200000 - 0x0d2003ff} & Frequency Counter \\
\texttt{0x0d300000 - 0x0d3000ff} & ADC Interface \\
\caption{Memory map of the SoPC as seen from the CPU data master}

\section{Nios II}
A Nios II/f is the application processor in the SoPC. The Nios II/f is a 32-bit MIPS-based
RISC processor with a branch predictor, barrel shifter, hardware multiplication and division,
instruction and data caches and an MMU.

The choice of the Nios II/f was made in particular with the MMU in mind. The lower-end Nios II/e and
Nios II/s cores do not support an MMU. By using an MMU it is possible, by using virtual memory,
to allocate for example large buffers, of which only the used pages will be backed by real memory. For example
a 1 MB buffer will not be fully allocated with backing memory immediately, but only when all its pages are
actually used. Another important advantage of an MMU is the memory protection. Faults in userland such as
segmentation faults can be caught and recovered from.

To improve the performance of the system with an MMU, a Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) of 128 entries was
also included.

During the initial stages of development, the CPU was used with a Level 3 debug module, which includes a number
of hardware breakpoints and watchpoints. This was later reduced to a Level 1 debug module which only includes
a small JTAG controller.

The reset vector of the CPU points to the first location of the CFI Flash, so that the CPU boots up from
the non-volatile Flash memory. The exception vectors are located in the SDRAM, where the OS will be located
as soon as the bootloader has loaded it.

Initially a small cache size of just 4kB and 8kB (with a line size of 32 bytes) was chosen for
the D and I caches respectively. Given the large amount of unused resource on the board a decision
was made to increase those sizes to 32kB and 64kB respectively. Table \ref{table:benchmark} shows some benchmark results
with both cache sizes. The improvement is fairly significant. In the case of Dhrystone, the complete
benchmark fits into the caches with the new larger cache sizes.

\begin{tabular}{ | l | r | r | }
Benchmark & Score (small caches) & Score (large caches)\\
Dhrystone & 92165.9 & 119617.2 \\
BYTEmark Numeric Sort & 26.574 & 33.36 \\
BYTEmark String Sort & 1.3667 & 1.8123 \\
BYTEmark Bitfield & 5.6997e+06 & 5.8613e+06 \\
\caption{Benchmark results for small and large caches respectively}

\section{Test Runner}
The test runner module provides a memory-mapped interface to control the external
tester module. Figure \ref{figure:tr_blackbox} shows an overview of the signals of this core.
\caption{Black box overview of Test Runner}

The Avalon MM Slave interface connects to the SoPC and provides a convenient
memory-mapped interface to its internal registers. The interrupt sender interface
connects directly to the interrupt controller of the CPU.

The peripheral bus consists of three signals: a \texttt{busy} signal which feeds as
one of the select signals into the SRAM Arbiter (\texttt{sram\_arb\_sync}), a \texttt{enable}
signal and a \texttt{done} signal which connect to the \texttt{tester} module.

Table \ref{table:trunner_memorymap} shows the memory map of the core. The system can read an ID from the
ID register (which always contains the hexadecimal value 0x0a) to verify that
the device is responding. A write to the enable register will assert the peripheral
\texttt{enable} line for one cycle. A read of the done register returns the value
of the \texttt{done} peripheral signal.

When a rising edge occurs on the \texttt{done} signal, the IRQ register is written
and the IRQ line to the CPU is asserted. As soon as the IRQ register is read, it is
automatically cleared and the IRQ line is deasserted.

The \texttt{busy} signal is asserted between the rising edge of the \texttt{enable} signal
and the rising edge of the \texttt{done} signal.

\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | }
Address & Description \\
\texttt{0x0a} & IRQ Register \\
\texttt{0x7f} & ID Register \\
\texttt{0x80} & Done Register \\
\texttt{0x81} & Enable Register \\
\caption{Relative memory map of the test runner module}

\section{ADC Interface}
The ADC interface has the exact same interfaces as the Test Runner module as shown
on Figure \ref{figure:adc_if_blackbox}. The only difference is its memory map, which is slightly different
and shown in Table \ref{table:adc_memorymap}.

\caption{Black box overview of Test Runner}

\begin{tabular}{ | l | l | }
Address & Description \\
\texttt{0x0a} & IRQ Register \\
\texttt{0x0f} & ID Register \\
\texttt{0xa0} & Done Register \\
\texttt{0xb0} & Enable Register \\
\caption{Relative memory map of the adc interface module}

Alex \\

\section{Frequency counter}
%XXX: Pavlos part goes here

\section{Frequency Counter}
% Pavlos \\
% mention: synchronizer

The frequency counter is good.
\section{Resource usage}
Table \ref{table:linuxsys_resusage} shows a summary of the FPGA resource usage of the SoPC. The table includes only
the largest modules, and a total of all modules. In total the SoPC uses 17,453 logic cells of the
115,200 available on the FPGA.

Particularly interesting is the large number of cells used by the interconnect. About half of these
come from the clock crossing adapters to cross from the 100 MHz to the 10 MHz clock domain.

\begin{tabular}{ | p{2cm} | r | r | r | r | }
Module & Logic cells (comb) & Logic cells (reg) & DSP Elements & Memory bits \\
CPU & 3852 & 2822 & 4 & 877,056 \\
Interconnect (estimate) & 2566 & 2144 & 0 & 0\\
TSE MAC & 2198 & 2701 & 0 & 298,416 \\
SG DMAs & 1202 & 1542 & 0 & 2,745 \\
SDRAM Controller & 331 & 338 & 0 & 0 \\
SPI0 & 111 & 117 & 0 & 0 \\
SPI1 & 110 & 115 & 0 & 0 \\
Timer & 130 & 120 & 0 & 0 \\
UART & 129 & 101 & 0 & 0 \\
JTAG UART & 142 & 112 & 0 & 1024 \\
Test Runner & 863 & 1036 & 0 & 0 \\
ADC Interface & 142 & 140 & 0 & 0 \\
Frequency counter & 334 & 298 & 0 & 0 \\
Total & 13754 & 11692 & 4 & 1,218,729 \\
\caption{Resource consumption by SoPC module (only the largest modules are shown), and total (including all modules). Note that the total logic cell usage is not a sum of the combinational and register logic cells, since some logic cells contain both combinational logic and registers. The total number of logic cells used by the SoPC is 17,453}
Binary file added report_group/figures/adc_if.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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