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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Problem statement

This sample project showcase a issue when using React with dhtmlx-gantt library.


  • On the left (display task name, etc) is called Grid
  • On the right (display task bar) is called Chart


  • This issue was not observed from dhtmlx-gantt < v6.2.0 as much as I can tell.
  • Using conditional to render the component also affects how the UI is being rendered - See [Sample 1]
  • dhtmlx-gantt v6.2.0 onwards introduce smart_rendering as part of the core feature rather than as an extension
    • Somehow this affects how the render is, able to test it by turning smart_rendering on and off - See [Sample 2]
  • Using parent and child component with useEffect and useLayoutEffect also affects the rendering - See [Sample 3]
  • The discussion with dhtmlx team did not yield much resolution as they were not specialize in React


Correct behavior:

On load:


On filter:


Incorrect behavior:

On load:


On filter:



  • Am trying to use React with dhtmlx-gantt library and then applies filter to it through dhtmlx-gantt API
  • The sample will load 6 task on start, and filter Task #1 away and left with 5 task after filter button is clicked


I have tested over a few variation and combination to be able to always reproduce the problem but have no idea what is exactly causing it and how to resolve it.

Sample 1:

  • Using conditional loading of component will cause the UI to behave differently
  • Run npm i and npm start in state-loading directory to see
  • Try enabling and disabling the conditional login in GanttContainer. More information written as comments in the Class.
  • Note that if using useLayoutEffect will work correctly

Sample 2:

  • Setting gantt.config.smart_rendering to false will not have rendering issue but setting it to true (which is by default) will have
  • Run npm i and npm start in smart-rendering directory to see
  • Try comment / uncomment gantt.config.smart_rendering = false; in GanttChart.tsx to try it out
  • Not sure what is exactly causing this, but I'll like to use the smart_rendering feature rather than turning it off. This is especially useful when loading huge amount of task with wide range in time period

Sample 3:

  • Run npm i and npm start in parent-child directory to see
  • The UI is not rendered (painted) correctly if using useEffect, changing to useLayoutEffect fix the issue if not using in child component
  • If use useLayoutEffect in child component, the UI will not be rendered correctly as well

End State:

  • The correct behavior should be after the filter is applied, it is always rendered and display correct no matter if it is used in parent or child component


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