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Add new cs:conditions element to choose (citation-style-language#260)
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This adds a modified version of the CSL-M conditions element and
condition child as an option to configure more complex conditional

Also splits off the cs:choose section into a separate file.

Closes citation-style-language#255
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bdarcus authored and bwiernik committed Jul 8, 2020
1 parent 9393fab commit 9fcbb94
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Showing 2 changed files with 86 additions and 79 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions schemas/styles/csl-choose.rnc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
namespace a = ""
namespace cs = ""

## cs:choose - Conditional Statements"
div {
rendering-element.choose =

## Use to conditionally render rendering elements.
element cs:choose { choose.if, choose.else-if*, choose.else? }

## When specifying conditions, we allow either the attribute syntax or the element-based one.
choose.condition =
| element cs:conditions { match, condition.elem+ }
choose.if = element cs:if { choose.condition, rendering-element* }
choose.else-if =
element cs:else-if { choose.condition+, rendering-element* }
choose.else = element cs:else { rendering-element+ }

## This element allows for more complex conditional logic; for
## example, if you need to specify mixed "match" rules.
condition.elem = element cs:condition { match?, condition.atts }
condition.atts =

## If used, the element content is only rendered if it disambiguates two
## otherwise identical citations. This attempt at disambiguation is only
## made after all other disambiguation methods have failed.
[ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute disambiguate { "true" }
## Tests whether the given variables contain numeric text.
attribute is-numeric {
list { variables+ }
## Tests whether the given date variables contain approximate dates.
attribute is-uncertain-date {
list { variables.dates+ }
## Tests whether the locator matches the given locator types.
attribute locator {
list { (terms.locator.testable | "sub-verbo")+ }
## Tests whether the cite position matches the given positions.
attribute position {
list {
| "subsequent"
| "ibid"
| "ibid-with-locator"
| "near-note")+
## Tests whether the item matches the given types.
attribute type {
list { item-types+ }
## Tests whether the default ("long") forms of the given variables
## contain non-empty values.
attribute variable {
list { variables+ }
match =

## Set the testing logic.
[ a:defaultValue = "all" ]
attribute match {

## Element only tests "true" when all conditions test "true" for all
## given test values.
## Element tests "true" when any condition tests "true" for any given
## test value.
## Element only tests "true" when none of the conditions test "true"
## for any given test value.
80 changes: 1 addition & 79 deletions schemas/styles/csl.rnc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ dc:description [

## Subparts of the CSL schema
include "csl-choose.rnc"
include "csl-terms.rnc"
include "csl-types.rnc"
include "csl-variables.rnc"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1061,85 +1062,6 @@ div {
# ==============================================================================

## cs:choose - Conditional Statements"
div {
rendering-element.choose =

## Use to conditionally render rendering elements.
element cs:choose { choose.if, choose.else-if*, choose.else? }

choose.if = element cs:if { condition+, match, rendering-element* }

choose.else-if =
element cs:else-if { condition+, match, rendering-element* }

choose.else = element cs:else { rendering-element+ }

condition =

## If used, the element content is only rendered if it disambiguates two
## otherwise identical citations. This attempt at disambiguation is only
## made after all other disambiguation methods have failed.
[ a:defaultValue = "true" ] attribute disambiguate { "true" }
## Tests whether the given variables contain numeric text.
attribute is-numeric {
list { variables+ }
## Tests whether the given date variables contain approximate dates.
attribute is-uncertain-date {
list { variables.dates+ }
## Tests whether the locator matches the given locator types.
attribute locator {
list { (terms.locator.testable | "sub-verbo")+ }
## Tests whether the cite position matches the given positions.
attribute position {
list {
| "subsequent"
| "ibid"
| "ibid-with-locator"
| "near-note")+
## Tests whether the item matches the given types.
attribute type {
list { item-types+ }
## Tests whether the default ("long") forms of the given variables
## contain non-empty values.
attribute variable {
list { variables+ }

match =

## Set the testing logic.
[ a:defaultValue = "all" ]
attribute match {

## Element only tests "true" when all conditions test "true" for all
## given test values.
## Element tests "true" when any condition tests "true" for any given
## test value.
## Element only tests "true" when none of the conditions test "true"
## for any given test value.
# ==============================================================================

## Formatting attributes.
div {
affixes =
Expand Down

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