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Blockchain Network Composer for Hyperledger Fabric. BNC is the CLI deployment tools for Enterprise Blockchain projects. It supports mainly Hyperledger Blockchain umbrella.

Using BNC everyone can easily:

  • Start a network with a configured number of organizations/peers/orderers.

  • Deploy, configure and channels

  • Deploy, configure and upgrade chaincodes

  • Add a new organization or a new orderer to the network


Install docker

Install docker-compose


sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/bnc && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bnc

Getting Started 🚀

Run default demo

The following command will start a network of a single orderer , a single peer and a certificate authority ca1.

It will also deploy the default chaincode which is the abstore chaincode of fabric-samples.

To start the network run the following command:

bnc run

By running the command above without specifying --config-folder $PWD it will take the default config files.

We will see how you can use --config-folder to provide your own configuration files.

Shutdown network:

The following command will remove all containers and remove the related volumes.

bnc rm

Run your own configuration

Step1: Create config files

curl > config.yaml

Step2: Build and run your app

bnc run --config-folder $PWD 

The command above will start a single organization with single peer and orderer.

It will deploy the default absotre chaincode embedded in the image.

Shutdown network:

bnc rm --config-folder $PWD

Run and configure your own chaincode

In this section we will explain how to provide your own chaincode.

We will be running a single org on a single machine.

Step1: Create config files

curl > config.yaml

Step2: Configure your own chaincode

Open the config.yaml file in the config directory with your favorite editor.

In the chaincode section, notice we have this attribute root_path_chaincode: "volume_chaincode"

Instead of _volume_chaincode_ put the absolute path to the folder example: root_path_chaincode: "/home/ubuntu/bnc-hlf/tests/chaincode/"

Notice we have : path_chaincode: "abstore" which is the folder containing your .go files.

Notice we have : lang_chaincode if chaincode is in golang leave it to "golang", if it is in nodeJS put: "node"

You can override the default chaincode configuration by passing the flag -c as we will show later

Step3: Build and run your app

The following command will start the network and deploy the chaincode

bnc run --config-folder $PWD

If you want to start your network first, and deploy your chaincode seperately, you can do it like this:

bnc run  --config-folder $PWD --no-chaincode
bnc chaincode deploy --config-folder $PWD

Otherwise you can override the default chaincode configuration:

bnc chaincode deploy --config-folder $PWD -c config-chaincode.yaml

Step4: Check if its working

docker ps

You should be able to see running the orderers/peers configured in the config.yaml file and most importantly you

should be able to see the dev-peer containers of your chaincode.

If you want to test your chaincode do the following: (this is testing fabric-samples abstore)

abstore is just doing init of two variables a,b and then substracting from one or the other a specific value

bnc chaincode invoke --config-folder $PWD -i "Init,a,100,b,100"

query chaincode

bnc chaincode query --config-folder $PWD -i "query,a"

call the invoke fct to move 10 from a to b

bnc chaincode invoke --config-folder $PWD -i "invoke,a,b,10"

Step5: Shutdown network

The following command will remove all containers and remove the related volumes.

bnc rm --config-folder $PWD

Tutorials 📚


  1. Fork it! 🍴
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 😁 🎉


  • Lead - Wassim Znaidi (@Wassimz)
  • Developer - Ahmed Souissi (@ahmeds)
  • Developer - Sahar Fehri (@sharf)
  • Product owner - Chiraz Chaabane (@chirazc)
  • @worldsibu for inspiration and some part of the util code.