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Hey, thanks for checking out the repo. Hope you enjoyed the site!

From a philosophical perspective I wanted to mix my gif collection with the joys of windows media player.

Technologically I learned quite a bit about WebGL. I initially started with a canvas implementation and it crashed the browser (and made files that were too big for github). What I ended up going with was a combination of cutting edge technologies with a lo fi asthetic.

  • the background image and processing is done with WebGL and a bunch of shaders. It was really hard figuring out how to do the circle based ones, but I'm gald how it turned out.
  • the bar chart is made using d3 and the native Audio API (shoutout to Patrick Wied for inspiration )
  • pretty much everything else is just fancy CSS (some things might be familiar to CSS Tricks Readers)
  • You'll also notice if you look at the code that there's no webpack or grunt or any other tooling. This takes advantage of ES6 modules in the browser.


To add new gifs I found it easiest if you put them in the tools folder and ran npm run gif2data ./test.gif . Then you need to run npm run update-data ./test, this second step gets the colors.

Sometimes I'd have to adjust the timing data.


I got a lot of music from [] The rest I got from [] (used with permission)


cool site for some cool tunes







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