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A simple module-scope cache of RedisClient instances by host & port (primarily for AWS Lambda use)


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redis-client-cache v2.1.1

A simple module-scope cache of RedisClient instances by host and port (primarily for AWS Lambda use).

NB: This module depends on the external redis module and caches that module's RedisClient instances.

Main module:

  • redis-client-cache.js

This module is exported as a Node.js module.


Using npm:

$ npm i --save redis-client-cache


  • To use the RedisClient cache to set and get a previously or newly cached, "raw" (untested) RedisClient instance per host-port combination
const RedisClientCache = require('redis-client-cache');

// Choose a Redis adapter to use - either 'rcc-redis-adapter' or 'rcc-ioredis-adapter' 
// For unit testing, choose either 'rcc-redis-mock-adapter' or 'rcc-ioredis-mock-adapter'
const redisAdapter = require('rcc-redis-adapter');

// Preamble to create a context and configure logging on the context
let context = {};
const logging = require('logging-utils');
context = logging.configureLogging(context); // or your own custom logging configuration (see logging-utils

// NB: Configure the redis client cache with an appropriate Redis adapter to use
context = RedisClientCache.configureRedisClientCache(context, redisAdapter);
const redisClientCache = context.redisClientCache;

const host = ''; // ... replace with your redis server's host
const port = 6379; // ... replace with your redis server's port

// Define the redis client constructor options that you want to use, e.g.
const redisClientOptions = {
  host: host,
  port: port,
  string_numbers: true // ... `redis` adapter example ... not valid for `ioredis`
  // See for full details for `redis` adapter
  // ...

// To create and cache a new RedisClient instance with the given RedisClient constructor options for either the default 
// host and port or for the host and port specified in the given options OR to reuse a previously cached RedisClient 
// instance (if any) that is compatible with the given options
const redisClient = redisClientCache.setRedisClient(redisClientOptions, context);

// To get a previously set or configured RedisClient instance for a specified host and port
const redisClient1 = redisClientCache.getRedisClientAndReplaceIfClosing('localhost', 9999, context);

// ... or, less useful, for the DEFAULT host and port
const redisClient2 = redisClientCache.getRedisClient(redis.defaultHost, redis.defaultPort);

// To get the original options that were used to construct a cached RedisClient instance for a specified host and port
const optionsUsed1 = redisClientCache.getRedisClientOptionsUsed('localhost', 9999);

// ... or, less useful, for the DEFAULT host and port
const optionsUsed2 = redisClientCache.getRedisClientOptionsUsed(redis.defaultHost, redis.defaultPort);

// To remove (and also end/quit) a cached RedisClient instance from the cache
const {host1, port1, deleted, disconnected} = redisClientCache.deleteAndDisconnectRedisClient('localhost', 9999, context);
assert(host1 && port1 && deleted && disconnected);

// To asynchronously test connectivity of a RedisClient instance
redisClientCache.isRedisClientUsable(redisClient, context).then(usable => {
  // usable will be true if the async connectivity test worked; otherwise false
  assert(usable === true);
  // ...

// To simultaneously test connectivity of a RedisClient instance and then EITHER return it (if the test passed)
// OR return a brand new instance (if the test failed)
redisClientCache.replaceRedisClientIfUnusable(redisClient, redisClientOptions, context).then(client => {
  // ...
  • To use the RedisClient cache to set and get a previously or newly cached, tested and USABLE RedisClient instance (if the connectivity test passed) or a brand new instance (if the connectivity test failed) per host-port combination. Note that this function returns a promise, since it performs an asynchronous connectivity test against the Redis server (and also suffers the overhead of doing so).
const RedisClientCache = require('redis-client-cache');

// Choose a Redis adapter to use - either 'rcc-redis-adapter' or 'rcc-ioredis-adapter' 
// For unit testing, choose either 'rcc-redis-mock-adapter' or 'rcc-ioredis-mock-adapter'
const redisAdapter = require('rcc-ioredis-adapter');

// Preamble to create a context and configure logging on the context
let context = {};
const logging = require('logging-utils');
context = logging.configureLogging(context); // or your own custom logging configuration (see logging-utils

// NB: Configure the redis client cache with an appropriate Redis adapter to use
context = RedisClientCache.configureRedisClientCache(context, redisAdapter);
const redisClientCache = context.redisClientCache;

const host = ''; // ... your redis server's host
const port = 6379; // ... your redis server's port

// Define the RedisClient constructor options that you want to use, e.g.
const redisClientOptions = {
  host: host,
  port: port,
  string_numbers: true
  // See for full details (if using `rcc-redis-adapter`) 
  // ...

// To set a new "tested" and USABLE RedisClient instance with the given RedisClient constructor options for either the 
// default host and port or for the host and port specified in the given options OR to reuse a previously cached, 
// tested and USABLE RedisClient instance (if any) that is compatible with the given options
const redisClientPromise = redisClientCache.setRedisClientAndReplaceIfUnusable(redisClientOptions, context);
// ...
redisClientPromise.then(client => {
  // ...  

// To later retrieve the cached RedisClient instance
const client = redisClientCache.getRedisClient(host, port);

Unit tests

This module's unit tests were developed with and must be run with tape. The unit tests have been tested on Node.js v6.10.3.

To run the unit tests - against redis-mock and ioredis-mock:

npm test

To run the integration tests - against redis and ioredis:

npm run itest

See the package source for more details.




A simple module-scope cache of RedisClient instances by host & port (primarily for AWS Lambda use)







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