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The Byteman Rule Language

Rules are defined in scripts which consists of a sequence of rule definitions interleaved with comment lines. Comments may occur within the body of a rule definition as well as preceding or following a definition but must be on separate lines from the rule text. Comments are lines which begin with a # character:

  # Example Rule Set
  # a single rule definition
  RULE example rule
  # comment line in rule body
  . . .

Rule Events

Rule event specifications identify a specific location in a target method associated with a target class. Target methods can be either static or instance methods or constructors. If no detailed location is specified the default location is entry to the target method. So, the basic schema for a single rule is as follows:

  # rule skeleton
  RULE <rule name>
  CLASS <class name>
  METHOD <method name>
  BIND <bindings>
  IF  <condition>
  DO  <actions>

The name of the rule following the RULE keyword can be any free form text with the restriction that it must include at least one non-white space character. Rule names do not have to be unique but it obviously helps when debugging rule scripts if they clearly identify the rule. The rule name is printed whenever an error is encountered during parsing, type checking, compilation or execution.

The class and method names following the CLASS and METHOD keywords must be on the same line. The class name can identify a class either with or without the package qualification. The method name can identify a method with or without an argument list or return type. A constructor method is identified using the special name <init> and a class initialization method is identified using the special name <clinit>. For example,

  # class and method example
  RULE any commit on any coordinator engine
  CLASS CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  . . .

matches the rule with any class whose name is CoordinatorEngine, irrespective of the package it belongs to. When any class with this name is loaded then the agent will insert a trigger point at the beginning of any method named commit. If there are several occurrences of this method, with different signatures then each method will have a trigger point inserted.

More precise matches can be guaranteed by adding a signature comprising a parameter type list and, optionally, a return type. For example,

  # class and method example 2
  RULE commit with no arguments on wst11 coordinator engine
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD State commit()
  AT LINE 324
  . . .

This rule will only match the CoordinatorEngine class in package com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines and only match a method commit with no arguments and with a return type whose name is State. Note that in this example the package for class State has been left unspecified. The type checker will infer the package of the parameter or return type from the matched method where it is omitted. The previous example also employs the location specifier AT LINE. The text following the line keyword must be able to be parsed to derive an integer line number. This directs the agent to insert the trigger call at the start of a particular line in the source code. Note:

  • The Byteman agent will not normally transform any classes in package java.lang and will never transform classes in package org.jboss.byteman, the byteman package itself (it is possible to remove the first of these restrictions by setting a System property, but you need to be really sure you know what you are doing – see below for details).

  • Inner classes can be specified by employing the (internal format) $ separator to distinguish an inner class from its enclosing outer class e.g.$Cons, Map$Entry$Wrapper.

Class Rules vs Interface Rules

Byteman rules can be attached to interfaces as well as classes. If the CLASS keyword is replaced with the keyword INTERFACE then the rule applies to any class which implements the specified interface. For example, the following rule

  # interface rule example
  RULE commit with no arguments on any engine
  INTERFACE com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.Engine
  METHOD commit()
  . . .

is attached to method commit of interface Engine. If Engine is implemented by classes CoordinatorEngine and ParticipantEngine then the rule implies two trigger points, one at the start of method CoordinatorEngine.commit() and another at the start of method ParticipantEngine.commit(). The agent ensures that each implementing class is transformed to include a trigger call for the rule.

Overriding Rules

Normally, Byteman only injects rule code into methods which are defined by the class identified in the CLASS clause. This is sometimes not very helpful. For example, the following rule is not much use:

  RULE trace Object.finalize
  CLASS java.lang.Object
  METHOD finalize
  DO System.out.println("Finalizing " + $0)

The print statement gets inserted into method Object.finalize(). However, the JVM only calls finalize when an object’s class overrides Object.finalize(). So, this rule will not do what is intended because overriding methods will not be modified. (n.b. this is not quite the full story – method implementations which directly override Object.finalize and call super.finalize() will trigger the rule). There are many other situations where it might be desirable to inject code into overriding method implementations. For example, class Socket is specialised by various classes which provide their own implementation of methods bind, accept etc. So, a rule attached to Socket.bind() will not be triggered when the bind method of one of these subclasses is called (unless the subclass method calls super.bind()).

Of course, it is always possible to define a specific rule for each overriding class. However, this is tedious and may possibly miss some cases when the code base is changed. So, Byteman provides a simple bit of syntax for specifying that rules should also be injected into overriding implementations.

  RULE trace Object.finalize
  CLASS ^java.lang.Object
  METHOD finalize
  DO System.out.println("Finalizing " + $0)

The ^ prefix attached to the class name tells the agent that the rule should apply to implementations of finalize defined either by class Object or by any class which extends Object. This prefix can also be used with interface rules, requiring the agent to inject the rule code into methods of classes which implement the interface and also into overriding methods on subclasses of the implementing classes.

Note that if an overriding method invokes a super method then this style of injection may cause the injected rule code to be triggered more than once. In particular, injecting into constructors (which, inevitably, invoke some form of super constructor) will often result in multiple triggerings of the rule. This is easily avoided by adding a condition to the rule which checks the name of the caller method. So, for example, the rule above would be better rewritten as

  RULE trace Object.finalize at initial call
  CLASS ^java.lang.Object
  METHOD finalize
  IF NOT callerEquals("finalize")
  DO System.out.println("Finalizing " + $0)

This rule uses the built-in method callerEquals which can be called with a variety of alternative signatures (described in full below). This version calls String.equals() comparing the name of the method which called the trigger method to its String argument and returns the result. The condition negates this using the NOT operator (another way of writing the Java ! Operator). So, when an implementation of finalize is called via the finalizer thread’s runFinalizer() method this condition evaluates to true and the rule fires. When it gets called via super.finalize() the condition evaluates to false and the rule does not fire.

Overriding Interface Rules

The ^ prefix can also be used in combination with INTERFACE rules. Normally an interface rule is only injected into classes which directly implement the interface methods. This can mean that a plain INTERFACE rule does not always get injected into the classes you are interested in.

For example, class ArrayList extends class AbstractList which, in turn, implements interface List. A rule attached to INTERFACE List will be considered for injection into AbstractList but will not be considered for injection into ArrayList. This makes sense because AbstractList will contain an implementation of every method in List (some of these methods may be abstract). So, any methods in class ArrayList which re-implement the interface are considered to be overriding methods. However, the ^ prefix can be used to achieve the desired effect. If the rule is attached to INTERFACE ^List then it will be considered for injection into both AbstractList and ArrayList.

Note that there is a subtle difference between these cases where a class extends a superclass and those where an interface extends a superinterface. The same class hierarchy can be used as an example to explain how interface extension is treated.

Let’s look at the interface Collection which is extended by interface List. When a rule is attached to INTERFACE Collection then it is considered for injection into any class which implements Collection and also any class which implements an extension of Collection. Since List extends Collection this means that an implementation class like AbstractList will be a candidate for the rule. This is because AbstractList is the first class reached down the chain from Collection via List so it is the first point in the class hierarchy where an implementation can be found for methods of Collection (even if it is only an abstract method). Class ArrayList willl not be a candidate for injection because any of it’s methods which re-implement a method declared by Collection will still only override a method implemented in AbstractList. If you want the rule to be injected into these overriding methods defined in class ArrayList then you can do so by attaching the rule to INTERFACE ^Collection.

Location Specifiers

The examples above either specified the precise location of the trigger point within the target method to a specific line number using AT LINE or defaulted it to the start of the method. Clearly, line numbers can be used to specify almost any point during execution and are easy and convenient to use in code which is not subject to change. However, this approach is not very useful for test automation where the code under test may well get modified. Obviously when code is edited the associated tests need to be revised. But modifications to the code base can easily shift the line numbers of unmodified code invalidating test scripts unrelated to the edits. Luckily, there are several other ways of specifying where a trigger point should be inserted into a target method. For example,

  # location specifier example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AFTER WRITE $current
  . . .

The name current prefixed with a $ sign identifies a local variable,or possibly a method parameter. In this case, current happens to be a local variable declared and initialised at the start of method CoordinatorEngine.commit whose type is the enum State.

  public State commit()
    final State current ;
      current = this.state ;
      if (current == State.STATE_PREPARED_SUCCESS) {
        . . .

So, the trigger point will be inserted immediately after the first write operation in the bytecode (istore) which updates the stack location used to store current. This is effectively the same as saying that the trigger point will occur at the point in the source code where local variable current is initialised i.e. the first line inside the synchronized block.

By contrast, the following rule would locate the trigger point after the first read from field recovered:

  # location specifier example 2
  RULE add countdown at recreate
  CLASS CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD <init>
  AT READ CoordinatorEngine.recovered
  . . .

Note that in the last example the field type is qualified to ensure that the write is to the field belonging to an instance of class CoordinatorEngine. Without the type the rule would match any read from a field with name recovered.

The full set of location specifiers is as follows:

AT LINE number
AT READ [type .] field [count | ALL ]
AT READ $var-or-idx [count | ALL ]
AFTER READ [ type .] field [count | ALL ]
AFTER READ $var-or-idx [count | ALL ]
AT WRITE [ type .] field [count | ALL ]
AT WRITE $var-or-idx [count | ALL ]
AFTER WRITE [ type .] field [count | ALL ]
AFTER WRITE $var-or-idx [count | ALL ]
AT INVOKE [ type .] method [ ( argtypes ) ] [count | ALL ]
AFTER INVOKE [ type .] method [ ( argtypes ) ][count | ALL ]
AT NEW [ type ] [ [] ] * [count | ALL ]
AFTER NEW [ type ] [ [] ] * [count | ALL ]
AT THROW [count | ALL ]

If a location specifier is provided it must immediately follow the METHOD specifier. If no location specifier is provided it defaults to AT ENTRY.


An AT ENTRY specifier normally locates the trigger point before the first executable instruction in the trigger method. An exception to this occurs in the case of a constructor method in which case the trigger point is located before the first instruction following the call to the super constructor or redirection call to an alternative constructor. This is necessary to ensure that rules do not attempt to bind and operate on the instance before it is constructed.


An AT EXIT specifier locates a trigger point at each location in the trigger method where a normal return of control occurs (i.e. wherever there is an implicit or explicit return but not where a throw exits the method).


An AT LINE specifier locates the trigger point before the first executable bytecode instruction in the trigger method whose source line number is greater than or equal to the line number supplied as argument to the specifier. If there is no executable code at (or following) the specified line number the agent will not insert a trigger point (note that it does not print an error in such cases because this may merely indicate that the rule does not apply to this particular class or method).


An AT READ specifier followed by a field name locates the trigger point before the first mention of an object field whose name matches the supplied field name i.e. it corresponds to the first occurred of a corresponding getField instruction in the bytecode. If a type is specified then the getField instruction will only be matched if the named field is declared by a class whose name matches the supplied type. If a count N is supplied then the Nth matching getField will be used as the trigger point. Note that the count identifies to the Nth textual occurence of the field access, not the Nth field access in a particular execution path at runtime. If the keyword ALL is specified in place of a count then the rule will be triggered at all matching getField calls.

An AT READ specifier followed by a $-prefixed local variable name, method parameter name or method parameter index locates the trigger point before the first instruction which reads the corresponding local or method parameter variable i.e. it corresponds to an iload, dload, aload etc instruction in the bytecode. If a count N is supplied then the Nth matching read will be used as the trigger point. Note that the count identifies to the Nth textual occurrence of a read of the variable, not the Nth access in a particular execution path at runtime. If the keyword ALL is specified in place of a count then the rule will be triggered before every read of the variable.

Note that it is only possible to use local or parameter variable names such as $i, $this or $arg1 if the trigger method bytecode includes a local variable table, e.g. if it has been compiled with the -g flag. By contrast, it is always possible to refer to parameter variable read operations using the index notation $0, $1 etc (however, note that location AT READ $0 will only match where the trigger method is an instance method).


An AFTER READ specification is identical to an AT READ specification except that it locates the trigger point after the getField or variable read operation.


AT WRITE and AFTER WRITE specifiers are the same as the corresponding READ specifiers except that they correspond to assignments to the named field or named variable in the source code i.e. they identify putField or istore, dstore, etc instructions.

Note that location AT WRITE $0 or, equivalently, AT WRITE $this will never match any candidate trigger method because the target object for an instance method invocation is never assigned.

Note also that for a given local variable, localvar, location AT WRITE $localvar or, equivalently, AT WRITE $localvar 1 identifies the location immediately after the local variable is initialised i.e. it is treated as if it were specified as AFTER WRITE $localvar. This is necessary because the variable is not in scope until after it is initialised. This also ensures that the local variable which has been written can be safely accessed in the rule body.


AT INVOKE and AFTER INVOKE specifiers are like READ and WRITE specifiers except that they identify invocations of methods or constructors within the trigger method as the trigger point. The method may be identified using a bare method name or the name may be qualified by a, possibly package-qualified, type or by a descriptor. A descriptor consists of a comma-separated list of type names within brackets. The type names identify the types of the method parameters and may be prefixed with package qualifiers and employ array bracket pairs as suffixes.


AT NEW and AFTER NEW specifiers identify locations in the target method where a new operation creates a Java object class or array class. An AT NEW rule is triggered before the object or array is allocated. An AFTER NEW rule is triggered after creation and initialization of the object or array.

Selection of the NEW trigger location may be constrained by supplying a variety of optional arguments, a type name, one or more pairs of square braces and either an integer count or the keyword ALL. These arguments may all be specified independently and they each serve to select a more or less precise set of matches for points where the rule may be considered for injection into the target method.

If a type name is supplied injection is limited to points where an instance (or array) of the named type is created. The type name can be supplied without a package qualifier, in which case any new operation with a type sharing the same non-package qualified name will match.

If the type name is omitted then injection can occur at any point where an instance (or array) is created.

Note that extends and implements relationships are ignored when matching. For example, if a rule specifies AT NEW Foo then the location will not be matched against operation new Foobar even if FooBar extends Foo. Similarly, when Foo implements IFoo specifying location AT NEW IFoo will not be matched. Indeed specifying any interface is a mistake. new operations always instantiate a specific class and never an interface. So, locations specifying an interface name will never match.

If one or more brace pairs are included then injection is limited to points in the method where an array with the equivalent number of dimensions is created. So, for example specifying AT NEW [][] will match any new operation where a 2d array is created, irrespective of what the array base type is, By contrast, specifying AT NEW int[] will only match a new operation where a 1d int array is created. If no braces are supplied then matches will be restricted to new operations where a Java object class (i.e. a non-array class) is instantiated.

When there are multiple canidate injection points in a method an integer count may be supplied to pick a specific injection point (count defaults to 1 if it is left unspecified). Keyword ALL can be supplied to request injection at all matching injection points.


AT SYNCHRONIZE and AFTER SYNCHRONIZE specifiers identify synchronization blocks in the target method, i.e. they correspond to MONITORENTER instructions in the bytecode. Note that AFTER SYNCHRONIZE identifies the point immediately after entry to the synchronized block rather than the point immediately after exit from the block.


An AT THROW specifier identifies a throw operation within the trigger method as the trigger point. The throw operation may be qualified by a, possibly package-qualified, typename identifying the lexical type of the thrown exception. If a count N is supplied then the location specifies the Nth textual occurrence of a throw. If the keyword ALL is specified in place of a count then the rule will be triggered at all matching occurrences of a throw.


An AT EXCEPTION EXIT specifier identifies the point where a method returns control back to its caller via unhandled exceptional control flow. This can happen either because the method itself has thrown an exception or because it has called out to some other method which has thrown an exception. It can also happen when the method executes certain operations in the Java language, for example dereferencing a null object value or indexing beyond the end of an array.

A rule injected with this location is triggered at the point where the exception would normally propagate back to the caller. Once rule execution completes then normally the exception flow resumes. However, the rule may subvert this resumed flow by executing a RETURN. It may also explicitly rethrow the original exception or throw some newly created exception by executing a THROW (n.b. if the latter is a checked exception then it must be declared as a possible exception by the trigger method).

n.b. when several rules specify the same location the order of injection of trigger calls usually follows the order of the rules in their respective scripts. The exception to this is AFTER locations where the the order of injection is the reverse to the order of occurrence.

n.b.b. when a location specifier (other than ENTRY or EXIT) is used with an overriding rule the rule code is only injected into the original method or overriding methods if the location matches the method in question. So, for example, if location AT READ myField 2 is employed then the rule will only be injected into implementations of the method which include two loads of field myField. Methods which do not match the location are ignored.

n.b.b.b. for historical reasons CALL may be used as a synonym for INVOKE, RETURN may be used as a synonym for EXIT and the AT in an AT LINE specifier is optional.

Rule Bindings

The event specification includes a binding specification which computes values for variables which can subsequently be referenced in the rule body. These values will be computed each time the rule is triggered before testing the rule condition. For example,

  # binding example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  BIND engine:CoordinatorEngine = $0;
       recovered:boolean = engine.isRecovered();
       identifier:String = engine.getId()
  . . .

creates a variable called engine. This variable is bound to the recipient of the commit method call which triggered the rule, identified by the parameter reference $0 (if commit was a static method then reference to $0 would result in a type check exception). Arguments to the trigger method can be identified using parameter references with successive indices, $1, $2 etc. The declaration of engine specifies its type as being CoordinatorEngine though this is not strictly necessary since it can be inferred form the type of $0.

Similarly, variables recovered and identifier are bound by evaluating the expressions on the right of the = operator. Note that the binding for engine has been established before these variables are bound so it can be referenced in the evaluated expression. Once again, type specifications are provided but they could be inferred. The special syntax BIND NOTHING is available for cases where the rule does not need to employ any bindings. Alternatively, the BIND clause may be omitted.

Downcasts At Rule Variable Initialization

A binding initialization can do more than simply introduce a place holder for the value computed in the initializer expression and in this respect it differs significantly from an assignment that occurs elsewhere in the rule body. It is possible to perform a 'downcast' in a binding initialization i.e. assigning a value of some generic class type to a rule variable whose type is a compatible subclass type.

For example, in the following rule

  # downcast example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  BIND engine:CoordinatorEngine = $0;
       endpoint : = engine.participant;
       w3cEndpoint = endpoint;
  . . .

the reference stored in the CoordinatorEngine field participant is used to initialize rule variable endpoint whose type is the generic JaxWS class EndpointReference. The second binding for rule variable w3cEndpoint uses the value stored in endpoint. The type of this second variable w3cEdpoint is subclass W3CEndpointReference of the type EndpointReference of the initializing expression. In an assignment anywhere else in a rule this would lead to a type error. The Byteman type checker ignores the type mismatch in this initializing assignment, but only because it knows that W3CEndpointReference is a subclass of the type for the intiializer expression, endpoint. It assumes that the 'downcast' at this point is deliberate, i.e. that the rule author knows that the value returned by the initializer expression will in fact belongs to the subtype.

Byteman still performs a type check when it executes the initialization to ensure that the value is indeed of the required type, throwing an exception if the test fails. n.b. in this case the assignment will never fail because CoordinatorEngine field participant is actually declared as a W3CEndpointReference.

Downcasting is particularly useful when rules need to handle generic types like List etc. The Byteman type checker cannot identify information about generic types from bytecode because it is erased at compile time. So, for example, a list get operation will always be typed as returning an Object. If you know that a specific list available at the injection point stores values of some given type then a value retrieved from the list can be downcast to the desired type in the BIND clause.

Rule Expressions

Expressions which occur on the right hand side of the = operator in event bindings can be any of the Java expressions supported by Byteman. This includes all the usual simple expressions found in plus a few extra special cases i.e.

  • references to previously bound variables

  • references to the trigger method recipient or parameters

  • references to the local variables in scope at the trigger point

  • references to special variables $!, $^, $#, $*, $@, $CLASS and $METHOD

  • static field references

  • primitive literals

  • array literals

  • field accesses

  • static or instance method invocations

  • built-in operation invocations

n.b. built-in operations are explained in more detail below.

Expressions can also be constructed as complex expressions composed from other expressions using the usual Java operators: +, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, &&, ||, !, =, ==, !=, <, , >, >=, new, etc. The ternary conditional expression operator, ? :, can also be employed. The type checker does its best to identify the types of simple and complex expressions wherever possible. So, for example, if it knows the type of bound variable engine then it will be able to employ reflection to infer the type of a field access engine.recovered, a method invocation engine.isRecovered(), etc.


  • throw and return operations are only allowed as the last action in a sequence of rule actions (see below).

  • Expressions should obey the normal rules regarding associativity and precedence.

  • The trigger method recipient and parameters may be referred to by index using the symbols $0 (invalid for a static method), $1 etc. If the method has been compiled with the relevant debug options then symbolic references may also be used. So, for example, $this may be used as an alias for $0 and $myArg may be used as an alias for $1 if the method first parameter is declared with name myArg,

  • If the trigger method has been compiled with the relevant debug options then local variables may be referenced symbolically using the same syntax to method parameters. So, for example, if variable idx is in scope at the trigger point then $idx can be used to obtain its value.

  • Special variables provide access to other trigger method data. There are currently 7 such special variables:

    • $! is valid in at AT EXIT rule and is bound to the return value on the stack at the point where the rule is triggered. Its type is the same as the trigger method return type. The rule will fail to inject if the trigger method return type is void.

    • $! is also valid in an AFTER INVOKE rule and is bound to the return value on the stack at the point where the rule is triggered. Its type is the same as the invoked method return type. The rule will fail to inject if the invoked method return type is void.

    • $! is also valid in an AFTER NEW rule and is bound the instance or array created by the new operation which triggered the rule. Its type is that of the corresponding new expression in the trigger method.

    • $^ is valid in an AT THROW rule and is bound to the throwable on the stack at the point where the rule is triggered. Its type is Throwable.

    • $^ is also valid in an AT EXCEPTION EXIT rule and is bound to the throwable being returned from the method via exceptional control flow. Its type is Throwable.

    • $# has type int and identifies the number of parameters supplied to the trigger method.

    • $* is bound to an Object[] array containing the trigger method recipient, $this, in slot 0 and the trigger method parameter values, $1, $2 etc in slots 1, 2 etc (for a static trigger method the value in slot 0 is null).

    • $@ is only valid in an AT INVOKE rule and is bound to an Object[] array containing the AT INVOKE target method recipient in slot 0 and the call arguments for the target method installed in slots 1 upwards in call order (if the target method is static the value in slot 0 is null). Note that this variable is not valid in AFTER INVOKE rules. The array contains the call arguments located on the stack just before the trigger method calls the AT INVOKE target method. These values are no longer available after the call has completed.

    • $CLASS is valid in all rules and is bound to a String whose value is the full package qualified name of the trigger class for the rule. The trigger class is the class whose method the rule has been injected into. Note that this is normally the same as the target class mentioned in the CLASS clause of the rule. However, when injecting into interfaces or using overriding injection the trigger class may be an implementation or subclass, respectively, of the target class. So there may be more than one trigger class for any given target class.

    • $METHOD is valid in all rules and is bound to a String whose value is the full name of the trigger method into which the rule has been injected, qualified with signature and return type. Note that this is normally the same as the target method mentioned in the METHOD clause of the rule. However, the target method may omit the signature and return type. So there may be more than one trigger method for any given target method.

    • $NEWCLASS is only valid in AT NEW and AFER NEW rules. It is bound to a String which is the canonical name of the object or array created by the new operation e.g, int[],[][].

  • Array literal expressions are a comma-separated sequence of expressions enclosed in braces such as {} , { "foo", "bar" }. Array literals may only be used to define the initial value for either: an array variable declared in the BIND clause e.g.
    x:int[] = {1, 2, 3};
    or: an array created via a new expression e.g.
    names = new Object[][] {{$0, $},{$1, $}};
    n.b. Byteman does not restrict the type of expressions embedded in the initializer to other literals. As you can see in the second example above embedded values can be computed using arbitrary Java expressions. Byteman also allows subordinate bracketed terms to have different numbers of items so long as the expressions are type compatible; it simply creates the relevant sub-array using the number of values provided.
    n.b.b. when an initializer with mixed value types is used to initialize an untyped variable in a BIND clause the values must have a type uniform with that of the first element, which can be used consistently to infer the corresponding array type e.g given the following binding x = { $1, "foo", $2 };
    type Object[] will be inferred for x if $1 is of type Object, type String[] will be inferred if $1 and $2 are both of of type String. With any other types a type error will occur.

  • Assignments may update the bindings for rule variables introduced in the BIND clause, parameter or local variables, instance fields, static fields or the return value special variable $!. Assignments are not currently allowed to update any of the the other special variables.

  • Assignments to parameter variables or local variables are visible on resumption of the trigger method. For example, assume that a rule includes an assignment such as $name = "Ernie", where name is either a parameter variable or a local variable in scope at the trigger point. If name has value "Bert" when the rule is triggered and the assignment actually gets executed then on resumption of the trigger method name will have value "Ernie". Note that assignments cannot be made to $this (or, equivalently, $0); the recipient argument for an instance method is always final.

  • Assignment to $! in an AT RETURN, AFTER INVOKE or AFTER NEW rule updates the value on top of the stack at the trigger point. For an AT RETURN rule this causes the trigger method to return this updated value. The same effect can be achieved in an AT RETURN rule by executing a RETURN expression. For an AFTER INVOKE or AFTER NEW rule this substitutes an alternative result for the just completed call or new operation.

  • Byteman provides the English language keywords listed below which can be used in place of the related standard Java operators (in brackets):
    OR (||), AND (&&), NOT (!), LE (< =), LT (<), EQ (==), NE (!=), GE (>=), GT (>), TIMES (*), DIVIDE (/), PLUS (+), MINUS (-), MOD (%), Keywords are recognised in either upper or lower (but not mixed) case.
    Keywords may clash with the same names where they they occur as legal Java identifiers in the target classes and methods specified in Byteman rules

Rule Conditions

Rule conditions are nothing more than rule expressions with boolean type. For example,

  # condition example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  BIND engine:CoordinatorEngine = $this;
       recovered:boolean = engine.isRecovered();
       identifier:String = engine.getId()
  IF recovered
  . . .

merely tests the value of bound variable recovered. The same effect could be achieved by using the following condition:

  # condition example 2
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  BIND engine:CoordinatorEngine = $this,
       . . .
  IF engine.isRecovered()
  . . .

Alternatively, if, say, the instance employed a public field, recovered, to store the boolean value returned by method isRecovered then the same effect would be achieved by the following condition.

  # condition example 3
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  BIND engine:CoordinatorEngine = $this,
  . . .
  IF engine.recovered
  . . .

Note that the boolean literal true is available for use in expressions so a rule which should always fire can use this as the condition expression.

Rule Actions

Rule actions are either a rule expression or a return or throw action or a sequence of rule expressions separated by semi-colons, possibly ending with a return or throw action. Rule expressions occurring in an action list may have arbitrary type, including void type.

A return action is the return keyword possibly followed by a rule expression which is used to compute a return value. A return action causes a return from the triggering method so it may omit a return value if and only if the method is void. If a return value is employed then the type checker will ensure that it’s type is assignable to the return type of the trigger method. So, for example, the following use of return is legitimate assuming method commit has return type boolean:

  # return example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
   	. . .
  DO debug("returning early with failure");
     return false

A throw action is the throw keyword followed by an throwable constructor expression. A throwable constructor expression is the keyword new followed by the class name of the throwable which is to be thrown followed by an argument list. The argument list may be empty i.e. it may consist of an open and close bracket pair. Alternatively, the brackets may include a single rule expression or a sequence of rule expressions separated by commas. If no arguments are supplied the throwable type must implement an empty constructor. If arguments are supplied then the throwable type must implement a constructor whose signature is type-compatible. n.b. for hysterical reasons the new keyword may be omitted from the throwable constructor expression which follows the throw keyword.

A throw action causes a throwable of the type named in the exception constructor to be created and thrown from the triggering method. In order for this to be valid the expression type must either be assignable to java.lang.RuntimeException or java.lang.Error or be explicitly declared as a checked exception in the triggering method’s throws list. The type checker will throw a type exception if either of these conditions is not met. So, for example, the following use of throw is legitimate assuming method commit includes WrongStateException in its throws list.

  # throw example
  RULE countdown at commit
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  AT READ state
  . . .
  DO debug("throwing wrong state");
     throw new WrongStateException()

An empty action list may be specified using the keyword NOTHING.

Built-In Calls

Built-in calls are calls to a family of useful methods which implement a family operations that are often useful in rule conditions or actions. They are written without a recipient as though they were invocations of a method on this. The rule engine identifies calls in this format and translates them to runtime invocations of instance methods of a helper class, by default the class Helper provided by Byteman itself. So, referring back to the last few examples, it is apparent that the class Helper implements a debugging method with signature

  boolean debug(String message)

This method prints the supplied string to System.out but only when property org.jboss.byteman.debug has been set. It can be used in a rule action to display a message when you wish to debug rule execution, for example:

  DO debug("killing JVM"), killJVM()

So, in this example when the debug built-in is executed the rule engine calls the corresponding method of the current helper instance passing it the string "killing JVM". Method killJVM is another built-in implemented by the corresponding instance method of Helper. It can be used to perform an immediate halt of the JVM, simulating a JVM crash.

Note that method debug has a boolean return type. It always returns true. This is to allow tracing of rule IF clauses by AND in a debug call with the rest of the condition. This would normally occur in combination with a test of some bound variable or method parameter, for example:

  IF debug("checking for recovered participant")
     debug("recovered participant " + participant.getId())

n.b. AND is an alternative token for the Java && operator.

The rule language implementation automatically exposes all public instance methods of class Helper as built-in operations. So when the rule type checker encounters an invocation of debug with no recipient supplied it verifies that debug is a method of class Helper and automatically type checks the call against this method. At execution time the call is executed by invoking the implementation of debug on a helper instance created when rule execution is triggered at the injection point.

This feature allows additional or alternative built-ins to be added to the rule engine simply by adding new helper implementations. No changes are required to the parser, type checker and compiler in order for this to work.

User-Defined Rule Helpers

A rule can specify it’s own helper class if it wants to extend, override or replace the set of built-in calls available for use in its event, condition or action. For example, in the following rule, class FailureTester is used as the helper class. Its boolean instance method doWrongState(CoordinatorEngine) is called from the condition to decide whether or not to throw a WrongStateException.

  # helper example
  RULE help yourself
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  HELPER com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.FailureTester
  IF doWrongState($0)
  DO throw new WrongStateException()

A helper class does not need to implement any special interface or inherit from any pre-defined class. It merely needs to provide instance methods to resolve the built-in calls which occur in the rule. The only limitations are

  • your helper class must not be final

    • Byteman needs to be able to subclass your helper in order to interface it to the rule execution engine

  • your helper class must not be abstract

    • Byteman needs to be able to instantiate your helper when the rule is triggered

  • you must provide a suitable public constructor for your helper class

    • by default Byteman will instantiate it using the empty constructor (i.e. the one with signature ())

    • if you provide a constructor that accepts the rule as argument (i.e. with signature (org.jboss.byteman.agent.rule.Rule)) Byteman will use that for preference

By sub-classing the default helper it is possible to extend or override the default set of methods. For example, the following rule employs a helper which adds emphasis to the debug messages printed by the rule.

  # helper example 2
  RULE help yourself but rely on others
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD commit
  HELPER HelperSub
  IF NOT flagged($this)
  DO debug("throwing wrong state");
     throw new WrongStateException()
  class HelperSub extends Helper
      public HelperSub(Rule rule)
      public boolean debug(String message)
          super("!!! IMPORTANT EVENT !!! " + message);

The rule is still able to employ the built-in methods flag and flagged defined by the default helper class.

The examples above use a HELPER line in the rule body to reset the helper for a specific rule. It is also possible to reset the helper for all subsequent rules in a file by adding a HELPER line outside of the scope of a rule. So, in the following example the first two rules use class HelperSub while the third one uses class YellowSub.

  HELPER HelperSub
  # helper example 3
  RULE helping hand
  . . .
  RULE I can't help myself
  . . .
  RULE help, I need somebody
  CLASS . . .
  METHOD . . .
  HELPER YellowSub
  . . .

Rule Helper Lifecycle Methods

It is occasionally useful to be able to perform some sort of setup activity when rules are loaded or a teardown activity when rules are unloaded. For example, if tracing rules are loaded to collect statistics on program execution it would be convenient to add a background thread which wakes up at regular intervals in order to print and then zero the value of the various counters incremented by the rules. Similarly, it would be helpful to be able to detect that all the tracing rules had been unloaded so that the thread can be shutdown, avoiding wasted CPU time. The rule engine supports a lifecycle model for loading and unloading which makes this sort of setup and teardown simple to achieve.

There are four lifecyle events in the model: activate, install, uninstall and deactivate. Although these lifecycle events are associated with loading and unloading of rules, the focus of the event is the helper class associated with the rule being loaded/unloaded. It is the helper class which provides a callback method to handle the lifecycle event. The four lifecycle events are generated according to the following model.

Assume that we have a helper class H and a set of installed rules R(H) employing H as their helper. Obviously R(H) is empty at bootstrap. When a rule r(H) with helper H has been loaded (either during agent bootstrap or via the dynamic listener), injected and typechecked it is installed into the set R(H). When an installed rule is unloaded via the dynamic listener it is uninstalled from the set R(H).

  • an activate event occurs when an install cause R(H) to transition from empty to non-empty

  • an install event occurs when r(H) is installed in R(H)

  • an uninstall event occurs when r(H) is uninstalled from R(H)

  • a deactivate event occurs an uninstall causes R(H) to transition from non-empty to empty

Note that an install always generates an activate event before the associated install event. An uninstall always generates an uninstall event before any associated deactivate event.

The helper class H is notified of these events if it implements any of the corresponding static methods:

  public static void activated()
  public static void installed(Rule rule)
  public static void installed(String ruleName)
  public static void uninstalled(Rule rule)
  public static void uninstalled(String ruleName)
  public static void deactivated()

activated() is called when an activate event occurs. It can perform a one-off set up operation on behalf of all rules employing the helper.

deactivated() is called when a deactivate event occurs. It can perform a one-off tear down operation on behalf of all rules employing the helper.

installed(Rule) is called when an install event occurs. It can perform a set up operation specific to the supplied rule.

deinstalled(Rule) is called when an install event occurs. It can perform a tear down operation specific to the supplied rule.

installed(String) and uninstalled(String) can also be implemented as alternatives to installed(Rule) and uninstalled(Rule) if the helper can make do with the rule name rather than using the Byteman Rule instance. Note that if both flavours are implemented only the method which takes a Rule will be called.

Note that the default helper class, Helper, implements these lifecycle methods. In particular, its implementation of deactivated clears any resources allocated during rule execution, such as counters, flags, trace streams, etc, since it can be sure that there are no longer any installed rules relying on them.

It is important to understand that loading and unloading of a rule does not always initiate lifecycle processing. If a rule does not parse or typecheck correctly it will not be installed so it will not generate activate or install events. If later this rule is unloaded it will not generate uninstall or deactivate events since it was never installed. It is also possible for a valid rule to be loaded and unloaded without initiating lifecycle processing. For example, the rule may never get injected because no matching trigger class has been loaded into the JVM. Finally, when a rule is resubmitted and, hence, redefined the agent will normally elide an uninstall and reinstall associated with removing the old version of the rule and injecting the new version. Of course, if the new version of a rule fails to parse, inject or type check correctly then an uninstall will be performed (assuming that the old version of the rule was actually installed).

Helper Lifecycle Method Chaining

Although lifecycle methods are static (i.e. associated with the class rather than with an instance) it is necessary to propagate lifecycle events up the superclass hierarchy, chaining calls to lifecycle methods where present not just on the immediate helper class but also on its parent classes. Byteman ensures that all available implementations of methods activated and installed are called in response to the associated lifecyle events, searching for implementations starting with the immediate helper class of the rule and working up the super hierarchy. Similarly, it ensures that all available implementations of methods uninstalled and deactivated are called in response to the associated lifecyle events searching for implementations starting at the top of the helper super class hierarchy and working down to the rule’s immediate helper class.

This is necessary to ensure that each superclass of the helper that is interested in tracking rule lifecyle events is aware of the state of all rules that may be relying on it as a helper. If a rule r has helper H which inherits from helpers H', H'', etc then at install time r has effectively been installed into all the associated sets R(H), R(H'), R(H''), etc and at deinstall time it has effectively been removed from these sets. In consequence, Byteman must perform lifecycle processing for each of the helpers H, H', H'', etc that implements lifecycle callbacks.

Two examples may help clarify why this is needed. First, consider a rule r which uses helper H where H specialises some other helper class H'. Let’s also assume that H does not implement any lifecycle methods while H' implements both activated and deactivated, respectively, to create and destroy a hashmap used by some of its builtin methods. If r gets injected before any other rules using H' then it is no good just counting it as installed into R(H) and, finding no lifecycle methods, ignoring the install. This will fail to run method H'.activated. If r executes a builtin of H' that uses the hashmap it will suffer a null pointer exception.

Conversely, assume that a rule r' using H' is installed first, followed by rule r and that r' is then uninstalled. If r is only included in R(H) and not R(H') then deinstall of r' will transition R(H') to empty, deactivating H' and deleting the hashmap. Once again, if rule r calls a builtin of H' which uses the hashmap it will suffer a null pointer exception.

It is not enough for Byteman simply to find the first helper or super which implements activated and expect the helper to perform the call chaining. This can be seen if the above example is changed so that H implements activated and deactivated to call the corresponding method of H'. The problem is that the installed and uninstalled counts will still not be correctly updated. In the second scenario, the activated callback for H' will be called when r' is installed (because R(H') transitions from empty to non-empty) and called again, this time indirectly from H.activate, when r is installed (because R(H) transitions from empty to non-empty). Also, when r' is uninstalled H'.deactivated will be called (as R(H') transitions back to empty), deleting the hashmap even though rule r is still depending on it.

Rule Compilation

By default rules are executed by Byteman’s own interpreter which interprets the rule’s parse tree. However, it is also possible to translate a rule’s bindings, condition and actions to bytecode which can then be executed directly by the JVM and, potentially, optimized by the JIT compiler. This is very useful when rule code is injected into a method which is called very frequently. The default execution mode can be switched from interpreted to compiled by setting system property when the agent is loaded. However, resetting the default for all rules may not be helpful as it is nor always worth incurring the overhead of compiling rules which only get executed once. So, it is also possible to request compilation for a group of rules within a rule script or even for individual rules.

The following rule uses a COMPILE clause to ensure that it is always translated to bytecode even when the default mode is interpreted.

  # this rule will always be compiled
  RULE compile example
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD prepare
  . . .

If you have reset the default to compiled and wish to disable compilation then a NOCOMPILE clause can be used. The same two clauses can also appear outside a rule at the top level in a script (just as with HELPER clauses). This resets the default for subsequent rules in the same script.

  # set default execute mode to compile
  # this rule will be compiled
  RULE compile example 2
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.Engine
  METHOD prepare
  . . .
  # this rule will never be compiled
  RULE compile example 3
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.CoordinatorEngine
  METHOD prepare
  . . .
  # set default execute mode to interpreted
  # this rule will be interpreted
  RULE compile example 4
  CLASS com.arjuna.wst11.messaging.engines.ParticipantEngine
  METHOD commit
  . . .

Module Imports

This section documents an early-preview Byteman feature which is incomplete and may be subject to change.

When a Byteman rule is injected into a method the injected code needs to be resolved against the values and types available in the injection context. For example, if the rule is injected into method charAt of class String then a mention of parameter variable $1 is typed by checking the type signature of the trigger method and noting that it is an int. The injected code loads the integer value from slot 1 of the local area of a trigger method invocation and passes it to the rule execution engine.

Similarly, a call to Thread.currentThread() is type checked by noting that the name preceding the method invocation is a reference to a class named java.lang.Thread and looking up first the class and then the method in order to identify that the return type is also of type Thread. The rule execution engine executes the resolved method in order to compute the value of this expression.

Resolution of type names to classes requires a classloader lookup to see whether a class with the given name is `in scope'. Byteman interprets what it means for a name to be `in scope' by looking up class names using the classloader of the trigger class i.e. the class which owns the method into which the rule is being injected.

In normal Java SE deployments this normally presents no issues because application and JDK runtime classes are all visible via the classpath. So, in the following example, the code injected into application class ThreadPool can directly refer to application class Logger and invoke one of its static methods

  RULE call out to logging method
  METHOD schedule(Runnable)
  BIND runnableKlazz = $1.getClass().getName()
  DO, "scheduled: " + System.currentTimeMillis())

Since both classes are deployed on the classpath they will both be loaded by the system classloader. When Byteman tries to inject the rule into class it uses that loader to lookup class and finds the desired class. Note that package and class privacy imposes no barriers to Byteman here. The rule could call Logger.log even if it were private.

In Java EE deployments this sort of cross-jar or cross-deployment reference may not work. If the two classes above are deployed in separate war files then the classloader for may not be able to resolve references to class Indeed, if you employ a module system like JBoss Modules or OSGi then you may not even be able to resolve references to classes on the system or bootstrap classpath when you are injecting to code which is deployed via a JBoss or OSGi module loader.

Byteman provides a way to overcome this problem using an IMPORT declaration. Note that this declaration is not to be confused with Java’s import statement. IMPORT is only appropriate when injecting into a class which belongs to a module. Its purpose is to ensure that classes from other modules are in scope' for rule code. Type references which are not visible from the target class’s loader may still be resolved against types provided by the module whose name follows the `IMPORT keyword.

So, for example, let’s assume class is deployed in a JBoss EE depoyment which does not have access to the transactions API. This is a reasonable assumption given that the thread pool has no reason to import the TX module nor to use any of the transaction annotations which would lead to the TX module being auto-imported. The following rule explicitly imports the JBoss Module bringing class TransactionManager into scope. This allows the trace call to include details of any active transaction in the record of schedule operations.

  RULE log thread schedule operations with details of current TX
  METHOD schedule(Runnable)
  IMPORT javax.transaction.api
  BIND runnableKlazz = $1.getClass().getName()
  DO traceln(runnableKlazz + "scheduled at " +
             System.currentTimeMillis() + in TX " +

Note that the format of the module name following the IMPORT keyword is specific to the module system being used. In this case the name identifies the module used by JBoss EAP to deploy the Java EE Transactions API classes.

It is possible to import more than one module by adding repeated IMPORT declarations. Also, when writing a script imports may be written at top level (outside of rule scope) accumulating a list of imports that apply to subsequent rules. An empty IMPORT statement at top level will clear the current accumulated imports list. An empty IMPORT statement in the body of a RULE will clear any script level imports just for that rule.

  # import the TX and JPA APIs
  IMPORT javax.transaction.api
  IMPORT javax.persistence.api

  RULE resolve TX and JPA classes
  CLASS . . .
  METHOD . . .
  IMPORT javax.transaction.api
  . . .

  # cancel script level APIs and use hibernate APIs
  RULE resolve Hibernate classes
  CLASS  . . .
  METHOD . . .
  IMPORT org.hibernate
  . . .

  # cancel all script level APIs

  RULE resolve only trigger class scope
  . . .

In order for module imports to work Byteman has to be able to type check the rule using a class loader which looks up type by name first via the target class’s loader and then via the classloaders for any imported modules. Since this is a module system-specific task it requires the use of a module system-specific extension jar.

Byteman supports a plugin architecture to install an extension which will handle IMPORT declarations. You need to configure an appropiate module system plugin when you install the Byteman agent if you want to be able to use imports. Details of how to configure this plugin are provided in chapter Using Byteman below.

Currently, Byteman ships with only the one JBoss Modules plugin, for use with JBoss EAP and related products that use the JBoss Modules module system. Eventually, Byteman will provide plugins for other module systems such as the most popular OSGi implementations and, perhaps, the JDK’s own Jigsaw module system