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Terraform AWS CloudFront Distribution Module


module "cf_dist" {
  source             = ""
  env_tag            = "dev"
  origin_domain_name = ""
  origin_id          = "s3-bucket-name"
  repo_name          = "test"


  • Terraform version 0.12.16 or greater


Name Type Description Default
env_tag string The environment tag for the resources.
data_sensitivity_tag string The data-sensitivity tag for the resources. confidential
repo_name string The name of the repo containing the site.
price_class number The price class of the distribution. 100
origin_domain_name string The domain name of the origin.
origin_id string A unique ID for thebv origin.
origin_path string Path to where the distribution should send traffic. Empty String
origin_protocol_policy string The origin protocol policy to apply to your origin. match-viewer
index_doc string The index document of the distribution.
cname string The CNAME for the distribution. DNS must be setup separately.
cname_ssl_cert_arn string The ARN for the SSL cert for the custom URL.
wait_for_deployment bool Wait for the distribution to fully deploy before Terraform completes. true
query_string_forwarding bool Defines if the distribution should forward the query string. false
cookies_forwarding string Defines if the distribution forward cookies. You can specify all or none none
allowed_methods set(string) Methods the distribution will forward. ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT"]
cached_methods set(string) Methods the distribution will cache. ["GET", "HEAD"]


Name Type Description
cloudfront_dist object The CloudFront distribution object.