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File metadata and controls

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An android agent that can be controlled via torques supplied to its joints. See :class:`~holodeck.agents.AndroidAgent` for more details.

Control Schemes

Android Direct Torques (0)
A 94 dimensional vector of continuous values representing torques to be applied at each joint. See :ref:`android-joints` below for a description of the joint indicies.
Android Max Scaled Torques (1)

A 94 dimensional vector of continuous values between [-1, 1] representing the scaled torques to be applied at each joint. See :ref:`android-joints` below for a description of the joint indicies.

1 represents the maximum forward torque and -1 the maximum torque in the opposite direction.

Android Joints

The control scheme for the android and the :class:`~holodeck.sensors.JointRotationSensor` use a 94 length vector refer to 48 joints.

To gain insight into these joints, refer to the table below, or use the :meth:`~holodeck.agents.AndroidAgent.joint_ind` helper method to convert a name (eg spine_02) to and index (6).


Note that the index given is the start index for the joint, see the section header for how many values after this index each joint has.

Example: neck_01 starts at index 3, and has [swing1, swing2, twist] , so index 3 in the 94 length vector corresponds to swing1, 4 corresponds to swing2, and 5 corresponds to twist for neck_01.

Returned in the following order:

Head, Spine, and Arm joints

Each has [swing1, swing2, twist]

0 head
3 neck_01
6 spine_02
9 spine_01
12 upperarm_l
15 lowerarm_l
18 hand_l
21 upperarm_r
24 lowerarm_r
27 hand_r

Leg Joints

Each has [swing1, swing2, twist]

30 thigh_l
33 calf_l
36 foot_l
39 ball_l
42 thigh_r
45 calf_r
48 foot_r
51 ball_r

First joint of each finger

Has only [swing1, swing2]

54 thumb_01_l
56 index_01_l
58 middle_01_l
60 ring_01_l
62 pinky_01_l
64 thumb_01_r
66 index_01_r
68 middle_01_r
70 ring_01_r
72 pinky_01_r

Second joint of each finger

Has only [swing1]

74 thumb_02_l
75 index_02_l
76 middle_02_l
77 ring_02_l
78 pinky_02_l
79 thumb_02_r
80 index_02_r
81 middle_02_r
82 ring_02_r
83 pinky_02_r

Third joint of each finger

Has only [swing1]

84 thumb_03_l
85 index_03_l
86 middle_03_l
87 ring_03_l
88 pinky_03_l
89 thumb_03_r
90 index_03_r
91 middle_03_r
92 ring_03_r
93 pinky_03_r

AndroidAgent Bones

The :class:`~holodeck.sensors.RelativeSkeletalPositionSensor` returns an array with four entries for each bone listed below.

Index Bone Name
0 pelvis
4 spine_01
8 spine_02
12 spine_03
16 clavicle_l
20 upperarm_l
24 lowerarm_l
28 hand_l
32 index_01_l
36 index_02_l
40 index_03_l
44 middle_01_l
48 middle_02_l
52 middle_03_l
56 pinky_01_l
60 pinky_02_l
64 pinky_03_l
68 ring_01_l
72 ring_02_l
76 ring_03_l
80 thumb_01_l
84 thumb_02_l
88 thumb_03_l
92 lowerarm_twist_01_l
96 upperarm_twist_01_l
100 clavicle_r
104 upperarm_r
108 lowerarm_r
112 hand_r
116 index_01_r
120 index_02_r
124 index_03_r
128 middle_01_r
132 middle_02_r
136 middle_03_r
140 pinky_01_r
144 pinky_02_r
148 pinky_03_r
152 ring_01_r
156 ring_02_r
160 ring_03_r
164 thumb_01_r
168 thumb_02_r
172 thumb_03_r
176 lowerarm_twist_01_r
180 upperarm_twist_01_r
184 neck_01
188 head
192 thigh_l
196 calf_l
200 calf_twist_01_l
204 foot_l
208 ball_l
212 thigh_twist_01_l
216 thigh_r
220 calf_r
224 calf_twist_01_r
228 foot_r
232 ball_r
236 thigh_twist_01_r


  • CameraSocket located in the middle of the android's face
  • Viewport located behind the agent
  • All of the joints may be used as sockets. See :ref:`android-joints`.