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If you are on Github, it is recommended you view the full documentation HERE.

This tool is built to interface with Canvas, a Learning Management System built by Instructure. It provides the framework for a development team to build and deploy mass-maintenance tools. It is not built by Instructure. It was built by Brigham Young University - Idaho, and is maintained by them.

Setup - Production

To set up your own instance of Katana, follow these steps:

  1. Install Git and use it to clone the repository

  2. Install NodeJS if is not installed

  3. In the terminal, run: npm install

  4. (TEMP: Set up CANVAS_API_TOKEN environment variable | Will become canvas developer key)

  5. Deploy Firebase using the steps described in this document

  6. Build production files with ng build --prod

  1. In the terminal, run: npm start to start server.js (which will start Katana on port 8000)

  2. Follow any additional setup processes you need

We strongly recommend that you install our Canvas Course Exporter tool as well, so that anything that doesn't go according to plan in your Katana development can be fixed with a backed-up course.


For development, use the following commands:

npm run fullbuild to build the angular front-end and launch the server immediately after

npm start to launch the server if the angular front-end is already built

npm run docs to run Compodocs on your Katana Project

npm run insFullbuild to build the angular front-end and launch the server with the --inspect-brk flag

Once the angular front-end is built and the server is running, Katana can then be accessed via localhost:8000 (or whichever port you specify in server/settings.json).

You can also deploy it for others to use by using your IP Address and your port number. So if you were running on port 8000 and your IP Address was then you could deploy it on your network with the url, though hosting it on a server with a url for your users to access would of course be better.


Additional Setup

Set up a Node Tool
Set up Firebase
Enabling Accounts on Firebase

Client Architecture (Angular)

Angular Structure Documentation

Server Architecture (Express)
