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Releases: byutrg/Csh-MultiTerm-TBX-Converter

Release v1.0.0.5: Improvements to Queue Bundling

04 Sep 03:19
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This version aims to improve the handling queue bundling and fix a few other things as well. Queue bundling still doesn't work quite the same way as the Perl converter. Especially in the handling of the final "target" of the 3 item queue bundle, which is more or less entirely ignored by this current converter. It may eventually be handled, but it depends on whether it was ever necessary to begin with or if it was just a necessary artifact which the Perl converter needed but isn't needed in C# using System.Xml.Linq.

Download the below and extract somewhere on your drive. Then run MultiTermTBXConverter.exe.

Improved Performance for Large Termbases

01 Oct 07:35
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We switched from System.Xml to System.Xml.Linq and made some other bug fixes in this release.

Code Improvements and Queue-Bundling Helper

23 May 04:45
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  • Improved code practices
  • Added a help window for the queue-bundling page

Bug Fixes and Order Handling

01 May 01:51
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  • comment out <xref> elements which have no or invalid @target
  • more jumbled mapping output fixed
  • reorder elements, such that auxInfo comes before <langSec>, <termSec>, and auxInfo comes after <term>

Bug Fixes

18 Apr 00:37
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  • missing images fixed
  • jumbled Template Set contents fixed

v1.0.0.0 First Official Release

06 Mar 07:17
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This is the first release of the merged MultiTerm-TBX Mapping Wizard and the MultiTerm-TBX Converter.