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Pre-release 0.4

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@byxor byxor released this 03 Dec 16:49
· 43 commits to master since this release
     __                    __           _       _
  /\ \ \_____   _____ _ __/ _\ ___ _ __(_)_ __ | |_
 /  \/ / _ \ \ / / _ \ '__\ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
/ /\  /  __/\ V /  __/ |  _\ \ (__| |  | | |_) | |_
\_\ \/ \___| \_/ \___|_|  \__/\___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
           The QB programming language.

Release 0.4

Usage of ns:
  -c string
        Specify a file to compile (.ns).
        Display output from roq decompiler (roq.exe must be in your PATH).
  -o string
        Specify the output file name.
        Display the compiled bytecode in hex format.


This build adds experimental shorthand syntax to return booleans from scripts that aren't registered as "member functions" within the engine:

When we have a script that returns true or false...
We can use @ before invoking it to use its return value as the condition of our if-statement.

Example 1

script YourCode {
    if @ YourBooleanScript {
        printf "Your script returned true"

script YourBooleanScript {
    if Something {
        return true
    } else {
        return false

Behind the scenes, this gets translated to:

script YourCode {
    if (<__boolean_value__> = 1) {
        printf "Your script returned true"

script YourBooleanScript {
    if Something {
        return __boolean_value__ = 1
    } else {
        return __boolean_value__ = 0

Example 2

if @(is_north) {
    printf "north"
} else if @(is_east) {
    printf "east"
} else if @(is_south) {
    printf "south"
} else if @(is_west) {
    printf "west"

Which gets translated to:

if (<__boolean_value__> = 1) {
    printf "north"
} else {
    if (<__boolean_value__> = 1) {
        printf "east"
    } else {
        if (<__boolean_value__> = 1) {
            printf "south"
        } else {
            if (<__boolean_value__> = 1) {
                printf "west"

Whatever the next expression after @ is, it will be moved to its own line before the if-statement.