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maven plugin which reduces the mule-application.jar files created by mule4 applications


Add following section to your pom.xml (maybe with up-to-date versions):


and then during building the repository/**/jar files will be replaced by placeholders. (you may set the plugin/execution section into a profile to not replace the jar content always). Another possibility is to call mvn package -Dcompress-jar-skip=true

Add this profile to the pom.xml

								<!-- phase is clean to hook into:
									(validate requires maven >= 3.3.3)
									<!-- resolve as many artifacts before running jar-refill to use normal dependency resolution
										and not internal downloadArtifact via org.twdata.maven.mojoexecutor.MojoExecutor -->
								<!-- phase is clean to hook into:
									(validate requires maven >= 3.3.3)

to ensure the placeholders are removed before

mvn clean mule:deploy -P deploy-to-cloud-z-os

is executed. (!) you need to execute clean and mule:deploy for above configuration.

Manual usage:

mvn io.github.c-a-services:mule4-jar-size-reducer-maven-plugin:LATEST:jar-compress


mvn io.github.c-a-services:mule4-jar-size-reducer-maven-plugin:LATEST:jar-refill

Known workarounds

In case go-offline fails with

Could not find artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:jar:3.6.1

you need to add an existing version to your pluginManagement section: See (mulesoft/mule-maven-plugin#336)

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