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  • Guide of Building Developing Environment on Archlinux

Packages to be installed


base base-devel fish git tmux gitmux-bin git-delta lazygit yazi vim neovim fzf eza dua-cli bat ripgrep fd handlr zoxide btop paru reflector fastfetch lua python-pip aria2 xclip zip unzip atool ouch

source-highlight mediainfo aspell-en libmythes mythes-en ffmpeg ffmpegthumbnailer emacs-git w3m jq moreutils poppler xdot calc scc watchexec proxychains wget transmission-cli yt-dlp shellcheck-static shfmt luarocks cppcheck upx hunspell neomutt npm nodejs clang gdb cmake bear meson ninja sccache ccls powertop auto-cpufreq input-remapper-git

i3-wm i3lock i3status-rust dunst picom-git feh pavucontrol blueman gnome-icon-theme vimix-cursors polkit-gnome lxappearance-gtk3 qt5ct doublecmd-qt5

qtile-git dunst picom-git feh pavucontrol blueman gnome-icon-theme vimix-cursors polkit-gnome lxappearance-gtk3 qt5ct doublecmd-qt5 `pip install dbus-next psutil`

hyprland wayland nwg-look waybar rofi-wayland greetd-gtkgreet waybar-module-pacman-updates-git pip install pyprland

  1. no systray in waybar
  2. flameshot does not work
  3. copyq doesn’t work mostly

fci5x5-im fcitx5-rime


xorg-xhost xdotool xorg-xev xorg-xwininfo xorg-xrandr wmctrl

rust (`curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`)
sudo pacman -S rustup rust-analyzer && rustup default stable

cargo install cargo-edit cargo-audit cargo-outdated cargo-cache cargo-diet cargo-modules cargo-bloat cargo-watch cargo-nextest cargo-update xidlehook

valgrind qcachegrind gperftools

gdbgui (binary downloaded from github release page, do not install using pip)


alacritty kitty firefox mpv brave-bin audacious meld fuse fuse-exfat exfat-utils file-roller copyq qimgv-git kimageformats qpdfview noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-cjk font-manager flameshot peek rofi thunderbird drawio-desktop-bin

vlc imagemagick darktable krita krita-plugin-gmic audacious easytag

Installed using pip

ipython pip_search wheel pynvim rope ropemacs pep8 pylint ptpython pygments pudb codespell gdb-tools colour-valgrind scan-build compiledb gpustat visidata gdbfrontend yt-dlp

for spacemacs

pip install importmagic epc flake8 pytest nose autoflake black isort mypy cmake-language-server pygls==0.8.1 cmake_format python-lsp-server ‘python-lsp-server[all]’

npm install -g prettier import-js eslint typescript typescript-language-server tern lua-fmt prettier-plugin-toml vscode-json-languageserver bash-language-server vim-language-server

for space-vim

Actions to be done for KDE

Disable/uninstall **baloo** (can be replaced by fsearch/angrysearch(GUI) or just locate(CLI))

  1. balooctl staus; balooctl disable
  2. rm -rfv ~/.local/share/baloo
  3. System Settings -> Seach -> File Search -> Disable
  4. Note some/all baloo related packages cannot be uninstalled beause of KDE
  5. find baloo service file in /usr/share/dbus-1/services, comment out content

Disable/unisnall **akonadi**

  1. akonadictl status; akonadictl stop
  2. rm -rfv ~/.config/akonadi ~/.local/share/akonadi
  3. uninstall akonadi related packages

Disable/uninstall **KWallet/ksshaskpass**

  1. System Settings -> Account Details -> KDE Wallet -> Disable
  2. Edit “Enabled=false” in ~/.config/kwalletrc
  3. `unset SSH_ASKPASS` in bash or `set -e SSH_ASKPASS` in fish
  4. uninstall kwallet/ksshaskpass related packages
  5. find kwalletd service file in /usr/share/dbus-1/services, comment out content

Other packages need to be uninstall

  1. kfind
  2. kget

Installed for KDE

  1. Aritim dark/light Global Theme/Plasma Style/Windows Decorations/Colors
  2. Kbeat widget
  3. Fokus widget
  4. Netspeed widget
  5. Night Color Control widget
  6. Sticky Window Snapping in KWin Scripts