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End-to-end testing framework for web dashboard, using Playwright and Cucumber.

Getting started


  • First of all, git clone e2e boilerplate:
git clone
  • Install dependencies
yarn install
  • Install Playwright browser
npx playwright install
  • The environment variables starting with E2E_ in .env.example are required for success execution.
    • On local, these environment variables should be placed inside file .env, e.g.
Environment variables description
name description
E2E_BASE_URL URL to web dashboard
E2E_SKIP_PROJECTS Projects to skip (all available projects are in playwright.config.ts).
E2E_ONLY_PROJECTS Projects to be executed (projects that is not included will not be executed). This option is valid only if E2E_SKIP_PROJECTS is not set.
E2E_TAGS Cucumber tag expression of scenarios to be executed on CI environment.

Test execution

Common commands are defined in package.json

Command explaination

To make use of cucumber BDD nature and Playwright test runner, test cases are defined in feature files (*.feature), and before execution these feature files will be translated into Playwright spec files (in folder <project_root>/.features-gen), then these spec files will be executed using Playwright runner.

Therefore the run command consists of 2 parts, i.e. generation of spec files and test execution, e.g.

// File package.json
  // ...
  "scripts" : {
    // ...
    "e2e" : "yarn bddgen && yarn playwright test",

Local environment

Please contact authorized team members for file data/user.local.json. It stores credentials to login to web dashboard.

Then use below commands for local execution:

  • Run all tests
yarn e2e:local
  • Run tests filtered by Cucumber tag expression: Specify tag expression in command, e.g.
E2E_TAGS="@Debug" yarn e2e:tag-local
  • Run tests in UI mode
E2E_TAGS="@Debug" yarn e2e:ui
  • Show last execution report
yarn e2e:report

CI environment

  • Run all tests
yarn e2e
  • Run tests filtered by Cucumber tag expression: Modify tag expression in env file, e.g. E2E_TAGS="@Feature:A or @Feature:B", then
yarn e2e:tag

Build library

  • Bundle two files src/features/common.step.ts and src/pages/ which can be reused
    yarn build
  • The dist folder will created as:
    ├── page.d.mts
    ├── page.d.ts
    ├── page.js
    ├── page.mjs
    ├── step.d.mts
    ├── step.d.ts
    ├── step.js
    ├── step.mjs
  • In the file package.json, export the entry as:
      "main": "./dist/page.js",
      "module": "./dist/page.mjs",
      "types": "./dist/page.d.ts",
      "files": ["dist"],
      "exports": {
        ".": "./dist/page.js",
        "./step": "./dist/step.js"

Project Directory

├── common
│   ├── constant.ts
│   ├── enum.ts
│   ├── fixtures.ts
│   ├── types
│   │   ├── common.ts
│   │   ├── data.ts
│   │   ├── exception.ts
│   │   └── secrets.ts
│   └── utils.ts
├── features
│   ├── <group>
│   │   ├── <group>.data.ts
│   │   ├── <group>.feature
│   │   └── <group>.step.ts
│   ├── common.step.ts
├── pages
│   ├──
│   ├── <group>.page.ts
├── common.json
├── secrets.json

Writing E2E Scenario Test

Scenario definition

  • Scenarios are defined in feature file *.feature under folder features/<group>.

    • <group> is the group of features, or it can be the name of page where these scenarios will be applied.
  • The common steps should be used if applicable (see features/common.step.ts). If there is a new step, it should follow the naming convention:

    • It should be unique.
    • Therefore, it should contain the context of step like the feature description or part of page that will be affected by that step.
      • e.g. I select random FROM date in UM Filter modal
        • UM is the feature (User management)
        • Filter modal is where the action select FROM date occurs
  • The feature step (the step can be only executed in specified scenario) should be placed in features/<group>/<group>.step.ts. For example: Login Feature

Working with Data

Internal Data

  • For non-confidential data, it should be placed inside feature file or in common.json and it is passed directly to step as paramters. Note that these data should also not be different in different environments, otherwise it should be treated as confidential data.
Scenario Outline: Sample scenario
    Given I go to homepage
    And I click sort by "<criteria>"
    Then Items in homepage should be sorted by "<criteria>"
      | criteria |
      | name     |
      | date     |

External data

  • We have 2 types of external data: common and secrets test data. For common action like click button, input text. We need to define data for each feature in json like:
// File common.json
    "address": {
        "name": "E2E4",
        "address": "0x8881bA8f386431661C90D89EEB87C15f0Ea85FbF"
  • For confidential (secrets) data, it should be placed inside an external JSON file secrets.json, and then the data is loaded and used in step function of page (see below section). To get JSON file for runnning locally, please ask authorized members in team.
// File secrets.json
  "admin": {
    "email": "",
    "password": "password"
  "user": {
    "email": "",
    "password": "password"
  • To use the data in a scenario, refer to its name in the JSON file depending on whether it's secret or common.
Scenario: Login successfully with correct account
  Given I go to login page
  When I type secret data with key "" to input with locator "input[name='email']"
  And I type secret data with key "user.password" to input with locator "input[name='password']"
  And I click button with locator "form > button"
  Then I should be in home page


After defining the scenario, we have to implement functions that are embedded with the content of the step.

Step function

  • Step: When I click button with locator "form > button" will have step function that implemented in common.step.ts:
When('I click button with locator {string} at index {int}', async ({ basePage }, locator, index) => {
  await basePage.clickByLocator(locator, index)
  • Test function should only contain calls to page objects and assertion logic.

Page object class

  • A page object class:
    • Located at pages/<page_name>.page.ts
    • Must extends BasePage
    • Contains locators and actions that can be performed in that page.
      • Locators should be public so it can be accessed by step for assertions.
      • Actions should be defined as public methods in the class. If there is a new common methods for all pages, it should be placed inside BasePage instead.
      • If a dynamic locator is needed, a method should be created to returns the locator based on given variables.
  • Constants are placed in common/enum.ts. All constants related to a page object should belong to a single enum.
export class UserManagementPage extends BasePage {
  firstSearchEntry: Locator;

  constructor(page: Page) {
    // constant USER_MANAGEMENT_PAGE.PATH is defined in enum file

    // initialize locator in constructor
    this.firstSearchEntry =
      `table tr:nth-child(1) td:nth-child(1) p`,
    // ...

  // dynamic locator
  async getCellValue(rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) {
      `table tr:nth-child(${rowIndex + 1}) td:nth-child(${columnIndex})`,

  // an action
  async gotoFirstSearchResult() {
    const searchEntryText = await this.firstSearchEntry.innerText();
    await this.clickByText(searchEntryText);
    // this.clickByText is a common method/action, placed in BasePage
  // ...


  • After page object class is defined, there should be a corresponding fixture for it (in common/fixtures.ts):
// ...

export type PageObjectFixtures = {
  basePage: BasePage;
  userManagementPage: UserManagementPage; // define fixture for UserManagementPage
  // ...

export const test = base.extend<
  DataFixtures & HooksFixtures & PageObjectFixtures
  // ...

  basePage: ({ page }, use) => use(new BasePage(page, '')),
  // creation logic of fixture userManagementPage
  userManagementPage: ({ page }, use) => use(new UserManagementPage(page)),
  // ...

// these Given, When, Then function will be use instead of default ones
export const { Given, When, Then } = createBdd(test);

From above example, it can be seen that all page object fixtures use the same instance of Playwright page object, therefore a scenario can contains steps of different pages (But previous steps should navigate to the corresponding page in the next step).

  • The page object fixture will then be available in any step function:
  'I click first UM search result',
  async ({ userManagementPage }) => {
    // use fixture userManagementPage when refer to page UserManagementPage
    await userManagementPage.gotoFirstSearchResult();
  • Shared data between steps: There is a dedicated fixture secretDataProvider or commonDataProvider for storing secret and common data between steps in a scenario.
  'I type secret data with key {string} to input with role {string}',
  async ({ secretDataProvider, basePage }, dataKey, inputName) => {
    const dataContent = getDataByKey(secretDataProvider.secretsData ?? dataKey, dataKey) ?? dataKey
    await basePage.fillByRoleTextbox(inputName, dataContent)

A new shared data should be defined as an attribute of class ScenarioData (in common/types/data.ts)