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astro committed Jan 22, 2010
0 parents commit cab4e18
Showing 1 changed file with 180 additions and 0 deletions.
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions pentalog.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
module Main (main) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C
import Data.Attoparsec
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Data.Char (chr, ord, isDigit)
import Control.Monad (liftM, forM_, forM)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.IO
import System (system)
import System.Directory (removeFile)

-- For elder GHC, base, time without instance Ix Date
dateRange (begin, end) | begin < end
= begin : dateRange (addDays 1 begin, end)
| otherwise
= [end]

data Request = Get Day C.ByteString Integer
| Unknown
deriving (Show)
reqIsGet (Get _ _ _) = True
reqIsGet _ = False

parseLine :: C.ByteString -> Request
parseLine = getResult . parse line
where getResult (_, Right a) = a
line = do ip <- word
ident <- word
user <- word
char '['
date <- parseDate `liftM` takeWhile ((/= ']') . chr . fromIntegral)
char ']'
char '"'
method <- word
path <- word
ver <- word
code <- num
size <- num
return $ if code >= 200 && code < 300
then Get date path size
else Unknown
char = word8 . fromIntegral . ord
space = char ' '
word = takeWhile $ (/= ' ') . chr . fromIntegral
num = (maybe 0 fst . C.readInteger) `liftM` takeWhile (isDigit . chr . fromIntegral)
-- Here be dragons
parseDate = utctDay .
fromMaybe undefined .
parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z" .
utcToUnix utc = truncate $ diffUTCTime utc utc1970
utc1970 = fromMaybe undefined $ parseTime defaultTimeLocale "" ""

type Stats k = Map k FileStats
type FileStats = Map Day Integer

collectRequest :: Stats C.ByteString -> Request -> Stats C.ByteString
collectRequest stats (Get day file size)
= Map.alter (Just .
Map.alter (Just .
(+ size) .
fromMaybe 0
) day .
fromMaybe Map.empty
) file stats

reducePentaMedia :: Stats C.ByteString -> Stats (String, String)
= Map.mapKeys (\fn ->
let fn' = last $ split '/' fn
fn'' = split '.' fn'
ext = last fn''
fn''' = intercalate "." $
take (length fn'' - 1) fn''
in (fn''', ext)
) .
Map.filterWithKey (\fn _ ->
fn /= "" &&
isValid fn &&
oneDot fn &&
(fn `startsWith` "/pentaradio/" ||
fn `startsWith` "/pentacast/")
) .
-- TODO: URL normalization & URI decoding
Map.mapKeys C.unpack
where startsWith a b = take (length b) a == b
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split c s = case break (== c) s of
(s', c:s'') -> s' : split c s''
(s, "") -> [s]
oneDot ('.':s) = oneDot' s
oneDot (_:s) = oneDot s
oneDot "" = False
oneDot' ('.':_) = False
oneDot' (_:s) = oneDot' s
oneDot' "" = True
isValid ('?':_) = False
isValid ('&':_) = False
isValid (_:s) = isValid s
isValid "" = True

groupByExt :: Stats (String, String) -> Map String (Stats String)
= Map.foldWithKey (\(fn, ext) stats ->
Map.alter (Just . Map.insert ext stats . fromMaybe Map.empty
) fn
) Map.empty

createFiles :: Map String (Stats String) -> IO ()
createFiles fnStats
= do forM_ (Map.toList fnStats) $ \(fn, extStats) ->
do putStrLn $ fn ++ " " ++ (show $ Map.keys extStats)
render fn extStats
writeFile "index.html" indexSource
where indexSource = "<h1>Pentamedia Stats</h1>" ++
concatMap (\fn -> "<h2>" ++ fn ++ "</h2><img src=\"" ++ fn ++ ".png\"/>") (Map.keys fnStats)
render fn extStats
= do dataSources <- forM (zip [0..] $ Map.toList extStats) $ \(i, (ext, stats)) ->
do writeData i stats
return $ (ext, dataFile i)
writeFile plotSourceFile $ plotSource (fn ++ ".png") dataSources
system $ "gnuplot " ++ plotSourceFile
removeFile plotSourceFile
plotSource :: String -> [(String, String)] -> String
plotSource outfile dataSources
= "set terminal png\n" ++
"set output '" ++ outfile ++ "'\n" ++
"set xdata time\n" ++
"set timefmt \"%Y-%m-%d\"\n" ++
"set xlabel \"Date\"\n" ++
"set ylabel \"Bytes\"\n" ++
"plot" ++
concatMap (\(i, (ext, dataFile)) ->
(if i == 0
then " "
else ", ") ++
"'" ++ dataFile ++ "' using 1:2 title '" ++ ext ++ "' with lines"
) (zip [0..] dataSources)
plotSourceFile = "graph.gnuplot"
dataFile :: Int -> String
dataFile i = "data-" ++ show i
writeData :: Int -> FileStats -> IO ()
writeData i stats
= withFile (dataFile i) WriteMode $ \f ->
forM_ (fillDayStats stats) $ \(day, size) ->
hPutStrLn f $ show day ++ " " ++ show size
fillDayStats :: FileStats -> [(Day, Integer)]
fillDayStats stats
= do day <- dateRange (fst $ Map.findMin stats, fst $ Map.findMax stats)
return (day, fromMaybe 0 $ Map.lookup day stats)

main = C.getContents >>=
createFiles .
groupByExt .
reducePentaMedia .
foldl' collectRequest Map.empty .
filter reqIsGet .
map parseLine .

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