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Notes xcodeproj
  1. 1. A little History
  2. 2. A modern language
  3. 3. A safe language
  4. 4. Open Source
  5. 5. Hello World
  6. 6. Terminal
  7. 7. Playground
  1. 1. Constants
  2. 2. Variables
  3. 3. Constant or Variable
  4. 4. Naming Constants and Variables
  5. 5. Comments
  6. 6. Types
  7. 7. Type Safety
  8. 8. Type Inference
  9. 9. Required values
  1. 1. Assign a value
  2. 2. Basic Arithmetic
  3. 3. Compound Assignment
  4. 4. Order of Operations
  5. 5. Numeric type conversion
  1. 1. Logical Operators
  2. 2. If statements
  3. 3. if-else Statements
  4. 4. Boolean Values
  5. 5. Switch Statement
  6. 6. Ternary Operator
  1. 1. Xcode Interface
  2. 2. Xcode file types
  3. 3. Keyboard Shorcuts
  4. 4. Xcode Preferences
  1. 1. Building and Running
  2. 2. Using a Personal Device
  3. 3. Building and Running Wirelessly
  4. 4. Debugging an Application
  5. 5. Warnings
  6. 6. Compile Errors
  7. 7. Bugs
  8. 8. Lab - Debug your first app
At a glance
  1. 1. Documentation Browser
  2. 2. Sample Code and Guides
  3. 3. Lab - Use Documentation
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Storyboards
  2. 2. Interface Builder Layout
  3. 3. Outlets and Actions
  4. 4. A note about Interface Builder
  5. 5. Lab - Use Interface Builder
At a glance: Notes
  1. Part 1: Create a button and an Action
  2. Part 2: Change the background
  3. Part 3: Update the button text
  4. Part 4: Improve the User Experience
  5. WrapUp


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