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At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Optionals
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Type Casting
  2. 2. Any
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Guard with optionals
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Variable Shadowing
  2. 2. Shadowing and Initializers
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Control Flow
  2. 2. Type Safety Benefits
  3. 3. Raw Values
  4. 4. Associated Values
  5. 5. How to combine the use of Associated Values and Row values
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Segues
  2. 2. Create Triggered Segues
  3. 3. Unwind Segue
  4. 4. Navigation Controllers
  5. 5. Navigation Bar
  6. 6. Navigation Item
  7. 7. Large Titles
  8. 8. Pass Information
  9. 9. Create Programmatic Segues
  10. 10. Lab - Login (click to go to the project
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Add Tab Bar Controller
  2. 2. Add Tabs
  3. 3. Tab Bar Items
  4. 4. Customize Tab Bar Items
  5. 5. Programmatic Customization
  6. 6. Even More Tab Items
  7. 7. Extend The Lesson - More View Controllers
  8. 8. Challenge
  9. 9. Refactor to Storyboard...
  10. 10. Lab - About Me
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. View Controller Life Cycle
  2. 2. View Did Load
  3. 3. View Event Management
  4. 4. View Will Appear and View Did Appear
  5. 5. View Will Disappear View Did Disappear
  6. 6. Challenge
  7. 7. LAB - Order of Events
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Designing Principles
  2. 2. Human Interface Guidelines
  3. 3. Navigation Hierarchy
  4. 4. Example Workflow
  5. 5. Lab - Pizza Delivery

The app is a game that is going to reflect part of your personality, it has answers that maybe make no sense but it is an actual game.

Notes xcodeproj
  1. 1. Project Planning
  2. 2. Project Setup
  3. 3. Create questions and answers
  4. 4. Models and Outlets
  5. 5. Calculate and display results


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