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In order to update an existing Git submodule execute: (You might need permissions from Owner to get submodules)

git submodule update --remote --merge

This app converts values between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees Celsius.

Notes Code Diagrams xcodeproj
  1. 1. View Basics
  2. 2. The View Hierarchy
  3. 3. Creating a New Project
  4. 4. View and Frames
  5. 5. customizing the labels
  6. 6. The Auto Layout System
  7. 7. The alignment rectangle and layout attributes
  8. 8. Constraints
  9. 9. Adding Constraints in Interface Builder
  10. 10. Intrinsic Content Size
  11. 11. Misplaced views
  12. 12. Adding more constraints
  13. 13. Bronze Challenge: More Auto Layout Practice
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Text Editing
  2. 2. Keyboard attributes
  3. 3. Responding to text field changes
  4. 4. Dismissing the keyboard
  5. 5. Implementing the Temperature Conversion
  6. 6. Number formatters
  7. 7. Delegation
  8. 8. Conforming to a protocol
  9. 9. Using a Delegate
  10. 10. More on protocols
  11. 11. Bronze Challenge: Disallow Alphabetic Characters
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. The View of a View Controller
  2. 2. Setting the Initial ViewController
  3. 3. UITabBarController
  4. 4. Tab bar items
  5. 5. Loaded and Appearing Views
  6. 6. Accessing subviews
  7. 7. Interacting with View Controllers and Their Views
  8. 8. Silver Challenge: Dark Mode
  9. 9. For the more curious: Retina Display
  10. 10. Silver Challenge: Dark Mode
  11. 11. For the More Curious: Retina Display
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Creating a View Programmaticallu
  2. 2. Programmatic Constraints
  3. 3. Anchors
  4. 4. Activating Constraints
  5. 5. Layout guides
  6. 6. Margins
  7. 7. Explicit constraints
  8. 8. Programmatic Controls
  9. 9. Bronze Challenge: Another Tab
  10. 10. For the More Curious: NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraint
  11. 11. Silver Challenge: User's Location
  12. 12. Gold Challenge: Dropping Pins
At a glance: Notes
  1. 1. Internationalization
  2. 2. Formatters
  3. 3. Base internationalization
  4. 4. Preparing for localization
  5. 5. Localization
  6. 6. NSLocalizedString and strings tables
  7. 7. Bronze Challenge: Another Localization
  8. 8. For the More Curious: Bundle’s Role in Internationalization
  9. 9. For the More Curious: Importing and Exporting as XLIFF


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