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React Search Route

This library provides the ability to render children based off the existence of what resides in a querystring. Out of the box, react-router-dom does not support routing via query parameters for a plethora of reasons. So we decided to form an opinion and encapsulate querystring routing logic ourselves.


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master CircleCI


npm install @cala/react-search-route --save


Import components individually.

import SearchRoute, { SearchSwitch } from '@cala/react-search-route';

Or wrap it into a single statement.

import * as ReactSearchRoute from '@cala/react-search-route';

From there, you can use <SearchSwitch /> and <SearchRoute /> in effectively the same way as <Switch /> and <Route /> from react-router-dom. You'll also need to ensure that all route components are wrapped by a parent <BrowserRouter /> from react-router-dom.

const exactMatch = (): JSX.Element => <div>Matched</div>;
const noMatch = (): JSX.Element => <div>Do not match me</div>;
const partialMatch = (): JSX.Element => <div>Partial match</div>;

// ...

    <SearchRoute exact search={{ isFoo: 'true' }} render={exactMatch} />
      search={{ isFoo: 'true', doesBar: 'true' }}
      search={{ isFoo: 'true', doesBar: 'true' }}

For more examples, see the tests written in src/spec.tsx.


To tag off and release a new version to npm, run the release script:

$ ./bin/release patch    # 0.0.x - bug fixes
$ ./bin/release minor    # 0.x.0 - new features or changes
$ ./bin/release major    # x.0.0 - large, backwards-incompatible changes