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Hugues Ferland edited this page May 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the ETS wiki!

In this wiki, we will gather all sort of information about the application. The main goal, is to bring together information to make testing easier.

should bring sections into sub pages with link in this page, instead of everything in the same page...

Usage scenarios

While maintaining ETS, we might come over feature not always obvious how to use. This section of the wiki will document those features in a way it can be understood by other developers. The goal is to make testing easier over time.

Sign in Flight

When to use


Expected result

How to use:

  1. Select Attendance tab
  2. Open Pilot Options
  3. Choose Sign in Flight

Sign out Flight

When to use


Expected result

How to use:

Sign Out All Squadron Cadets

When to use


Expected result

How to use:

Sign in Pilot

When to use


Expected result

How to use:

Add / remove pilot photo

When to use


Expected result

How to use

  1. Select Attendance tab.
  2. Click on one of the pilot (if no pilot available, Sign in Pilot).
  3. Next to Last Name click on the image (if no image present, client on the photo link).
  4. To add, click on the camera button (top right) and choose an image from the photo album.
  5. To remove, click on the Remove Photo link (bottom right) and answer the warning dialog.