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backend: dx12
backend: dx12
backend: gfx
backend: gfx
An issue affecting all gfx-rs backends (Vulkan, DirectX 12, and Metal)
backend: metal
backend: metal
backend: opengl
backend: opengl
An issue with the OpenGL backend (glium)
backend: vulkan
backend: vulkan
category: graphics
category: graphics
An issue involving graphics
category: models
category: models
An issue regarding 3D models
category: performance
category: performance
difficulty: easy
difficulty: easy
An issue that is relatively easy to fix (the solution is obvious and simple)
difficulty: extreme
difficulty: extreme
An issue that is extremely difficult to fix
difficulty: high
difficulty: high
An issue that is difficult to fix (a fix is unknown and unfindable, and a fix is likely complex)
difficulty: medium
difficulty: medium
An issue that may take longer to fix (a fix might be unknown and more complex)
difficulty: trivial
difficulty: trivial
An issue with a trivial fix
This issue or pull request already exists
fix: known
fix: known
fix: unknown
fix: unknown
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
priority: high
priority: high
A high-priority issue
priority: low
priority: low
A low-priority issue
priority: medium
priority: medium
A medium-priority issue
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
New feature or request
type: question
type: question
Further information is requested
This will not be worked on