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Given and integer $k$ and a family of $m$ sets ${S_1, \dots, S_m}$ where $S_i \in [n]$, the Maximum Coverage Problem consists of finding $k$ sets whose union has largest cardinality. I implemented several streaming algorithms for the Maximum Coverage Problem, referred to in a paper I co-authored (paper). Name refers to the names used in our work and Codename refers to the codename used for executing the program:

Authors Name Codename
Jaud, Wirth and Choudhury $\mathbf{MACH}_\gamma'$ mgv
McGregor and Vu $\mathbf{OP}$ mgvo
Saha and Getoor $\mathbf{SG}$ sg
Yu and Yuan $\mathbf{YY}$ yy
Norouzi-Far et al. $\mathbf{2P}$ ajsaao
Badanidiyuru et al. $\mathbf{BMKK}$ bmkk


g++ -std=c++2a streaming-maximum-cover/*.cpp -o smc -O3


The dataset must be of the following format (one set per line):

<int> <int> ... <int>
<int> <int> ... <int>
<int> <int> ... <int>

An example (chess.dat) is given in the dataset folder. The dataset must also be located next to a file named dataset_infos.txt. It must include a summary of the dataset. Each line in dataset_infos.txt is of the format:

<dataset name> <size (Bytes)> <m> <n> <maximum set size>

An example is given in the dataset folder.


./smc <algo> <path> <dataset> <k> <eps> <inde>

Parameter Type Description
<path> string path the dataset folder (must end with "/")
<dataset> string filename of the dataset (must be inside <path>)
<k> int number of sets to select
<eps> float precision parameter $\varepsilon$ (only for mgv, mgvo, bmkk and ajsaao)
<inde> string codename of the independence factor $\gamma$ of the subsampling hash function (only for mgv and mgvo)

The possible values for <inde> are

Codename Description
fullsamp To execute the full sampling algorithm $\mathbf{MACH}_\text{fs}'$
full $\gamma = \lceil 2 \varepsilon^{-2} k \log m \rceil$
opt $\gamma = \lfloor k \log m / 3\rfloor$
pairwise $\gamma = 2$

For more detail regarding the independence factor $\gamma$, refer to our work or the work of McGregor and Vu.


The output consists of one line

<n>,<m>,<k>,<eps>,<algo>-<inde>,<|I|>,<|C|>,<space>,<subsampling time (ms)>,<total time (ms)>,<dataset name>

$|I|$ is the number of sets selected by the algorithm and $|C| = |\cup_{i \in I} S_i|$ is the coverage size of the solution. space evaluates the space complexity of the algorithm, it is the number of element instances stored during the execution.


Streaming Algorithm for Maximum Set Cover






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